This document outlines our process for coordinating releases of the Fluid Infusion source code and the Design Handbook. This is an archival document.

What's in a Release?

We expect that each Fluid Infusion release will contain a combination of framework code, reusable user interface components, and documentation. More specifically:


  • JavaScript code for the Fluid Infusion framework
  • JavaScript, HTML, and CSS for Fluid Infusion components
  • Examples and sample code
  • API documentation and tutorials

Design Handbook

  • UI Design Patterns
  • UX Walkthrough checklists and techniques
  • User testing guidelines

Frequency of Releases

We release versions of the Fluid Infusion framework, components, and Design Handbook on a monthly basis. For more information about the contents of each monthly release, check out the Fluid Community Roadmaps.

Release Version Number

Each release has a unique version number associated with it, e.g. "0.1" or "0.3beta1". This version number must be recorded consistently in a few locations:

The following instructions will describe more specifically when, where and how to record the release number.



Who Coordinates with the Community?

Set and announce the release date, code freeze date and bug parade date

Project Manager, Tech Lead, QA Lead

Coordinate the release deliverables and create a roadmap on the wiki

Project Manager, Tech Lead , UX Leads

Create the Release Status wiki page

Release Manager

Ensure known issues in JIRA have been marked with the correct fix version for the release

Whole Team

Create documentation JIRA issues and coordinate with community

Documentation Lead

Work with component design/development teams to produce a test plan for each Fluid component

QA Lead

Recruit QA testers

QA Lead

Create Bug Parade list in JIRA

QA Lead

Coordinate the Bug Parade with the community

QA Lead

Create release related JIRA issues for the main release tasks, and set them as blockers (once Bug Parade is complete)

Release Manager

Coordinate QA and Code Freeze
This includes sending emails to the list announcing Code Freeze.

QA Lead

Coordinate Release Bundle QA

QA Lead

Update JIRA

Release Manager

Send release e-mail and create release news item

Release Manager

This is a collaborative process, and the community is encouraged to take an active role in defining schedules and coordinating the release process. It is expected that the Release Manager, QA Lead and Documentation Lead roles can be rotating positions based on interest and expertise.

Release Status Wiki Page

Release-related JIRA issues

The real work of creating a release is managed through a number of Blocker JIRA issues. These JIRAs must be created for each release, and any necessary changes to the code must be committed against them.

During Bug Parade

Issue Title

Issue #

Issue Description

Code cleanup for release x.x


Clean up comments, ensure public APIs are fully commented and JSLint new javascript files.
Note that this issue should only be in force before Code Freeze. Commits that alter actual code should not be permitted during Code Freeze.

Check licenses and copyrights


Ensure all javascript files have a license and copyright. Also make sure thirdparty code is compatibly licensed and a license file is included in the same directory as the code.

Update and expand on unit test coverage


Increase unit test coverage and ensure that all tests are passing.

After Bug Parade is Over

Issue Title

Issue #

Issue Description

Update the README.txt file


Be sure to update the version number, the zip file names (which include the version number), the "What's New" section with a list of features of the release, folder hierarchy if it has changed at all (e.g. new sample-code folders added), the list of supported browsers if it has changed, and the "Known Issues" section with highlights of the known issues.

Generate and test release bundles


Compare the production bundle to the repository and ensure everything is present. Compare the two bundles - the only difference should be that the source bundle does not have a war file, the production bundle has minified javascript and the source bundle does not have minified javascript.

Tag, package and post the release



for details.

Ensure that component progress indicators are up-to-date


The progress indicators on each component landing page should be double-checked, to ensure that they are up-to-date.

Update the demos on the Fluid website


Once the release bundle is posted, the links on the website to demos of the latest release must be updated:

For instructions, see

Try to identify any dependencies between JIRAs (for example, the bundle must be tested before it is posted) and create these links in JIRA.

Documentation JIRA issues

To ensure that the API documentation and tutorials are up-to-date, each document needs to be reviewed. JIRA issues should be created to coordinate this process. The specific pages needed will depend on the current state of the documentation, but the JIRAs should follow the following pattern:

Issue Title

Issue Description

"Tech review of <page> docs"
where <page> may be

  • <component> API
  • <component> Tutorial
  • a framework section, such as Events, Subcomponent, or Renderer
  • etc.

A technical review of <link to actual documentation page>

  • Check page for correctness against current code base:
    • function signatures
    • options (selectors, supported events, styles, etc.)
    • dependencies
    • etc.
  • Check links between pages, add and update where appropriate.

Update the wiki for release


for details

Update the website for release


for details

NOTE: Technical review should ideally be carried out by someone who did NOT originally create the page!

Updating the Wiki for Release

Updating Wiki: Development

  1. Update any development API and integration pages.
  2. Update any demos
  3. House cleaning - Delete any unnecessary pages and information created in this past iteration.
  4. Update download & component pages (see below)

Release download pages

  1. Consider putting a disclaimer at the top of any affected pages, with the following text (or something similar):
  2. Duplicate the old Fluid Infusion - Current Release page into a new page called "Fluid Infusion X.X" where X.X is the old release number.
  3. Update Fluid Infusion - Current Release to the latest release.
  4. Update the Downloads page to reflect any new demos that are now available.

Component pages

  1. Go to the Components page
  2. For each Component that was updated in this release, ensure that the relevant information page is updated.
  3. Update API, Integration, Demo, and Testing sections as necessary.

Updating Wiki: UX

  1. House cleaning - Delete any unnecessary design information (pages, notes, etc) added to the Wiki in this past iteration.
  2. Update any Components pages to reflect the current state of the design.
  3. Verify that any changes to the Design Handbook is reflected.

How to Tag and Package the Source Code

Posting the Distribution

The distribution files must be uploaded to the websites releases folder using ftp. Links on the website downloads page ( and the wiki downloads page will link to this location.

Speak to someone on the project core team about ftp access.

Updating Demos on the Fluid Project website

  1. Archive the existing Demos page ( as follows:
  2. Extract a copy of the new minified source code and demos into the new releases' directory. (i.e. ~/website/docs/releases/0.999beta1)
  3. update the Demos page links to reference the new sample code.
  4. Add a link from the Demos page to the Demos just archived in Step 1. Put this link under the "Past Releases" section at the bottom of the page.

Update JIRA

  1. Mark the version released and ask the community to update the remaining open issues:
    1. The current assignee should consider the issue and decide whether or not to resolve it, assign to someone else, or change the "Fix for" version to an unreleased version.
  2. Do a query for all unresolved issues that affect the previous release and release candidates. Add the new release version as an affected version for each issue in the results.

Managing Unexpected Issues

Bugs happen. When unexpected issues or problems arise, the Release Manager, Technical Lead, or Project Manager will inform the community and work with them to adjust the release schedule accordingly. If you find an issue that you think is a blocker, let the Release Manager know as soon as possible.

If you discover a security issue, follow the Fluid Security Policy and report the issue privately to the security team.