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Keyboard Accessibility Plugin API
The jQuery Keyboard Accessibility Plugin makes it easy for developers to add keyboard handlers to their code without a lot of extra overhead.
Please note that, when used as a jQuery plugin, the Keyboard Accessibility API currently handles only two parameters. This is a bug in the current implementation that will be addressed in a future release. If more than two parameters are required, any parameters beyond the function name must be be enclosed in an array.
jQuery().fluid("activatable", customHandler); jQuery().fluid("activatable", parameterArray); // parameterArray = [customHandler, options]
Makes all matched elements activatable with the Spacebar and Enter keys. A handler function may be provided to trigger custom behaviour.
Name | Description |
| A function that will be called when the element is activated. |
| (Optional) A collection of name-value pairs that allow you to active elements using other keystrokes (see below). |
var handler = function (evt) { $("activated"); }; menu.items.fluid("activatable", handler);
Name | Description | Values | Default |
| An array of keycode options to use for activation. | An array of objects of the form { modifier: <a modifier keycode>, // e.g. $.ui.keyCode.SHIFT key: <a keycode>, // e.g. $.ui.keyCode.DOWN activateHandler: <a function> } | none |
Example with options:
var handler = function (evt) { $("activated"); }; / Bind the Space, Enter, and Down Arrow keys to the activate event. // Notice the use of "additionalBindings," which is required only for the Down Arrow Key. // By default, Space and Enter are set up for you. var opts = { additionalBindings: { modifier: null, key: $.ui.keyCode.DOWN, activateHandler: alternateActivate } }; menu.items.fluid("activatable", [handler, opts]);
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Activates all matched elements using the default activation handler. Note that if the user has made the elements "activatable" using activatable()
, that is the handler that will be used.
jQuery().fluid("selectable", options)
Invoked on a JQuery which is a "container" node: makes all matched elements descended from the container selectable with the arrow keys. Custom handlers can be provided to inject custom styling and logic.
NOTE: The container element must be keyboard focusable. If necessary, add tabindex="0"
to the container.
Name | Description |
| (Optional) A collection of name-value pairs that let you modify the plugin's default selection behaviour (see below). |
Name | Description | Values | Default |
| The set of nodes (a JQuery) which are to form the selectable set (these should all be nested within the DOM element representing the "container") | jQuery |
| A selector which will be used to locate the | string |
| A function to be invoked when an element is selected | function |
| A function to invoked when an element is unselected | function |
| A function to be invoked when focus leaves the container | function |
| Indicates the orientation of the selectable elements. This value will be used to determine the appropriate mapping for next and previous. |
| Indicates whether or not focus should be moved to the first child of the container (or to the last selected child, depending on | boolean |
| Indicates whether or not to keep track of which child element was most recently selected. | boolean |
New in v1.3: | Useful in cases where the selectable items may have keystrokes swallowing default handlers. If this option is true, the arrow key handler will be bound to the selectables themselves instead of their container. | boolean |
menu.container.fluid("selectable", { selectableSelector: ".menuItem", onSelect: function (evt) { <function to show sub menu> }, onUnselect: function (evt) { <function to hide sub menu> }, autoSelectFirstItem: false, rememberSelectionState: false });
Gets the currently selected element (invoked on the container element)
var currentMenuItem = menu.container.fluid("selectable.currentSelection");
select, selectNext, selectPrevious
jQuery().fluid("selectable.selectNext"); jQuery().fluid("selectable.selectPrevious"); jQuery().fluid("", elementToSelect);
Selects the next, previous, or specified element in the list of selectables (invoked on the jQuery for the container element)
Name | Description |
| The element to select |
menu.container.fluid("", secondMenuElement); menu.container.fluid("selectable.selectNext"); // will select third item menu.container.fluid("selectable.selectPrevious"); // will select second item again
Adds all matched elements to the tab order by giving them a tabindex attribute of "0." Note that if a matched element already has a tabindex value that places it in the tab order, the value is unchanged.
Deprecated. This code is now available in jQuery core. Use jQuery.attr("tabindex") instead.
Gets the tabindex value of the first matched element. If the element doesn't have a tabindex attribute, undefined
is returned. The value returned is normalized to a Number, since browser implementations vary.
jQuery().fluid("tabindex", value)
Sets the tabindex value on all matched elements. value
can be either a String or a Number, but valid tabindex attributes need to be integers.
Name | Description |
| The desired integer tabindex value. Can be either a String or a Number. |
The Keyboard Accessibility Plugin dependencies can be met by including the minified InfusionAll.js
file in the header of the HTML file:
<script type="text/javascript" src="InfusionAll.js"></script>
Alternatively, the individual file requirements are:
In v1.2 and earlier:
<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/jquery/core/js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/jquery/ui/js/jquery.ui.core.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="framework/core/js/jquery.keyboard-a11y.js"></script>
As of v1.3:
<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/jquery/core/js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/jquery/ui/js/jquery.ui.core.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="framework/core/js/FluidDocument.js"></script> <!-- New in v1.3 --> <script type="text/javascript" src="framework/core/js/jquery.keyboard-a11y.js"></script>