(Floe) UI Options user testing results (November 2012)

See Also:
(Floe) UI Options user testing protocol (September 2012)
(Floe) UI Options user testing report (November 2012)
(Floe) UI Options Design High Fidelity, C.1

User 1: Top Panel (Barcelona)

  • Duration: 40 minutes (including user testing, interview and questionnaire).
  • UI Options version: top panel

Demographics profile

  • Female, 65+ (senior)
  • Currently retired
  • No disabilities, uses glasses for reading
  • Feels uncomfortable with technology
  • Reads documents on screen daily. She uses a lower resolution than supported by the screen, to enlarge all the interface.
  • Uses an smartphone, but never reads long text on the mobile screen because it's tiring. Just reads Twitter.

Testing data

Undirected testing

  • The user looks carefully at the page, and doesn't see the Display Preferences option. Spends about a minute and a half scanning the page, and only sees the items on the page, never the option. She's puzzled.

Directed testing

Basic preferences

  • To unlock the testing, the moderator points to the Display Preferences option. She understands immediately that she has to click on it to display the preferences.
  • The user understands clearly the main options (text size, contrast,...), their function and behavior. Doubts a bit about "Text to speech" option, but tries to explain it to herself, demonstrating that has understood it right.
  • Without being asked, the user sees the scroll to access to more options.
  • When asked about emfasizing links, the user points to the Contrast box, thinking that can be useful. When specifically asked about underlining links, she doesn't know what to do. Finally she points to the scroll arrow, and identifies clearly the Links and Buttons options. She promptly realizes that can use these options to emfasize links.
  • She scans by herself the second group of options, quickly identifying their functionalities. But she's puzzled when arrives to Keyboard Shortcuts: "Keyboard shortcuts? Uhmmm... I don't know what this is". When asked about trying to find its meaning, she reads the box instructions, thinks a bit, and says she's still unable to figure out the function of this option. Finally the moderator explains it and asks her about an expression that could make it more clear. She keeps thinking for some seconds but doesn't find any good alternative. Says that a clear explanation in the instruccions could be more useful for her than changing the box label. Suggests a text similar to "key combinations to go faster". 
  • Then she sees the Reset All Preferences option and says: "Oh, that's good because you can go to the first page - refers to the first scrolling block- without clicking on the arrow". She believes that this option serves to scroll to the initial goup of options (doesn't identify its actual function).

Advanced features

  • When asked about going back to the original design of the page, she points to each option that she has modified, and explains how she would return it back to its initial state, one to one. She finds this easy, but doesn't identify Reset All Preferences as the option to use. 
  • Asked about hiding images, the user points to the Simplify box. When the moderator explains her the kind of options that she'd find there, she realizes that it wouldn't work and thinks for some seconds, trying to find some solution. Finally says that she would drag the images corner to resize until disappear. When asked about alternative solutions, she scans carefully the Preferences panel and after some seconds, sees the Search box. Says "maybe I'd search it here". Looks confused, she's not really sure. Asked about the text to search, says "Remove images".
  • To change the background colour, she takes some seconds to scan all the options. She focus on the Contrast box but even when the Customize Further bar is visible, she doesn't realize it after some seconds, when she says "maybe I have more options for contrast here". Clicks on the bar and when the panel with futher options is expanded, she identifies immediately the option to change the background colour. 
  • About the Customize Further bar, comments that she didn't realize that she had more options. Comments that if this bar only appears on rollover, probably she won't realize that there are more options available (this can be an effect of paper testing, but it's good to note)

Browser extension

  • When asked to save changes, she's really puzzled. Takes some seconds to scan again the page and adventures some hypoteses, but doesn't click on anything. When the moderator points to the explanation about the browser extension at the end of the scroll, she says that she doesn't find the explanation clear, and she doesn't know what "browser extension" means. 
  • Looking at the browser extension panel, she finds quickly the "default theme" option, and understands clearly its function. 
  • She identifies the option to share the theme quickly and without any problem. 
  • To create another set of preferences, she carefully scans the panel and clicks on All Options button, but is not sure. Doesn't see the tabs that allow to create a new theme. 
  • The user is not able to close the panel. Doesn't know how to do it. Finally she says she would click on Reset All Preferences. 
  • To disable all customizations, she takes about 5 seconds to think and finally clicks on the browser extension button. When the menu is displayed, she quickly clicks on the "off" options. 


  • The user sees quick and clearly how to access to the display preferences "I'd click on this button" (refers to the D.P. button).
  • After reading the instructions, she understands that she must drag bottom up to see more options. No doubts.
  • The user sees the Text Size option, and understands its function. Asked about an alternative way to resize text, she takes five seconds to scan the page, reads the gestural instructions, and understands it clearly.
  • To access to the next options, she drags bottom up again. Finds it fun.
  • Seeing the contrast options, she doesn't identify that she should swipe to have more options.
  • To restart preferences, she says she would undo one to one each preference, dragging up to bottom.

Post-test interview

  • The user finds the overall experience clear, "it all consists on looking for the options" (note that actually, during the user testing she was frequently puzzled)
  • The most confusing is having to shake the screen (refers to the mobile option to change the contrast). Then she remembers the browser extension and says that, clearly, it has been the most confusing. 
  • Wouldn't add any other feature. 
  • About the integration, the user remembers that she was initially unable to find the Display Preferences option. 
  • Comparing top and side panels, she decidedly chooses the top panel "because we are more used to look for options in the top area". 
  • Doesn't make any suggestion to improve the application.

User 2: Top Panel (Toronto)

  • Duration: 40 minutes (including user testing, interview and questionnaire).
  • UI Options version: top panel

Demographics profile

  • Male, 26-35, Software Developer
  • Uses glasses for reading
  • Very comfortable with technology
  • Reads documents daily on computer and mobile screen
  • Changes colour themes to light on dark whenever possible to reduce eye-strain and adjusts brightness depending on ambient light

Testing data

Undirected testing

  • Unsure where to look at, the user says 'I don't know.' After a while, he noticed the magnifying glass icon and then the display preferences tab. He noted that the magnifying glass is too obscure, so he clicked on the tab because of the label.
  • Opening the panel, he adjusts contrast to yellow on black. He noted all the other preferences, and understood that there are more to the right but he is not interesting in customizing any more.

Directed testing

Basic preferences

  • On activating simplify, he doesn't like the addition of the table of contents. He found it distracting from the content of the site. He suggested it should be collapsed and that the page content fills the centre of the screen.
  • On emphasizing links, he says that he would probably only highlight because he expects bold and underline to change the appearance to default link styling. When showed the activated screen, he says that everything seems a bit disrupted but the links are more clear.

Advanced features

  • User finds the reset and undo reset buttons easily.
  • On removing images, user looks for preference under the customize further option in simplify. At the end through conversation user expresses that he avoids search bars because of his experience of receiving unhelpful results.
  • User remembered the customize further options on hover.

Browser extension

  • User remembers the browsers extension button on the second page. However, he points out that the descriptive text is hard to read, there's not enough contrast. He also prefers non-italicized text.
  • After a while, he notices the UIO icon on the browser chrome, but notes that it is too small. He expects to find share options underneath the icon menu. He finds that semantically it doesn't make sense to have share underneath 'Show Preferences', but he would click it to find the 'Share' option.
  • In the broswer extension page, there's difficulty in finding the 'Share' option. He looks for it in 'More Options'. He finds the relationship between 'Common Options' & 'All Options' unclear. Much later he notices the 'Share' option on the bottom, but he didn't expect to look there.
  • After some time, user finds the new theme tab.
  • To close browser extension preferences, user would click the icon on the chrome because it looks pressed in.
  • User quickly referred to the chrome icon drop-down menu to turn the theme off.


  • User quickly found the UIO icon, comments on the how he likes the larger size of it.
  • Upon given the instructions screen, user found it repetitive. He is confused why it is there as a step before given the preferences. He swiped from the bottom up but pointed out the wording 'swipe down' is wrong. User found the arrow on the bottom and circles on the side enough to indicate that there is more, and the direction that it exists.
  • User found the term 'try' awkward. Suggests just stating the alternative action.
  • User quickly looked for contrast, by swiping. He is confused on the relation between shaking the screen and contrast.

Post-test interview

  • User sees UIO as useful tool for power-users like himself, especially the keyboard shortcuts feature.
  • The user commented that most of the issues came in navigating through the browser extension version.
  • The user enjoyed the straight forwardness of the mobile version, he commented that his main problem is with the wording used.

User 3: Side Panel (Toronto)

  • Duration: 30 minutes
  • UI Options version: side panel

Demographics Profile

  • Female, 56-65, Admin Assistant
  • Comfortable with technology
  • Reads documents on a computer screen daily, enlarges text
  • Doesn't use a smartphone, the screen is too small

Testing data

Undirected testing

  • User looks at screen and immediately focusses her attention to the magnifying glass icon. She says she would click the magnifying glass to increase text size. Then she notices beside it, is Display Preferences. She then decides to click display preferences.
  • User reads 'size', 'contrast', then moves up closer to the screen when she's reading 'simplify'. She says it's hard to read the text under simplify. She thinks it must be disabled, but would want to know what it says before she enables it.
  • User slides the size bar and click on the contrast she wants with ease. The user says 'much better' after adjusting the preferences.

Directed testing

Basic preferences

  • User clicks the switch to simplify the cluttered page.
  • User does not see the scrollbar to get to more presets, until being indicated by moderator later. However, user is confused by the lack of scrollbars on the browser window. She find it uncomfortable that the website is shifted over to the side. She wishes she could see the full width of the website, or at least be able to scroll it. (Would user feel different if side panel was on top of the website?)
  • The user asks if she could enlarge the mockup screen as she constantly has to come up very close to the screen to see what's going on. The user notes that the links are in another colour before the contrast was adjusted, now that the size and contrast was increased the links are difficult to see. It is not ideal for the user (having to emphasis links is needed, and the extra step to do so seems tedious).

Advanced features

  • User resets and undos reset of preferences with ease.
  • Tasks involving the 'customize further' option and the search bar, user did not know how to access features not in the immediate view. It is not clear whether features weren't visible enough or the connection of the features with finding hidden preferences wasn't made.

Browser extension

  • After being showed by the moderator the scrollbar, the user takes not of the green button for the browser extension, and indicates to it later in order to be able to 'save preferences in order to use in all sites'
  • When asked how she would now access her preferences as part of the browser extension, she says, 'I have no idea.' Later being pointed to by the moderator to the icon on the chrome, the user says that she would like to have some instruction screen of where to find it after she downloads the extension (perhaps through the download page, or an initial instruction screen). After being pointed to the icon, she clicks it and clicks the 'show preferences' link.
  • User finds how to share her preferences with a bit of time.
  • To create a new set of preferences the user clicks 'all options'. The relationship between 'common options' and 'all options' does not seem to be understood (perhaps because of the wording, or the layout). 'All options' seems to be understood as access to more features. Top tabs do not seem to be noticed.
  • User click chrome icon to close preferences and go back to the website, user notices the icon because she has previously been pointed to it.
  • In order to turn the theme off, she indicates to the chrome button again.


  • User moves closer to the screen when presented the mobile version.
  • User finds the UIO icon with ease.
  • User reads the instructions saying 'swipe down' and swipes from the top down. Later when not in the instruction screen she swipes from the bottom up. Instruction wording mislead the user to initially swipe the opposite way.
  • When navigating to the text size page, user is confused by 'or pitch the screen'. It is distracting from the action she would otherwise perform with the slider. After a while she decides to just use the slider. (Maybe these alternative features should be invisible to the user, only available through accidental discovery?)
  • User swipes from the bottom up to find contrast setting, 'I would swipe, following the arrow to see if there is any more preferences there.'
  • In the contrast screen, user says, 'shake the screen I understand' as she mimics shaking. In order to change the contrast, user taps (not horizontally swipe) on the different icon to 'see what works.'
  • If the user wanted more settings, she would continue swiping bottom up. If she was done, she would click the top icon again.
  • In these mockups the website was text only, would the display preferences icon be harder to understand if there were other buttons and features?

Post-test interview

  • User felt her overall was good, except for a couple of things that were hard to understand.
  • User found the browser extension icon at the top most confusing because there was no clear description of how to use it. (there were other difficult to use aspects for the user, mainly involving understanding how to access advanced features, but it seems that these wouldn't necessarily want to use)
  • For the mobile version, user remembers not understanding what 'pinch the screen' means.
  • No features she would have liked to see.
  • User was comfortable with the integration of display preferences.
  • User prefers the top panel version because she can see the page content and the changes she is making more clearly, there would be horizontal scrolling as in the side panel.
  • The main change the user would make to Display Preferences is clarifying the chrome UIO icon better either through instructions, a label, or imagery that closer reflects the on screen Display Preferences icons.

User 4: Top panel (Toronto)

  • Duration: 30 minutes
  • UI Options version: top panel

demographics profile

  • Female, 46-55, Writer/Director (theatre/multi-media)
  • Dyslexic, no custom devices
  • Comfortable with technology
  • Reads on computer screen daily, recently started customizing font to OpenDyslexic
  • Uses a smartphone daily, adjusts type size to read

Testing Data

Undirected testing

  • User clicks on Display Preferences. (User has used current implementation of UIO)
  • The panel opens up, user comments that she is unsure whether she would have to select text in order to activate preferences (similar to a text editor). User decides that she would first try to go in and move the slider and activate preferences, without selecting any of the website content first.

Directed testing

Basic preferences

  • User finds the contrast of 'text-to-speech' and 'simplify' too low. She comments that the preset headings feel separate from the adjusters, she only noticed them after reading all the adjusters.
  • User first looks under 'simplify' to emphasis links. Unsure, she notices the arrow at the end, still unsure. she clicks it. The user find the arrow too small and would like to see additional indicators that there are more options. On the second page of the panel, she clicks on the emphasis links check-boxes. The user wonders on the order chosen to show the preferences, how the order of importance is determined and for who.

Advanced features

  • To reset, the user hesitantly clicks the reset button. It's unclear to the user how to undo the reset, her initial reaction would be to set up all the preferences from the start.
  • User is unsure where to access preferences beyond what is visible, such as image options or specific background colour options.

browser extension

  • To save the preferences to use in all websites, user refers the a button she recalls on a previous page. She moves to the second panel page, and clicks on the 'get extension' button
  • To view preferences, user notes the addition of the button on the chrome after a while. She clicks on it, then clicks 'show preferences'.
  • To share preferences, user would first look under her username/email. Later on when the word theme is used by the moderator, user notices the share theme icon, but it wasn't visible at first.
  • To change the theme, the user first thinks to click 'delete theme' and start a new one. Then thinks if I want to still keep this one, I wouldn't do this. Then the user hesitantly decides to go under 'all options', with her attention at the top of the screen she notices the the new theme tab. User points out it becomes a bit confusing since the word 'theme' is all over the place, and she's not sure if she would understand what it means right away.
  • User is unsure how she would close the preferences and go back to the site.


  • The users says 'well I'll click on the gear icon, but I would have to know what that gear icon means first.'
  • In the introduction screen the user swipes down (top to bottom) as the instructions indicate and continues to do so for the rest of the screens.
  • On the size screen, user would either move slider or pinch the screen. Next she would either click on the icon or swipe down to see more options.
  • On the contrast screen, user would tap on icons to choose contrast theme.
  • On closing display preferences, the user first looks at the down arrow, then at the icons, unsure the user says she would try both things and see what they would do. The user remembers that there was sort of a menu in the desktop version and wonders what would take her back to that, having expectations that similar features would exist in the mobile version.

Post-test interview

  • User felt that having Display Preferences is useful, but she feels very new and unfamiliar to it.
  • The desktop extension was the most overwhelming for the user, she pointed out that there were a lot of buttons related to themes and they we're all separated. The other difficulty the user had is distinguishing between the label and the adjuster of the preferences (perhaps because of the line dividing them or the contrast of some of the descriptions).
  • For the mobile version, the user said she wasn't sure if she should expect a menu with all the available options or if all the options would be revealed if she just keeps scrolling.
  • User would have liked a preference visible that enables her to change the font style, this preference was not visible for her. She pointed out that maybe having all available fonts may be too much, but just a few useful ones would be good the same as curated contrast options.
  • The user was comfortable with the integration of Display Preferences.
  • The user prefers the top panel, she finds that it feel less fixed and obtrusive to the site.

User 5: Top panel (Barcelona)

  • Duration: 50 minutes
  • UI Options version: top panel

Demographics profile

  • Female, 26-35, Graphic Designer
  • Uses glasses just for reading
  • Comfortable with technology
  • Reads on computer screen daily. Doesn't do any customization
  • Doesn't use a smartphone

Testing Data

Undirected testing

  • User detects quickly the User Preferences button. 
  • Understands well all the options in the first page of the panel. 
  • Sees the arrow at the end of the panel and understands its function. She comments that it would be more intuitive to drag the panel right to left, to make appear next options. Says that the arrow looks too small. 

Directed testing

Basic preferences

  • User identifies 'simplify' function clearly. 
  • When she sees the Table Contents, she focus on it for some minutes, trying to guess its features, that explains correctly. She wonders for the function of the top-right icon (doesn't know if closes or moves the panel).
  • When trying to find more options for Simplify, spends some seconds and finally sees the 'Customize Further' bar: "Oh, I didn't realize that there was a button here!". Comments that despite it's yellow, it's not very visible. 
  • When asked about emfatizing links, spends some seconds trying to find the options in some of the boxes in the first page. Finally, she remembers that she can scroll to see more options. At the second page, she identifies clickly the 'emphasis links & buttons' option.

Advanced features

  • To reset, the user promptly clicks on 'reset all preferences', and says 'but I don't know if I will be able to go back to my design!'. 
  • When sees the 'undo' option clicks on it to return to the customized design. She understands clearly the function of both options, although she was concerned initially about loosing her preferences. 
  • When asked about changing the page background colour, takes some seconds to think. Finally says that she would click on 'customize further' and clicks on 'background colour'.
  • (The moderator changes the question to check the search option, because the user has been referring before to the 'replace images with text option', to "How would you change the type style?") She looks first in 'size': "Size is similar to style...". When sees that the option is not in 'size', scrolls and realizes that this option is not avaiable in the second page. Then clicks on 'search all preferences' and says that she would enter "tipography". She comments that she expected to have this option between the basic ones, because changing type style is very usual. 

Browser extension

  • To save the preferences, goes directly to the browser extension instructions -at the end of the scroll-. Says she's not sure about what 'browser extension' means, but she would click anyway on it, because seems quite clear. 
  • When sees the browser extension menu, she doubts and says 'well, I would click on show preferences... I guess, but it's no very clear'. 
  • When sees the browser extension panel, she's shocked: 'Why do preferences appear like so, in a different way than before? I expected to see the same than before'. 
  • Asked about sharing the preferences, she scans the screen, focusing on the top area, and after doubting a lot, says 'well, maybe I would click on All Options, because I guess that it would show me options like sharing'. Then takes some seconds more and suddenly finds the option at the end of the panel: 'Here! I didn't see that there are options here!'. 
  • To create a new set of preferences, she quickly clicks on New Theme. No doubts.
  • To close the UI Options panel, she quickly clicks on the browser extension button.
  • To disable the preferences, she clicks again on the browser extension and says 'I think I would click on Off, but it's confusing because it has the same aspect than the themes and it's function is too different'. 


  • The user sees quick and clearly how to access to the display preferences "I'd click on this button" (refers to the D.P. button).
  • After reading the instructions, she understands that she must drag bottom up to see more options, but has some doubts: 'I don't have any experience with smartphones'. 
  • The user sees the Text Size option, and understands its function. 
  • To access to the next options, she drags bottom up again. Dots at the left are very useful for her to understand that there are more options below. 
  • Seeing the contrast options, she says that she would swipe (no doubts). 
  • To restart preferences, she says she expected to have the 'reset' option. She finally would undo one to one each preference.

Post-test interview

  • The user finds the overall experience easy. 'I like it, looks beautiful and clear! It's simple, clean'. 
  • Insists on the type style option, that she considers basic.
  • Comparing top and side panels, she prefers the top panel. Says it's not so intrusive, the page is not pushed.

User 6: Side Panel (Barcelona)

  • Duration: 25 minutes (including user testing, interview and questionnaire).
  • UI Options version: side panel

Demographics profile

  • Male, 36-45
  • Product Manager
  • Uses glasses always (hyperopia and astigmatism)
  • Feels very comfortable with technology
  • Reads documents on screen daily. Frequently increases text size and contrast, to enhance reading
  • Uses an smartphone and reads on its screen several times a day. Sometimes increases text size. 

Testing data

Undirected testing

  • The user looks carefully at the page and clicks on the Display Preferences button. Sees clearly how to increase the text size or modify the contrast. 

Directed testing

Basic preferences

  • Asked about avoiding cluttering, the user immediately points to 'Simplify' options. 
  • When asked about emphasizing links, the user overviews all the page, scans carefully the options and after about 10 seconds, says 'I don't know, I have no idea'. He hasn't seen the scrolling bar. 

Advanced features

  • To reset preferences, he promptly points to the 'reset all preferences' option. To go back to the customized design, clicks on the "undo". No doubts, all immediate actions.
  • Asked about hiding images, he keeps thinking and scans all the options. Finally says 'I guess that with the 'simplify' options'.
  • The moderator asks him to change the type style (added task, to check if he sees the search field). Keeps thinking again and says 'I don't see it'. Still doesn't see the scroll bar, nor the search field.   
  • To change the background colour, says again 'I don't know' after thinking. The moderator shows him the version with the 'Customize Further' bar visible on the Contrast box. Then he says 'but nothing indicates that can be more options. Maybe you never rollover there, because controls are out of the page, out of the area were you usually will move the mouse'. 

Browser extension

  • When asked to save changes, he thinks for some seconds, looks confused and says 'I don't know how to do it'. He hasn't seen the scrolling bar, so he doesn't get to the browser extension option. 
  • To be able to test some of the b.e. features, the moderator shows him the b.e. panel. Looks surprised 'I expected that the previous panel would appear again, not something that overlays the whole page'. 
  • Asked about sharing preferences, scans carefully the top options and says 'maybe in 'all options'...'. But he doubts and finally sees the sharing option at the bottom. 
  • To disable preferences, he would click on the b.e. menu and click on off 'but seems that you are switching off the plugin, not your preferences'. 


  • The user sees clearly how to access the display preferences, clicking on the button.
  • After reading the instructions, he says that it's confusing, because the arrow suggests him to drag down. But if the panel has appeared bottom up, dragging down should close it. 
  • To change the type size, he would drag down from the instructions screen. Asked about an alternative to the slider to increase type size, he sees the gestural instructions after some seconds and says 'but it makes no sense, because if you have a so large slider, you won't need to pinch the screen'. 
  • To change contrast, he says he would click on the arrow at the bottom or on the points in the right margin (he doesn't seem to remember that he's dragged before). Understands the carrousel with contrast options. 
  • To return to the original design, says 'I only see another option in this page, that's to shake the phone, so I would shake the phone to reset all preferences' '- So you don't consider that maybe shaking is related to the contrast options?' '- No, for me makes more sense shaking to reset, not to change the contrast'. 

Post-test interview

  • The most confusing for the desktop version is having hiden options (customize further) or basic options that are not available (like type style). 
  • Another confusing point are the options not related to the current content 'like subtitles: why do I have an option to show subtitles, if I don't have any video here? This option should appear only if there's some video in the page'.
  • In mobile version, he feels confused by the arrow to drag: 'If I see the points at the right, highlighting the page were I am located, I don't need the instructions nor the down arrow, because I can guess that I have to drag to see more options'.  
  • Comparing top and side panels, he prefers the top panel because 'allows me to see a larger area of the original page. The side panel hides an area of the page. It's more practical to have the preferences on the top'. When asked about changing type style in the top panel (just to check if he sees the scrolling option or the search field in the top panel), he doesn't see it. 
  • To improve the application, says that he would prefer icons to symbolize options and not having so many boxes displayed. When he'd click on an icon, then the corresponding box of options would appear. 
  • The moderator asks him about the scrolling bar 'I didn't realize that there was an scrolling bar'. 
  • The moderator points him the search field 'I didn't see it'. 

User 7: Top Panel (Barcelona)

  • Duration: 25 minutes (including user testing, interview and questionnaire).
  • UI Options version: top panel

Demographics profile

  • Male, 65+ (senior)
  • Currently retired
  • Uses glasses always, and magnifying glasses for reading (both on paper and screen)
  • Feels comfortable with technology
  • Reads documents on screen daily. Usually changes text size and page contrast. Never changes the type style (is not an annoying issue)
  • Doesn't use an smartphone

Testing data

Undirected testing

  • The user scans carefully the page with the magnifying glass and focuses several times over the d.p. button, but doesn't recognize it. After about 1 minute identifies the button, but comments that it was hard to find, because the type is too small. 

Directed testing

Basic preferences

  • To increase the type size, points to Size and says 'Obviously, here'. 
  • To change the contrast, quickly points to Contrast. 
  • To simplify the page, quickly points to Simplify. Comments that the instructions are not visible enough.
  • To emfasize links, he points initially to Contrast. When the moderator shows him further preferences in Contrast, he tries to find another option, but scans the page and says 'I don't know'. Tries again but doesn't see the arrow. When the moderator points the arrow, he says that it's too small. 
  • At the second page, the user identifies quickly the 'Emphasis Links' and Button option. 

Advanced features

  • When asked about going back to the original design of the page, he carefully scans the page. Finally says that he would click again on the 'display preferences' button. Isn't aware of the 'reset all preferences' option. 
  • Then he reads the browser extension instructions and says "I don't know what this means". 
  • Asked about hiding images, the user starts to scan again and keeps trying for about 2 minutes, commenting "I don't know" several times. The moderator asks him "If you wanted to find an option that weren't here, how would you do it?". He answers "There should be some help, isn't t?". Finally the moderator points to the search field and he says "I can't read it clearly". After reading the search field text, he still doesn't recognize its function. 

Browser extension

  • When asked to save changes, he is really confused. Scans the page but doesn't find anything helpful. 
  • The moderator asks him about the browser-extension, but he says that he doesn't know what it is or what serves for. He's never used a browser-extension before, and wouldn't click on that button by himself.


  • The user finds the button to access to the display preferences, but doesn't look very sure: "Maybe it's this". 
  • Takes some seconds to read the instructions. To change type size, he would tap on the arrow. 
  • The user sees the Text Size option, and quickly understands its function. 
  • To access to the next option, he would tap on the arrow again. 

Post-test interview

  • The user finds the overall experience very interesting. Hopes to be able to use it at the library, where he reads daily on the screen. 
  • The most confusing is the browser extension button.
  • Says that his basic features are text size and contrast. Wouldn't add any other feature, because he doesn't need.
  • Comparing top and side panels, he says that he prefers the side panel. It's more clear for him: "I like more this".  
  • Doesn't make any specific suggestion to improve the application.

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