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Fluid Infusion Wordsmithing

Fluid Infusion: Beyond A Great User Experience.

When building rich interfaces for web applications, you'll probably face some fundamental questions:

  • How can I ensure users will love using this application, and keep coming back?
  • Testing in so many browsers and configurations can be overwhelming. Will this app work for everyone? How can I be sure?
  • Apps can get big fast— how can I keep the codebase manageable while still creating new features and adding value?
  • Creativity shouldn't be hindered by proprietary licenses. Can I modify the tools to suit our needs?

Infusion can help
Developed by an international group of software developers and interaction designers, Fluid Infusion combines JavaScript, CSS and (D)HTML, and user-centered design, rolling them all into a single package that sits on top of the popular jQuery toolkit. Infusion takes the pain out of developing accessible, high performance, clean and nimble front-ends for applications that want to go above and beyond.

Built with you in mind.

We think good interfaces should be easy to use and easy to build. Because we sit on top of jQuery (one of the most popular javascript toolkits), the learning curve for Infusion is minimal. Our approach is to leave you in control—it's your interface using your markup, your way.

Infusion comes with a lightweight and convenient CSS library to help you flesh out your layouts quickly, too.

Once you're using Infusion, we work to ensure that upgrading is pain-free with backwards compatibility, support for multiple versions, and solid APIs with thorough documentation.

Why choose Infusion?

Infusion does things a little differently than most other frameworks:

  • Flexible markup ensures you're free to change designs as you see fit, without worrying about breaking JavaScript code
  • Infusion uses a powerful events system to notify your code when something has happened, so that you can take interactions even further - or ignore them entirely.
  • No black boxes: everything in Infusion is designed to be modified, reworked, and adapted to suit your needs

We use a multi-pronged approach to developing code that works for everyone. Designers work alongside developers to deliver solid components. Fluid takes advantage of extensive user testing, iterative design techniques, ongoing streams of community feedback and proven design patterns to come up with solutions that work.

The Community

Talk directly with the people who make the software. Ask questions—get answers right away. Encouragement and growth are key to making the web a better place, and this is what we're striving for. So jump in, introduce yourself, maybe even contribute some code—we're happy to see you.

The Components

Infusion packs a library of full-featured and highly configurable, ready-to-use widgets. Juice up your user experience with drag-and-drop, inline editing, smart paging, and much more. All components support full keyboard accessibility out of the box, and work alongside jQuery UI to be as lean as possible.

The Approach

Let your creativity shine through. Infusion uses templates to create the UI, which means your markup can be flexible. Support for most A-Grade browsers is just the beginning—assistive technology like screen readers are tested extensively with our codebase. We've got you covered.

Open Source

The Infusion Framework is available for download and is open to use and modify however you like. Infusion is released under both the ECL 2.0 and BSD licenses. We would be thrilled if you shared your changes back with the community.

Let's get started.

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