What Is Infusion?

Infusion is a different kind of JavaScript framework. Built for creating applications that are highly usable and accessible, Infusion provides a rich set of APIs for creating loosely-coupled models and views using a declarative and event-driven style.

Infusion includes:

Infusion embraces unobtrusive, functional techniques that promote less code and greater flexibility. Infusion takes the pain out of developing accessible, high performance, clean and nimble front-ends for applications that want to do more. Our approach is to leave you in control - it's your interface, using your markup, your way.

Infusion is developed by the Fluid Project, an international group of designers, developers, volunteers, and advisers dedicated to improving the user experience of open and community source projects.

Infusion is available for download and is open to use and modify however you like. Infusion is released under both the ECL 2.0 and BSD licenses.

Why Use Fluid Infusion?

Fluid components differ from other javascript library components in that they are built from the ground up with several core requirements:

For More Information

Infusion Documentation

Download the code from Github


Component Library

Daily Builds

Project Coordination

Testing Infusion

Core Component Requirements