Map the accessibility of COVID-19 assessment centres in Ontario, with the goal of developing an online resource for people looking to be tested.
Workflow to deploy the map
Antranig created a demo: https://amb26.github.io/fluid-covid-map-viz/
Data collection and republishing already raises non-trivial issues of data alignment - the Covid data feed does not appear to have any stable keys and so when, e.g. Philip amends bits of data through personal research, these additions need to be somehow rebased on top of the original data feed if it is updated.
Accessibility features
Uttara will refer to the BIG IDeA assessment form and a11yJSON as starting points for a checklist.
Sourcing Data
Philip is talking to the Ontario Digital Service. The assessment centre list was created by a team looking to develop an app on top of it. It looks like we will be able to get some partial precise data directly from them, but the goal is to get them to help us figure out how to contact the assessment centres ourselves to collect more detailed information.
Mapping tools
- Sent an email to Holger(holger@sozialhelden.de) asking for approval of a registered organization in order to use Accessibility Cloud API (https://github.com/sozialhelden/accessibility-cloud/blob/master/app/docs/json-api.md) and share back our data. Waiting for a reply. He’s out of office until Aug 9.
- The possibility of using A11yJSON (https://sozialhelden.github.io/a11yjson/) as the data structure for saving COVID-19 assessment centre information
- A map for wheelchair accessible places around the world that some people might be interested: https://wheelmap.org/
- It’s created using mapbox(https://www.mapbox.com) with Open Street Map(https://www.openstreetmap.org/)
Accessibility features
Uttara will refer to the BIG IDeA assessment form and a11yJSON as starting points for a checklist.
Sourcing Data
Next steps:
Uttara/Lisa: UI
Philip: Follow up with data sourcing. Ensure the licensing for open data allows us to use
Cindy: continue to research mapping tools
Other planning documents
- Design ideas and planning: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sQViqbUV1lQnq52SQIok7FvVFHXhv-chxCu9Nx-XH4A/edit?usp=sharing
- Data Monitor tool evaluation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cIt16KBV-8kfe5Rr8uxKVceVNaR4C83kaN29XYao6_Y/edit
- Accessibility evaluation criteria for the data visualization interface: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZRC2sIjK1GHgXwjgbc3848ZAtj76sJ9WAghQw6tqbas/edit