Mobile user testing results, Participant 1 (Engage 0.3)

N.B.: Hugues moderated this participant, as P's primary language is French. Notes were taken late in session as I was holding the video camera most of the time till it ran out of batteries.

I. Reality testing

P refers to participant. M refers to moderator. Quotes are paraphrased, not verbatim. Notes/observations in round brackets. Initial analyses in square brackets.

  • Searched for object information through exhibitions
  • Did not find object code entry option till much later (did Hugues have to identify the option?)
  • Made a conceptual connection between the device catalogue theme sections and sections within the physical space [catalogue theme sections weren't intended to navigate through the sections of the physical space]
  • Eventually found the object code entry screen, and found an object code label
  • Was explicitly aware about both at the same time, but didn't make a full connection; didn't think the connection was obvious between the two
  • When watching a video, difficulty finding the volume controls on the case of the device, and inadvertently changed the orientation of the video
  • Ended up watching video in portrait mode (video aspect ratio more ideal for landscape) [can we force orientation?]
  • Participant spent a lot, possibly most (seemed like 80%+), of his time looking at the device and not the space, largely because he was having difficulty making the connection between the objects virtually and physically (i.e., difficulty in finding objects)
  • [we really need to make the application simple---/cantreadmywriting/... affects physical space]