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docs:Browser Support Chartdocs:
Browser Support Chart

General QA Guidelines

General Use

  • Does the tool behave the way that you would expect
  • Are you surprised by anything
  • Does something take longer than you would expect
  • When the tool does something unexpected or takes too long to do something, does the tool provide appropriate feedback
titleOn This Page
Table of Contents



Please search for issues before reporting them, so as to limit the number of duplicate entries.

Inline Edit Jira Filter


Unit Test


Launch the following website to execute unit tests.

Inline Edit Test Suite:Site

State Tests


Ensures that the component properly traverses through the various states.

Perform these tasks on the following site, perform the tests 1-5 6 and 67-10 12 in order.



Test 1: Mouseover

  • Procedure
    1. Open the browser and navigate to one of the specified URLs
    2. Using the mouse, place the cursor over one of the inline editable texts


  • Procedure
    1. Complete Test 11
    2. Using the keyboard, tap the 'tab' key until focus is on the redo control
    3. Using the keyboard, tap the 'enter'
  • Expected Results
    • The content of the inline edit field should return to the value set in test 10
    • The redo control should be replaced by an undo control
  • Stop Test
    • Refresh the browser to return the page to its initial state

Assistive Technology (AT)

Test 13: AT Tests

  • Procedure
    1. Open the browser and navigate to the specified URL
    2. Using the above state tests (Test 1 - 12) as a guide, attempt to navigate through each state of the system
      1. Example ATs
        1. Screen Readers: JAWSNVDAVoiceOverOrca
        2. Built in AT features: WindowsMacLinuxiOSAndroid
  • Expected Results
    • All states of the system should be reachable and usable while using the AT

Task Oriented Functional Tests

Tests to ensure compatibility with Assistive Technologies.

Perform these tasks on the following site.


Include Page
Assistive Technology (AT) QA Test Plan
Assistive Technology (AT) QA Test Plan

Task Oriented Functional Tests

Ensures that the component is able to handle expected input.

Perform these tasks on the following site.


Test 1: Double Click

  • Procedure
    1. Open the browser and navigate to one of the specified URLs
    2. Using the mouse, click one of the inline edit fields
    3. Using the mouse, double click one of the words
  • Expected Results
    • The entire word should be selected
  • Stop Test
    • Refresh the browser to return the page to its initial state


  • Procedure
    1. Open the browser and navigate to the specified URL
    2. Using the mouse click one of the inline edit fields
    3. Edit the text using only non-standard characters and symbols (see examples here: and
    4. Using the mouse, click on a blank spot outside of the editable text field
  • Expected Results
    • The content of the inline edit field should be changed to the new value
    • An undo control should appear next to the inline edit field
  • Stop Test
    • Refresh the browser to return the page to its initial state


  • Procedure
    1. Open the browser and navigate to the specified URL
    2. Using the mouse, click one of the inline edit fields
    3. Edit the text by typing in some number of characters separated by spaces.
    4. Using the mouse, click on a blank spot outside of the editable text field
  • Expected Results
    • The content of the inline edit field should be changed to the new value
    • An undo control should appear next to the inline edit field
  • Stop Test
    • Refresh the browser to return the page to its initial state

Boundary Tests


Ensures proper functionality at the input limits

Perform these tasks on the following site.


Test 1: Empty Field

  • Procedure
    1. Open the browser and navigate to one of the specified URLs
    2. Using the mouse, select click one of the inline editable texts
    3. Delete all input values from the editable text field
    4. Using the mouse, click on a blank spot outside of the editable text field
  • Expected Results
    • The content of the inline edit field should be a greyed invitation text saying "Edit this"
    • An undo control should appear next to the inline edit field
  • Stop Test
    • Refresh the browser to return the page to its initial state


  • Procedure
    1. Open the browser and navigate to the specified URL
    2. Using the mouse, select click one of the inline editable texts
    3. Edit the text with a large number (e.g. 1000 characters) of characters with gaps between ( generator )
    4. Using the mouse, click on a blank spot outside of the editable text field
  • Expected Results
    • The content of the inline edit field should be changed to the new value
    • An undo control should appear next to the inline edit field
  • Stop Test
    • Refresh the browser to return the page to its initial state



Tests which should cause errors or not be accepted as input

Perform these tasks on the following site.


*no tests yet*




Perform these tasks on the following site.


Test 1: HTML Validation

  • Procedure
    1. Open the browser and navigate to the specified URL
    2. For each state of the system (see: State Tests), validate the HTML markup
      1. Tools for validation
        1. Nu HTML Checker Bookmarklet
  • Expected Results
    • All of the HTML markup should properly validate in all states.
  • Stop Test
    • Refresh the browser to return the page to its initial state
    • Quit the tool you are using to validate

Test 2: WCAG Validation

  • Procedure
    1. Open the browser and navigate to the specified URL
    2. For each state of the system (see: State Tests), ensure that the WCAG guidelines are being met to at least AA level
      1. Tools for validation (Note: Automated tools are not yet capable of catching all issues. It is important to go through the checklist, making use of automated tools where possible, and manual processes otherwise).
        1. WebAIM WCAG 2.0 Checklist
        2. tota11y Bookmarklet
  • Expected Results
    • Passes WCAG 2.0 AA requirements
  • Stop Test
    • Refresh the browser to return the page to its initial state
    • Quit the tool you are using to validate

Include Page
Validation QA Test Plan
Validation QA Test Plan


Improvised tests for quickly discovering critical issues, and uncovering ones that may be outside of formalized testing.

Attempt to use the tool in various situations, using your imagination and freedom to explore the interface and interactions.
