Fluid Engage roadmap Q4

next mobile platform
moving forward with kiosk
Design process documents


Themed collections

0.3 base it around McCord scenario

ā€¢ focus on exhibit browsing as a primary scenario, rather than collections browsing

From the home page, feature what's on at the museum

  • list of current exhibits
  • exhibit view/fact sheet
  • organize based on themes
  • browse artifacts based on themes
  • view the artifact (via browse, object entry code)
  • collect the artifact
  • to allow the user's collection of artifact to be available at home on their browser
  • through email (a URL) or a code or something

From pages 29 and 30 of grant:
data and service inventory
wireframes for map authoring, navigation
map authoring
design and implementation of early authoring templates
map authoring
searching and indexing
social networking user contribution ā€“ connection with social software
Deeper object/exhibit data models based on CollectionSpace
expanded map authoring tool including workflow from CAD drawing import ā€“ final, interactive maps
threaded discussions
more and varied exhibit and activity templates and scripts

From Colin's email:

Here's a rough summary of the scenario, as articulated by Hugues:

1. From the homepage, the visitor can see a list of current exhibits
2. From the list, the visitor can choose an exhibit to explore
3. From the exhibit page, the visitor can browse artifacts organized by theme
4. The visitor can look at comments about the exhibit left by others, or enter their own comments
5. From an artifact page, the visitor can see or enter comments
6. From an artifact page, visitors can collect the artifact into their own personal collection
5. From My Collection, the visitor can send an email enabling them to view the collection from home

There's a lot more work to do yet to flesh out this scenario, but I think the first part of this work will involve new My Collection screens for our mobile experience. As I mentioned earlier, here's a link to a few of the tasks that will be required for this feature:


Looking forward to collaborating with you all on the design and development of these features for Engage 0.3!