- Confusing when no Category follows the word "in". Currently it says "Posted July 3rd, 2008 by abloodworth in" followed by blank space. [AB: This is a reported bug: OSDPL: Remove "in" from OSDPL pages that aren't in a category(http://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/FLUID-595)]
- The same information about the events (such as date and time) are repeated in small and large fonts [AB: This is because the story title and the beginning of the content is displayed, and you may have been looking at a story or two where there content was very similar. This is not the normal case.]
- DO - (somewhat unrelated) I'd like to see the title text a little smaller. It currently has the largest text on the page.
- "Login or register to post" is repeated after each OSDPL News post. [AB: Perhaps we should change the wording to "Login or register to comment" since we don't allow just anyone to post a news story. I think it would also disappear if we didn't allow anyone to comment on News stories.]
- DO - Is there a use case for commenting on news stories? I'm not sure what other stories will be up there other than meeting notices.
- "comments" and "Read more" are also repeated, which may be on purpose. One might question the value of the "Read more" link, since the title of the event brings up the page with the details. Small inconsistency: "comments" is not capitalized, "Read more" is. [AB: We *could* remove this programmatically, but I think it's a fairly consistent news metaphor to have "read more" if you show just the beginning of a news story. If we needed the space to show more stories, it might make sense, but could take some effort which we'd have to weigh against.]
- A user may expect the "more tags" link below the tag cloud to expand the section to show more tags. Currently it brings user to a page with the same list of tags. [AB: This is only because currently there are very few tags. When there are more tags than fit in the "Find patterns by tag" box, more will be displayed. I don't think there's any action needed.]
- DO - Can we get rid of it until there are more tags -- or add a bunch of tags
JH: Perhaps the root of the issue is that the right hand column is being used to display content that requires more room to properly convey. Aside from announcements, any Story content is being published there. Maybe announcements should be on the front page main content and moved out from the right-hand column?
- Columns and text look good in all other pages except: "Content Management" and "Information Organization" pages
- At 5x increase, the right-most column (Find patterns by tag) gets overlapped with the grey area of the middle column [AB: Do we need to support that much of an increase? There are other (seemingly worse) overlap issues with the Nice Menus at that size in FF2/Mac.]
- DO - 5x is about the size my grandmas "large text" books were in
- At 5x increase, the right-most column (Find patterns by tag) gets overlapped with the grey area of the middle column [AB: Do we need to support that much of an increase? There are other (seemingly worse) overlap issues with the Nice Menus at that size in FF2/Mac.]
- Same problem of large images overflowing into the right column
- Header title overlaps into the center content area. [AB: Without magnification? Screenshot needed for bug.]
- tag word wraps lines at edge of screen. [AB: Not sure what is being described here. Screenshot needed for bug.]
- images in center column can overlap right sidebar, thus making sidebar text hard to read.