(Floe) UI Options interview + contextual inquiry protocol
0. General things to look out for during the interview
- Tools used (software, technologies, etc.)
- Use of special devices (glasses, screen reader, etc.)
- Customization (for reading on screen, to understand the contents, etc.)
- Barriers
- Wishes (things that the users can't customize but would like)
1. Getting started
Give an overview of Flow, and explain that we are looking for new requirements for the User Interface options. Give a brief explanation about the session structure.
2. Demographics, context, icebreakers
1. What is your gender?
- Male
- Female
2. What is your age group?
- 12-17
- 18-25
- 26-35
- 36-45
- 46-55
- 56-65
- 65+
3. Are you working? What's your job?
4. Are you studying anything?
5. Do you feel comfortable using computers?
6. Do you use computers daily? What's the frequency?
7. Do you use other devices? (smartphone, tablets,...)
8. Do you have any disability that affect you use of computers?
9. Do you use any special device? (glasses, screen reader,...)
3. Main interview
The goal is to gain a general understanding of the kind of activities the user does with the computer, the barriers or problems he encounters, how he solves them and if there's some barrier that he's unable to solve.
3.1 Using the computer at home
- Do you use computer at home?
- What's the frequency?
- What do you use computer at home for? (main tasks)
- What kind of software do you use at home?
- Among all this software, could you tell us what is your favorite? Why? (try to focus in the interactive experience).
- Do you read e-books in your leisure time? If so,
- Where do you read the e-books? (in the computer, in a tablet,...)
- What software do you use?
- Do you feel comfortable reading?
- Do you use the by-default settings, or do some customization? If so, which one?
- Have you ever though anything that would improve your reading experience but you are unable to do? If so, what?
- Do you visit websites at home? If so,
- What's the frequency?
- What are your favorites? Why?
- Do you feel comfortable using this website? Why?
- Have you ever though anything that would make this website more comfortable? If so, what?
3.2 Using the computer at work
- Do you use computer at work?
- What's the frequency?
- What do you use computer at work for? (main tasks)
- What kind of software do you use at work?
- Among all this software, could you tell us what is your favorite? Why? (try to focus in the interactive experience).
- Do you have to read large documents in your job? If so,
- Do you read them on screen or do you prefer to print them? Why?
- Do you make some customization to improve reading or comprehension?
- Do you use an intranet at work? If so,
- What do you use the intranet for?
- Do you feel comfortable using it?
- Are you able to customize your experience? If so, do you?
- Do you use any other online tool at work? Why do you use it instead of another? (because you feel comfortable, because you are forced to,...)
3.3 Using the computer for learning
(If the user is studying)
- Your studies, are long-term or a brief course?
- Are your studying face-to-face or online?
- In any case, do you use a virtual campus?
- If so, do you feel the virtual campus is comfortable?
- Can you customize it? How?
- What other customizations would improve your experience?
- Must you read electronic documents? If so, how do you feel?
- Besides reading, what other kind of tasks do you do on the computer?
- What kind of software do you use?
- Among all this software, could you tell us what is your favorite? Why? (try to focus in the interactive experience).
- Which device do you use preferably for your studies: the computer, a tablet, the smartphone...? Why?
3.4 Interview wrap-up
- Would you like to add anything else? (let the participant think aloud).
4. Transition to observation mode
Once you've gathered enough background and general information shift from traditional interview mode to CI mode. This is where you ask the user to perform some of the tasks you learned about earlier. Let the user know you may interrupt with questions but mostly you'll be observing at this point.
4.1 Wikipedia observation
Lead question: Let's see how do you feel using some websites. Let's start by the Wikipedia (first ask the user if he is preparing some trip for his next holidays. Then open Wikipedia by the country of destination page. Otherwise, open http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netherlands) You are preparing a trip to [the country chosen by the participant or the Netherlands] and use Wikipedia to retrieve some information. *
- At a first glance, do you feel comfortable with this page? Why?
- Would you make some customization? If so, do it.
- You need to know [the Netherlands'] currency. Can you find information about this?
- In a page like this, do you think that you can easily find the information you are looking for? Why?
- If you had to read the whole article, how would you do it? (read on screen, make some adaptation, print,...)
- Is there anything disturbing or frustrating?
- How could this page be improved? (let the user imagine aloud)
4.2 Online newspaper
Lead question: Now let's visit your favorite newspaper's site (ask the user about his favorite newspaper and enter to the site).
- Generally, what's your favorite version of the newspaper: printed or digital? Why?
- At the home page.
- At a first glance, do you feel comfortable with this page? Why?
- Do you use to make some customization? If so, do it.
- Is there anything disturbing or frustrating?
- How could this page be improved? (let the user imagine aloud)
- Enter to an article.
- If you had to read the whole article, how would you do it? (read on screen, make some adaptation, print,...)
- Do you use to make some customization? If so, do it.
- Is there anything disturbing or frustrating?
- How could this page be improved? (let the user imagine aloud)
4.3 Favorite website
Lead question: Now let's visit another of your favorite websites (take one from the point 3.1).
- Why do you like this page?
- Do you feel comfortable with it? Why?
- Do you use to make some customization? If so, do it.
- Is there anything disturbing or frustrating?
- How could this page be improved? (let the user imagine aloud)
5. Wrap-up
Thank the participant for his time.