Video Player Feature List
The following is a list of features gathered based on a review of the Video Player mock-ups presented by Tona on Monday, Nov. 7, 2011.
Minimum Viability Requirements
Goal: First official release of Video Player
Context: Inclusive Learning Design Handbook (ILDH); Once minimum requirements are implemented, player will be added to ILDH.
Playback and Control
- Play/pause video
- Scrub bar
- Some indication that it's buffering
- Volume control
- Full screen
- Time codes (current and total)
- Keyboard accessibility (Level I functionality via keyboard) and screen reader usability
Alternative Formats
- Closed Captions (including descriptions of sounds)
- Localization
- Described Video
- Localization
Next Features (in order)
- Universal Subtitles
- Turn on/off
- Create
- Transcripts synchronized to audio
All Requirements
- Show/hide all controls on hover, time-based
- Controls enlarge with UIO settings
- Scrub bar
- load progress
- play progress
- draggable
- with frame preview (see below)
- draggable
- Chapter markers
- Bookmarks
- add/remove onto chapter markers
- create URLs for bookmarks
- Play/Pause
- Volume/Mute
- Volume slider
- CC
- Timecodes
- editable for navigation
- Share
- Embed
- html snipped
- adjustable size
- options
- Narration (what exactly is "narration?" captions? descriptions?)
- option: narration volume
- option: choice of available narrations
- option: request narration
- Transcript
- automatic scrolling
- highlight current phrase (i.e. synchronization)
- adjustable transcript window size
- scrollbar appears on hover
- can highlight section of transcript, highlights corresponding section of scrub bar
- collapsed bottom bar (representing controls) when transcript present
- option: choice of available transcripts
- option: request transcript
- Full-screen mode
- location of some controls is different
- Adjustable window size
- Multiple qualities
- multiple load progress indicators
- Frame preview with timecode
- with transcript snippet
- Layout adjusts automatically to changes in browser window size.
- Layout switching: horizontal vs. vertical (full-screen mode)
- Full screen: height of transcript pane adjustable
- Full screen: width of transcript pane adjustable