June 12th, 2020
Activity Summary
At this session, a participant with low-vision interacted with creating nested loops and custom blocks when building code sequence with the current prototype.
- Link to prototype:
- Script for using the prototype:
- Add a loop at the end
- Add a forward tile inside your loop
- Add another loop right before the forward tile
- Add another forward tile inside Loop 2
- Add another Loop after the Turn Right tile
- Move Loop2 outside of Loop 1
- To test how to support low-vision user to create nested loop function when creating coding sequence
- To test how to support low-vision user to create custom blocks when creating coding sequence
Notes from the session
- No difficulties adding loop and nested loop into sequence
- Difficulty with drag function as the mouse would hover in grey area instead of the white/blank space. User benefited from verbal cue to change mouse position and vernal instructions describing drag and drop. For example “hold mouse over x location and drag to scroll horizontally”
Notes for C2LC design
- Keep current action labels. For example, ‘Start Loop’ and ‘End Loop’
- Change the grey portion of the loop to have more contrast
- Enlarge the number in the loop function
- To differentiate different loops, use colours (i.e. red and yellow) and shapes
- Explore whether loops can collapse such that it is similar to Custom Blocks.