Versions Compared


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Movement Alerts

Magnet Focus Alert (First time focusing)

  • "Magnet at [location] of the Play Area. Use the W A S D keys to move the magnet. Number 1, 2, or 3 keys to slide the magnet."

Magnet Focus Alert (after first time focusing)

  • "Magnet at [location] of the Play Area."

Step Initial step made after (re)focus, : focusing; step direction change, and ; or step direction size change

  • "A [ step size ] step  [step direction ]."
  • Note: there is no alert for steps made after an initial step. Subsequent steps will have a magnet move sonification mapped to velocity.

Slide start alert: on release of 1, 2, or 3 key press

  • "Sliding magnet [slide speed] to [slide direction] side of play area. Press Space to stop slide."

Slide stop alert: Space bar is pressed, bumped into a coil or reached edge of play area

  • "Sliding stopped."

Sliding in progress

  • "Sliding to [slide direction]."
  • (info) Alert Frequency: This is a lower priority alert. If one of the other alerts / events has occurred it is not be necessary to give this movement alert.

Coil bump alert

  • "Bumped into [number coils] coil."

Location Alerts

Location change alert: magnet transitions from one location region into another

  • "At [location] of play area."

Coil proximity change alert: magnet transitions from one coil proximity region into another

  • Single coil: "[coil proximity] 4-loop coil."
  • Both coils: "[coil proximity] 4-loop coil. [coil proximity] 2-loop coil."
  • (info) Alert Frequency: This alert is omitted if the user's action will trigger an Entrance Direction or Exiting Coil alert.

Coil proximity change event with magnetic field enabled

  • Single coil: "[coil proximity] 4-loop coil and [field strength] magnetic field passing through."
  • Both coils: "[coil proximity] 4-loop coil and [field strength] magnetic field passing through. [coil proximity] 2-loop coil and [field strength] magnetic field passing through."
  • (info) Alert Frequency: This alert is omitted if the user's action will trigger an Entrance Direction or Exiting Coil alert.

Coil Entrance Direction Alert

  • "[number coils] coil entrance to the [left / right]."
  • "[number coils] coil entrance no longer to the [left / right]."
  • (info) Alert Frequency: this alert should occur only once and during the transition into the region.

Exiting Coil Alert

  • "Exiting [number coils] coil."

Sim Controls Alerts

Volt meter: adding / removing

  • Adding Volt Meter: "Connecting volt meter to circuit"
  • Removing Volt meteter: "Removing volt meter from circuit"

Magnetic field: show / hide

  • Showing field lines single coil: "Showing magnetic field lines. [field strength] magnetic field passing through 4 loop coil."
  • Showing field lines both coils with DIFFERENT intensities: "Showing magnetic field lines. [field strength] magnetic field passing through 4 loop coil. [field strength] magnetic field passing through 2 loop coil."
  • Showing field lines both coils with SAME intensities: "Showing magnetic field lines. [field strength] magnetic field passing through both 4 loop and 2 loop coils."
  • Hiding field lines: "Hiding magnetic field lines.

2 loop coil: show / hide

  • Adding 2-loop coil: "Adding 2 loop coil to circuit."
  • Removing 2 loop coil: "Removing 2 loop coil from circuit."

Rotate magnet

  • "Flipping magnet: North pole is now on ['left' / 'right']. South pole now on ['right' / 'left']."

Rotate magnet: with visible field lines

  • "Flipping magnet and its magnetic field: North pole is now on ['left' / 'right']. South pole now on ['right' / 'left']."
  • Remark: This is the same description as a regular "Rotate Magnet" alert text with the addition of "and its magnetic field".

Alert Descriptor Values

coil proximity:

  • Far from
  • Close to
  • Very close to
  • In

field strength:

  • Very strong
  • Strong
  • Weak
  • Very weak
  • Minimal

slide direction:

  • left
  • right

slide speed:

  • slowly (1 key pressed)
  • normally (2 key pressed)
  • quickly (3 key pressed)


  • top-left
  • top-center
  • top-right
  • middle-left
  • middle-right
  • center
  • bottom-left
  • bottom-center
  • bottom-right
  • +edge if at edge

number coils:

  • 2 loop
  • 4 loop

step direction:

  • left
  • right
  • up
  • down

step size:

  • regular (default)
  • large (if CTRL modifier pressed)
  • small (if Shift modifier pressed)

Faraday's Law (h1)

Scene Summary (h2)

Faraday's Law is an interactive sim. It changes as you play with it.

The play area has a light bulb circuit, and a moveable bar magnet. There are controls that change what is connected to the circuit,  flip the bar magnet North and South poles, and reset the sim.

Move the magnet to play.

Play Area (h2)

Light Bulb Circuit (h3)

(If single coil) The light bulb circuit has a 4 loop coil connected. The coil is open on the left and right, allowing the bar magnet to pass through.

(If both coils) The light bulb circuit has a 2 loop and 4 loop coil connected. Both coils are open on the left and right, allowing the bar magnet to pass through.

(If volt meter showing) A volt meter attached is attached to the circuit.

(If field lines visible and single coil) From the magnet's position, a[field strength] magnetic field is passing through the 4 loop coil.

(If field lines visible with DIFFERENT intensities, and both coils showing) From the magnet's position, a[field strength] magnetic field is passing through the 4 loop coil, and a [field strength] magnetic field is passing through the 2 loop coil.

(If field lines visible with SAME intensities, and both coils showing) From the magnet's position, a[field strength] magnetic field is passing through both the 4 loop coil, and the 2 loop coil.

  • Checkbox: Connect volt meter to circuit
  • Checkbox: Show field
  • Checkbox: Add 2 loop coil to circuit

Magnet (h3)

The bar magnet is at the [ location ] of the Play Area.

(If single coil) The magnet is [proximity] to the 4 loop coil.

(if both coils showing, and DIFFERENT proximity values) The magnet is [ proximity ] to the 4-loop coil, and is [ proximity ] to the 2-loop coil.

(if both coils showing, and SAME proximity values) The magnet is [ proximity ] to the 4-loop coil, and the 2-loop coilcoils.

(if field lines hidden) The magnet has two magnetic poles: North on the [left / right], South on the [right / left].

(if field lines visible) The magnetic field lines are going from North pole on [left / right] end, to South pole on [right / left] end of magnet.

Button: flip magnet