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Fluid's Uploader can be integrated into a learning content management system, such as ATutor.  Files are uploaded for several purposes such as uploading images for teaching material, student-submitted assignments, and audio tutorial files.  The integration of Fluid's Uploader improves the user experience by allowing for multiple file uploads along with the progress bar and pause/resume features.  ATutor aims to integrate Fluid's Uploader and have it ready for it's next release (ATutor 1.6.2).


The Fluid package is saved under /jscripts/fluid-components/ in the ATutor installation directory.  The Uploader script gets used in the File Manager which is used in several places, such as:

(logged in as an instructor)

  • Manage -> File Manager
  • Content Editor -> File Manager
  • Manage -> Tests 

/include/lib/upload.php also gets passed to the fluid object.

Upon opening the File Manager, the user can click on the "Upload Files" button to open the Uploader interface.

From the Uploader, the Cancel button can be clicked to hide the interface and toggle back to the original view of the File Manager.

If Flash cannot be detected from the the user's browser, a simple non-Flash based file uploader gets used instead:

Note that the current implementation of Flash detection (as well as use of the simple file uploader) will most likely be improved at a later time.  The current implementation of Flash detection is built outside of Fluid.  Upon access to any page on ATutor for the first time, a script gets called (defined in /include/ that detects if Flash is enabled on the user's browser.  The result ("yes" or "no") gets saved to a cookie ($_COOKIE["flash"]) then sent to the server to be saved as a session variable ($_SESSION['flash']).  Once the session variable is set, the script no longer gets called.  When accessing the filemanager, the php script (/include/html/ generates the appropriate uploader depending on the value of the variable.

Working Demo


A working demo of the current Upload integrated into ATutor is available at:
login: fluid
password: fluid

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