Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Below is test plan for testing accessibility of using Python with these tools.

Test Plan for IDLE

The test plan covers two parts:

  1. Python has a list of reserved keywords. Most keywords are regular words but there are a few that are abnormal. One part of the test plan is to make sure these abnormal keywords are communicated to AT users in an understandable way.
  2. The other part of the test plan is to make sure special characters used in scripts such as punctuations and symbols are are communicated to AT users in an understandable way.

Steps to test reserved keywords "def" and "nonlocal"

1. Launch IDLE, which brings up a command line interface;


2. Input the line below into the interface while using your AT, then hit enter twice until you see the prompt sign ">>>";

Code Block
titleCode Block A
def myfunc1():
  x = "John"
  def myfunc2():
    nonlocal x
    x = "hello"
  return x


Repeat steps above by copying and pasting the code into the interface.

Steps to test reserved keywords "elif"

"elif" stands for "else if". This test is to ensure this special word can be communicated to AT users.


3. Continue to input the line below into the interface while using your AT, then hit enter twice until you see the prompt sign ">>>";

Code Block
titleCode Block G
if (hello_world):
  print("hi, hello world")
elif (hello_world == "True"):
  print("true, hello world")
  print("false, hello world")

4. IDLE should print out this line:

Code Block
titleCode Block H
hi, hello world

This whole process should be communicated to IDLE users via AT.

Repeat steps above by copying and pasting the code into the interface.

Steps to test the communication of special characters

Writing scripts often involve the use of special characters such as ~ ! @ # etc. This test is to ensure these special chars can be entered and communicated to AT users properly.


Repeat steps above by copying and pasting the code into the interface.

Test plan for Python Launcher

1. Open a text editor;

2. Copy and paste the script below into the editor;
