This page describes the Fluid standard conventions for defining components of different types. Following these standards to a greater or lesser extent will result in differing levels of support and interoperability with other parts of the Fluid Framework. General recommendationsA Fluid component should be - DOM agnostic: components should work with a variety of markup, and not make assumptions about the structure of the DOM. Any assumptions made by the component should be expressed in the form of selectors, supported by the framework's DOM Binder.
- Accessible: components should be equally usable with either the mouse or the keyboard. ARIA roles and states should be used to ensure support for assistive technologies. Use the framework's keyboard-a11y plugin and the jQuery UI ARIA support.
this -free: Avoid use of JavaScript's this and new keywords, in favour of units and that -ism .- Testable: Components should be readily testable using the jqUnit testing toolkit. Tests should be provided for all component functions.