Versions Compared


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  1. For a survey to be useful, questions will need to be detailed in order to start uncovering gaps in functional needs. To do this well, it will require more time and resources. This includes having to prime respondents with enough detail to be able to resond respond to questions well (especially true for those who aren't internet job seekers or familiar with WIC / job boards). Aside: if sufficient priming is not done, the quality of responses will have limited use or limit the respondents we can send the survey to.

  2. A scaled down version of a survey (more a questionnaire) might be useful to help find people who would be interested in participating in co-design and ask some attitudinal questions. This is more feasible to do given our time and resources.

  3. A questionnaire can be implemented as a co-design registration form. This will help streamline the process (for both administration and for participants) and help focus efforts toward the co-design. Co-design workshop registration form will have eligibility questions and demographic / personal interest questions to help ensure balance of perspectives at workshops.


  • save time and resources from having to create, administer, and analyse results of a survey
  • a co-design registration form will have to wait for REB clearance before opening (mid to late August).

Possible new schedule would be:


  1. Build list of organizations and individuals to invite.
  2. Send out call for interest for upcoming co-design to this list


  1. Get REB approval.
  2. Send out invitation emails to interested individuals that include a link to the co-design registration form.


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Co-design Interest Form Questions
