Improve load times by using a custom Infusion build for Engage
Two scenarios:
automate Engage script to automatically build and relink 3 days
determine all the modules needed by engage and make a custom build using those
split the engage build so that you can do either production or src
make the production build use the rewrite head functionality so that the heads are linking to infusion all
statically make a custom build and commit alongside Engage 1.5 days
Generalize spinner and loading page from Browse 1 day
Generalize Browse and Navigation List structure to use it in Exhibitions, Catalogue, and Browse by theme 1 day
Make it configurable so that users can easily compose a combination of NavList, Cabinet, More, etc.
Work with Hugues to determine how he will deploy Engage for the pilot 2 days
Fix Safari touch delay if necessary 3 days
Improve error messages 0.5 day
Extend import to be able to crawl multiple data feeds (e.g. McCord exhibit + artifacts) 3 days
Deal with HTML tags included in XML (e.g. from McCord) 3 daysAntranig, can you verify?
Fix bug in parser where comments appear in the document, as well as other nesting problems
Ensure that fields with HTML inside them are treated as "innerHTML strings"
Import a good, fresh snapshot of all the McCord data for the pilot 0.25 day
Upgrade to Couch 0.10 1 day
Working Jamon on the infrastructure
Replicate existing design documents (or import by hand)
Multilingual Support
Implement the language preferences screen using cookie support 0.5 day
Localization: ensure all components load Strings from a properties file or strings: option 4 days
Deliver localized string from server to client (through options, probably)
Update component trees to render the localized messages for all labels in the UI
Translate our strings to French (McCord) 0.75 day
Coordinating with Hugues to do the translation
Writing an i18n test plan
Ensure all data feeds accept a language parameter and that results are returned correctly 0.5 day
Create Couch views to retrieve documents in one language or the other 0.5 day
Import French data - import, sniff test and coordinate with Hugues 0.5 day
Data Access Layer
Refactor data mapping to be fully declarative
Impelementing current map algorithm as a "reshaper" with a generic mapping strategy
Store data map documents in Couch
Implement "dataSourceSpec" or similar declarative way of defining data feeds
Connect up with ChangeApplier to enable totally automated data access
make all components work with the new data access layer
Home Page
Implement a home page with links to Exhibitions, My Collection, Object Code, Language Preferences, and Login 1 day
Next/Previous Item Paging
Fix paging to open at a particular page 0.5 day
Currently, when you click on an artifact, you don't see it, instead you see the first in the batch list
Refactor paging to conform to Pager Model Done
Update ArtifactView to use this, and integrate into NavBar 1 day
Navigation Bar
Implement Navigation Bar functionality for a variety of components 1 day
home - get button from designers
Up/down arrow for Artifact View
Back and should appear wherever appropriate
Optional support for list/grid toggle
Growable List - Navigation List + biggerer subcomponent
Share code with Paging to fetch data 0.5 day
Write code to accumulate up a "growing model" and rerender the component 1 day
Fetch (shared with Paging), change model, rerender (implemented in NavList)
Navigation List
Refactor as a "Thumbnail + Title + Description List" component (if necessary) 1 day
Better flexibility for item descriptions and maybe title
Move "More" and Paging concerns out
Add support for refreshing views in NavigationList 0.5 day
Make NavList restylable as a grid 1 day
Exhibit View and Browse
Code review and refinements to: 2 days
Exhibit Main and About (a.k.a. View)
Exhibit Browse
Exhibit Catalog
Update Exhibit View to match Main and About wireframes 2 days
Requires creating the Comment component as well
Update Catalog to match wireframes 3 days
Includes support for toggling between list and grid views
Includes searching
My Collection
Review Sveto's My Collection and plan next steps 2 day
Determining if we can reuse or redesign aspects of it including list/grid view toggle
See if the Fliquor demo also has similar code to reuse
Implement my collection email 1 days/5 days
Maybe implement this a simple service; we sent the collection information to a "mailer" data service
Otherwise will integrating with Java mail APIs, creating JavaScript wrappers, and ensuring server configuration
Remove reordering from mobile version of My Collection 0.25 day
Implement desktop web version of My Collection 3 days
Status bar with login information
Parameterize Artifact View so that the artifact title can be moved above the image and linked
Ability to delete artifacts from the collection on hover
Comments and Guest Book
Implement comment saving 2 days
Determine how to structure shadow documents; as attachments?; within a known field in the document itself?
Depends on login infrastructure
Implement comments list view 0.5 day
Implement comments entry screen 0.5 day
Integrate comments with Exhibit Main and Artifact View 0.5 day
Login and Sign Up
Implement the wireframes as components/html pages + JS 1 day
Includes "Sign In/Sign Up/Cancel" dialog over Artifact View and Guest Book when commenting
Need to add Kettle API for generating password hashes 1 day
Add support for HTTPS 5 days
Ensure user information is stored in a cookie 0.5 day
Design a strategy for identifying users: 1 day
Museum device: for the duration of using the device (cleared upon quitting the browser)
Personal: forever (unless user clears their cookies)
Artifact View bugs from 0.1
Pathing issues 1 dayAntranig, can you confirm?
Etc. (need to through JIRA and list specific bugs that are relevant)
Update Artifact View to latest wireframes 2.5 days
Implement audio/video for artifacts
Refine Artifact View to handle missing data
Remove Tags from Artifact View (ditch it completely from svn) 0.25 day
Code review, refine, commit Sveto's changes to artifact that allows users to collect an item. 1 day
Object Code Entry
Implement Object Code component 2 days
Create Couch view for searching by code 0.25 day
QA Tasks
Create test plans for Voice Over screen reader with iPhone 2 days
Create test plans for all new functionality and update for existing screens 2 days
Things to Consider
Ensure we QA test on the iPod touch
Questions/Comments for Design
What about upcoming exhibitions? Do we need to support them for 0.3?
Guest book could use some tweaking; modal dialog for login
How does the Report Abuse button work?
What happens if a user creates a collection that is associated with their account, then leaves, comes back another day, creates a new collection when they're not logged in, then goes to log in. Do they lose this new collection, or does it get merged into their existing collection?
Questions for Hugues
Do we have data consisting of multiple images for a single artifact?
Can we get media data that include the duration of movies and audio?
Can we get images in the following sizes?
320 x 240 for main artifact images
64 x 64 or smaller for thumbs
What should we do with Report Abuse for comments in 0.3?
What strategy should we use for mailing users with their collection?
Can you tell us the 1:1 mapping of the fields in the mobile wireframes and fields in the XML?
Stuff to Punt
(Kettle) update kettle to JSGI 0.2
(Performance) Investigate local caching as a way of improving speed
Finish unobtrusive screen navigator
Remove content-specific contract: replace with "auto-portalization"
Improve unit tests
Implement events listing on the exhibit view page. Do we have data for the events?
Events information page. What do those page icons do?
Implement audio/visual links from exhibit page. Do we have data for that?
Test reordering on iPod
Fix Reorderer scrolling for iPod
Create comment input page. (this should stay)
Includes refinements to mobile FSS
Create a myInfusion file that contains the base requirements not files that are only needed in a single component.
the build scripts should be made modular enough to build a myInfusion file that doesn't modify the source directory but only assembles a subset
Artifact View
Description: generalize as a more/less toggle 1 day