Infusion is available for download and is open to use and modify however you like. Infusion is released under both the ECL 2.0 and BSD licenses.
For More Information
Why Use Fluid Infusion?
Fluid components differ from other javascript library components in that they are built from the ground up with several core requirements:
- Accessibility (a11y), usability, and internationalization (i18n) are key
- Must strive to be DOM-agnostic
- Must provide a good user experience in any situation
- Must be completely customizable
For More Information
Core Component Requirements
- Accessibility (a11y)
- Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) primer (http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-primer/)
- Accessibility on web in a nutshell (http://www.alistapart.com/articles/wiwa)