Simple Inline Edit
FLUID-1067: No longer an issue? Test plan doesn't seem to capture this.
FLUID-1707: Close.
FLUID-1767: Test plan doesn't catch this.
FLUID-2075: Undo Edit icon.
Win7 + FF3.6:
Test plan passes.
Win7 + IE8:
Test 31-9 fails. "9.undo container should not be visible"
Rich Inline Edit
Win7 + FF3.6&gneral
FLUID-3887: Tooltip text is inaccurate.
FLUID-3909: Undo Edit link appears after cancelling and no edits performed.
Win7 + FF3.6
FLUID-3887: Tooltip text is inaccurate.
FLUID-3911: Rich text demo has different mouse and keyboard interactions.
Test to Close