Documentation for a historical release of Infusion: 1.3
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ModuleLayoutHandler API - v0.4

This documentation refers to the v0.4 released version of the Module Layout Handler code.

The ModuleLayoutHandler is a Layout Handler used by the Layout Reorderer. It is designed to assist the Reorderer in working with arbitrary content modules, for example portlets in a portal environment.


new fluid.ModuleLayoutHandler(layout, targetPerms[, options]);



A set of key/value pairs that describe the structural layout of the modules, as follows:
   id: the string identifier of the container of the modules
   columns: an array of key/value pairs describing the columns of the module layout, as follows:
      id: the string identifier of the column element
      children: an array of the string identifiers of the modules in the given column.

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A layout object may look like this:

        { id:"c1", children:["portletA","portletB","portletC","portletD"]},
        { id:"c2", children:["portletE","portletF"]   },
        { id:"c3", children:["portletG","portletH","portletI"]}

The ModuleLayoutHandler (unlike the ListLayoutHandler API - v0.4 and GridLayoutHandler API - v0.4) works exclusively with the layou and targetPerms object, and does not query the actual DOM structure. For detailed information about the structure of the layout object, see Layout Customizer Integration - Layout and Permissions - v0.4


A two-dimensional array of binary flags describing the movement permissions of the modules.

For detailed information about the structure of the targetPerms object, see Layout Customizer Integration - Layout and Permissions - v0.4

options (optional)

An optional set of key/value pairs that configure the Layout Handler:






A function to be called each time the order of items has changed, to communicate the new order to the server. The item paramter is optional. (see Order-Changed Callback - v0.4)

a function

function(item) {};


A function to be called each time the drop warning is shown. If nothing is provided, the drop warning will be displayed superimposed on the module being moved.

a function

var defaultWillShowKBDropWarning = function (item, dropWarning) {
  if (dropWarning) {
    var offset = jQuery(item).offset();
    dropWarning = jQuery(dropWarning);
    dropWarning.css("position", "absolute");
    dropWarning.css("left", offset.left);