Design tasks (June 2 - 9, 2009)

As the design team works to assemble a method for keeping track of activities and work, we are making simple lists of tasks in our weekly meetings. Here is the list discussed June 2nd in the Design Meeting.

Designer Task List


  • Scenario development related to location mapping.
    1) Maps facilitating the social experience during museum visits
    2) Maps to foreground connections between museum content
  • Research Advisory Panel stakeholders to get familiar with their work
  • Learn to be a wiki contributor to start to share some questions that might structure our interactions with the community at the all-hands meeting
  • Share some story telling examples in preparation for activities at the all-hands


  • Compiling and posting notes from mobile design meeting
  • Compiling and posting notes from mapping design meeting
  • Get together with designers working on mapping and help pare down ideas and move those into scenarios, likewise help move use cases into early mockups
  • iPhone pairing ideas down in an effort to get early sketches based on the ideas that are pulled out (specific case for McCord, and more general case too)
  • Research Advisory Panel stakeholders to get familiar with their work
  • participate in the handheld conference on Wednesday


  • work on preparing early mockups for the iPhone in collaboration with James
  • Research Advisory Panel stakeholders to get familiar with their work


  • Research Advisory Panel stakeholders to get familiar with their work
  • help out with use cases and scenarios

The plan for the next two design team meetings (the recurring Tuesday meetings) is as follows:
• June 9th discuss the past week's accomplishments and plan out the next week's tasks

• June 16th share information about Advisory Panel members and talk through some activities for the all-hands