QA overviewEnvironments- iPhone OS 3.0 or higher on iPhone 3G or 3GS
- iPhone OS 3.0 or higher on iPod touch 1G, 2G or 3G
Protocol overviewGeneral QA guidelines- Does the tool behave the way that you would expect?
- Are you surprised by anything?
- Does something take longer than you would expect?
- When the tool does something unexpected or takes too long to do something, does the tool provide appropriate feedback?
QA testsUnit testsProtocol: Launch the following websites to execute unit tests. url to be filled Task-oriented functional testsDescription: Ensures that the component is able to handle expected input. Protocol: Perform these tasks after completing initial Engage setup (to be added: instructions on adding app to home screen). Test 1: Create a My Collection Procedure: - From the application home screen, tap "Enter object code" or its icon.
- Tap in a valid object code (see object code list for possibilities).
- Tap "Collect" on the artifact view.
- Tap the home icon to return to the home screen.
- Repeat steps 1-4 several times (say, a dozen times).
Expected results: - Each time "Collect" is tapped on, the button should change to read "Uncollect" and a status message should appear indicating that it was added to "My Collection".
Test 2: Page load Procedure: - From the application home screen, tap "My Collection" or its icon.
Expected results: Test 23: Tapping on an artifact in grid view (cont'd from Test 12)Procedure: - Tap on an artifact in the grid.
- Tap on the back button in the artifact view.
Expected results: Test 34: Switching to list view (cont'd from Test 23)Procedure: - Tap on the list icon in the top right corner.
Expected results: Test 45: Tapping on an artifact in list view (cont'd from Test 34)Procedure: - Tap on an artifact in the grid.
- Tap on the back button in the artifact view.
Expected results: Test 56: Switching back to grid view (cont'd from Test 45)Procedure: - Tap on the grid icon in the top right corner.
Expected results: Boundary TestsDescription: Ensures proper functionality at the input limits. Protocol: Perform these tasks on the following site. |