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June 20 SJRK Partners Meeting Notes

Liam, Silvia, Dana, Alan, Jess, Michelle


We each shared updates about our current work plan


Child safeguarding policy

  • We have sent a draft of the policy to Oak

  • Could we make it open and accessible as a way to apply the ideas of this project to the doc itself?

  • Template is constrained by Oak

  • We could include another version in our toolkit

  • The policy applies to everyone who works on this project

  • Should policy align with policies in each country?

    • Based on UN convention

    • Adaptation to local context could be appropriate

  • We are waiting to hear back from Oak and Keeping Children Safe and once we do will have better idea of timeline - probably ~1 month

  • Any input or feedback from partners in that time frame

  • Alan will send out the policy draft to the partners


  • Want your input about how to implement Oak’s ideas:

  • "A way of contributing relevant resources"

    • Best existing candidate: wiki

  • "A way of contributing stories"

    • Best existing candidate: wiki

    • Longer term - building a story-gathering tool

  • "A means of identifying challenges we want to address within SJRK"

    • Best existing candidate: Slack & mailing list

  • "A strategy for connecting different youth groups who have similar interests"

    • Best existing candidate: Slack & mailing list

    • Other ways to facilitate this?

      • Where are these groups already and what are they using now/most comfortable using?

      • E.g. Facebook?

      • Split into asynchronous and synchronous?

      • E.g. discussion boards, video chats

      • E.g. inquiry groups in Youth Movements project (TIG) - presented best practices and trends to each other, have “events”, both online (Google hangouts) and locally - outputs from these digital events are available online through the YM knowledge Hub. The outputs from the in person roundtable events are available through uberflip topics are Mobile learning for social good and activating online communities.

      • Need to consider the language - need translation

      • Repository of OERs as a place of connection?

        • Capacity of repository to offer communication and interaction

        • This is something we could create

        • In Columbia - diversity is a big issue, also government promoting entrepreneurship

        • Interaction of youth with these resources could be a good space to know what are their needs, and to embrace them in our project, could be a place to connect youth across locations

  • Possible new tools

Liam - TIG

Youth Action Guides

  • Toolkit to allow youth to act on SDGs

  • Revising original MDG action guides

  • Providing content about inclusion in an inclusive way

Indigenous Story Gathering

  • Canada 150 - indigenous youth stories

  • ~20 groups over the summer producing videos about their communities

  • Communities all over Canada - through Connected North


Silvia - FUTCO

  • Work with young people in 3 regions in Columbia - Cauca, Manizales, North Columbia

  • Main issues to address:

    1. Diversity -  is not accepted as a value

    2. Environment - industries exploiting environment, why important to care for the environment

    3. Entrepreneurship - peace agreement signed between army and guerrilla movement last year left 12,000 former guerrillas in need of work - the government is promoting entrepreneurship, young people need new opportunities

      • We could invite these youth to an event

  • One of best ways to work is through playing e.g. games with augmented reality - creating the games together with youth as best way to engage them

  • Also want to create web-based content - to support these 3 things

  • Currently defining work plan, working with Karisma


  • We want to relate everything back to youth with learning differences, and informal learning environments and practices