fluid-work IRC Logs-2010-01-18

[03:17:01 EST(-0500)] * Bosmon2 (n=amb26fre@97-118-11-174.hlrn.qwest.net) has joined #fluid-work
[03:25:27 EST(-0500)] * boyan1 (n=boyan@ has joined #fluid-work
[03:43:28 EST(-0500)] * boyan1 (n=boyan@ has left #fluid-work
[03:53:04 EST(-0500)] * boyan1 (n=boyan@ has joined #fluid-work
[05:37:21 EST(-0500)] * sveto (n=sveto@ has joined #fluid-work
[08:13:33 EST(-0500)] * sveto_ (n=sveto@ has joined #fluid-work
[08:20:46 EST(-0500)] * sveto (n=sveto@ has joined #fluid-work
[08:23:36 EST(-0500)] * Justin_o (n=Justin@ has joined #fluid-work
[09:11:18 EST(-0500)] * jessm (n=Jess@c-71-232-3-151.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #fluid-work
[09:16:47 EST(-0500)] * michelled (n=michelle@ has joined #fluid-work
[09:25:45 EST(-0500)] * andreauoc (n=carlos@120.Red-213-96-26.staticIP.rima-tde.net) has joined #fluid-work
[09:33:56 EST(-0500)] * andreauoc (n=carlos@120.Red-213-96-26.staticIP.rima-tde.net) has left #fluid-work
[09:43:39 EST(-0500)] * andreauoc (n=carlos@120.Red-213-96-26.staticIP.rima-tde.net) has joined #fluid-work
[09:53:10 EST(-0500)] * anastasiac (n=team@ has joined #fluid-work
[10:02:35 EST(-0500)] * michelled (n=michelle@ has joined #fluid-work
[10:02:35 EST(-0500)] * colinclark (n=colin@ has joined #fluid-work
[10:04:32 EST(-0500)] * clown (n=clown@ has joined #fluid-work
[11:00:54 EST(-0500)] <jamon> hi all, so it looks like the new ssl certificate for source.fluidproject.org made the uportal nightly fail on titan
[11:01:38 EST(-0500)] <jamon> colinclark, michelled, also, java 1.6 on titan is probably a no go, things look too tightly coupled to 1.5, so i know there's no time, but i'll look at moving builds over to forge if you like
[11:01:58 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> jamon: All the builds? Or one at a time?
[11:02:36 EST(-0500)] <jamon> colinclark: one at a time, since we want to rewrite them to not use one off bash scripts iirc?
[11:02:44 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> that'd be awfully nice
[11:02:52 EST(-0500)] <jamon> wouldn't it though (smile)
[11:03:33 EST(-0500)] <jamon> i'll poke around a bit and go for the low-hanging fruit and try moving it over
[11:09:23 EST(-0500)] * clown_ (n=clown@ has joined #fluid-work
[11:14:25 EST(-0500)] * sveto (n=sveto@ has left #fluid-work
[11:48:10 EST(-0500)] * boyan1 (n=boyan@ has left #fluid-work
[11:49:09 EST(-0500)] * Bosmon2 (n=amb26fre@97-118-11-174.hlrn.qwest.net) has joined #fluid-work
[12:09:57 EST(-0500)] * andreauoc (n=carlos@120.Red-213-96-26.staticIP.rima-tde.net) has left #fluid-work
[12:10:38 EST(-0500)] * michelled (n=michelle@ has joined #fluid-work
[12:20:46 EST(-0500)] <jamon> michelled: ping
[12:20:54 EST(-0500)] <michelled> hi jamon
[12:21:12 EST(-0500)] <jamon> have a second today to show me the customizations to the uPortal build?
[12:22:35 EST(-0500)] <michelled> hmmm.... anastasiac might be a better person to talk to
[12:22:51 EST(-0500)] <michelled> perhaps the three of us should chat today - I'm in a meeting at the moment
[12:23:04 EST(-0500)] <jamon> ah ok, np, ping me later this afternoon when you two have a moment then?
[12:23:12 EST(-0500)] <michelled> sure
[12:23:16 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> I will hopefully have some time to chat this afternoon
[13:44:00 EST(-0500)] * colinclark (n=colin@ has joined #fluid-work
[14:21:17 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> Bosmon3, do you have a moment for a Pager question (Pager in the latest release, not new Pager)?
[14:22:44 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> Hello
[14:23:34 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> Bosmon3, you helped me get the Pager working so that I could re-use my template
[14:23:46 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> setting forceUpdate to true, modifying the pager's model, etc.
[14:24:07 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> but something is still not working: I'm trying to change the columnDefs object too, but that change isn't being taken up
[14:24:22 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> Ah
[14:24:25 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> I'm updating the columnDefs object before triggering the instantiatepagechage event
[14:24:30 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> Changing columnDefs was never intended to be supported
[14:24:34 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> What effect are you trying to achieve?
[14:24:58 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> I'm paging search results. when the search query paramaters change, the formatting of the results change
[14:25:03 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> in particular, I'm rendering a link
[14:25:08 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> based on the record type being searched
[14:25:22 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> the columnDefs structure defines that record type
[14:25:27 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> does that make any sense?
[14:26:15 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> ok, well, you could try applying the "model update protocol" to columnDefs, although most parts of the pager cache the object reference, they should be responsive to a change
[14:26:27 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> But from what I can see, you will need to go directly for the version held in the "options" structure
[14:26:35 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> So, to contund() it and then to use copyModel()
[14:27:16 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> I am updating the version in the options structure
[14:27:25 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> but it's not having any effect
[14:27:27 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> Are you using this procedure to do it?
[14:27:41 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> mmm...
[14:27:44 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> let me check
[14:28:22 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> nope, not actually using copyModel
[14:28:29 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> I'll try and see if that makes any difference
[14:29:43 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> Of course it will make a difference (smile)
[14:33:17 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> Bosmon3, you are a genius - thanks!
[14:33:54 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> I guess I never considered that columnDefs is a kind of "model" before...
[14:34:08 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> But I guess it is a declarative structure like any of the others
[14:39:33 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> hm... now the linktext is not being set properly...
[14:48:55 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> ah, my mistake
[15:18:22 EST(-0500)] * clown_afk (n=clown@ has joined #fluid-work
[15:18:47 EST(-0500)] * justin_o (n=jmo@ has joined #fluid-work
[15:33:08 EST(-0500)] * yura (n=yura@ has joined #fluid-work
[15:33:23 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> yura and I are having a chat about import
[15:33:41 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> The task at hand is "elevating" the functionality we currently have in scratchpad as services-sketches upstairs into trunk
[15:34:13 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> One core issue is that we want as much as possible of this infrastructure to be in JAVERSCRIPT as possible - otherwise it poses a serious dependence risk once we move over to different runtimes such as V8
[15:34:35 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> At the time this code was written in September, we were missing various pieces such as support for HTTP POST and PUT in our env.js serverside
[15:34:57 EST(-0500)] <yura> Bosmon3: so in regards to the type of the data: the data for the artifact contains "artefacts" key containing the artifact information, the exhibition data is inside "exhibition" object
[15:35:06 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> But in the meantime I am asking Yura various questions about the import workflow which is operated by "CouchdbUtility.jsvs"
[15:35:17 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> java
[15:35:56 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> So far I have asked questions about i) how the workflow is run by means of clearing out old documents, which relates to a further question ii) about what facilities we have for determining the "type" of a dcoument
[15:36:22 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> Say we wanted to clear out "all artefacts" - how would we do this?
[15:36:56 EST(-0500)] <yura> Bosmon3: well, we would not put the different types in the same database initially
[15:37:55 EST(-0500)] <yura> well if we wanted to delete something based on the criteria, i think we would still need the ids of the documents to delete
[15:38:20 EST(-0500)] <yura> those could be obtained based on the query for that criteria
[15:38:35 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> Well ok
[15:38:45 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> But the way you are asking this question, it sounds like this has never been done (tongue)
[15:38:53 EST(-0500)] <yura> no
[15:38:56 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> I am primarily interested at the moment in things which have happened in the past (smile)
[15:39:19 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> So - when you wanted to run an import "again", what would you do?
[15:39:27 EST(-0500)] <yura> i would drop the database
[15:39:31 EST(-0500)] <yura> and create a new one
[15:39:36 EST(-0500)] <yura> with the same name
[15:39:42 EST(-0500)] <yura> *delete database
[15:40:02 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> aha
[15:40:04 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> ok...
[15:40:34 EST(-0500)] <yura> if you are sure that all the data is wrong, i guess that's the fastest way
[15:40:40 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> (smile)
[15:42:01 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> Can you remind me what the code was, that was starting to use HTTP PUT?
[15:42:08 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> Isn't there something like a tags, or a comments component now?
[15:42:28 EST(-0500)] <yura> we dont have those components yet
[15:42:44 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> Well - I believe Sveto or else Boyan were working on them?
[15:42:45 EST(-0500)] <yura> but my collection probably does those requests
[15:42:54 EST(-0500)] <yura> yes , MyCollection one
[15:42:58 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> ok
[15:43:06 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> Which we had the tour of this morning...
[15:43:23 EST(-0500)] <yura> yes, i've heard
[15:45:23 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> My thinking is that a "type field" might be a slightly more stable way of determining document types
[15:45:27 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> but I guess we can deal with that later
[15:45:43 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> OK, I will try to put together some kind of "upstairs" equivalent to this code...
[15:47:22 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> OK, thanks for the answers...
[15:48:02 EST(-0500)] <yura> Bosmon3: thank you
[15:48:22 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> it sounds like we have no kind of "protocol" over the current contents of the titan Couch?
[15:48:34 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> I guess, largely since only one person has ever been trying to put things in it?
[15:48:49 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> For example, what do we "expect" to be the contents of the database called "mccord" up there? (tongue)
[15:48:57 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> Who is using this right now, for development purposes?
[15:50:37 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> Further, when you get test data from Hugues, what form does this take, and where is it put?
[15:54:18 EST(-0500)] <yura> so...
[15:54:41 EST(-0500)] <yura> yes, mccord and mmi are currently expected to contain artifact data
[15:55:24 EST(-0500)] <yura> institutionName_exhibitions is expected to have exhibitions for particular institution
[15:55:47 EST(-0500)] <yura> most of the data he gave us was just a set of link to his xml data feed
[15:55:59 EST(-0500)] <yura> but for the 0.3 he said he will provide a list of files for us
[15:56:43 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> And so what procedure did you follow in harvesting his links?
[15:56:49 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> Do you have a wget or curl script?
[15:56:55 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> Is this checked into SVN anywhere? (smile)
[15:57:38 EST(-0500)] <yura> yes
[15:57:40 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> So, it seems we are currently operating Couch granularity on the unit of databases.... this is a situation we will probably have to review quite soon
[15:57:51 EST(-0500)] <yura> yes
[16:08:49 EST(-0500)] * colinclark (n=colin@ has joined #fluid-work
[16:44:18 EST(-0500)] * colinclark (n=colin@ has joined #fluid-work
[16:52:52 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> colinclark, michelled, others - my current thinking is to transfer jquery.couch.js, oauth.js and sha1.js from couch trunk into what we call "framework" in fluid-engage-core
[16:52:55 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> Any thoughts?
[16:54:29 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> hey, Bosmon3
[16:54:33 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> sorry, just catching up
[16:54:42 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Bosmon3: Do they look good?
[16:55:04 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> Well... not entirely "good", as such (tongue)
[16:55:08 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> And, do we need the OAuth and SHA1 libraries at the moment?
[16:55:11 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> But they are certainly shorter than the old versionw
[16:55:20 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> I'm assuming this would be for putting some authentication around Couch itself?
[16:55:27 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> Well, there appears to be a dependency of jquery.couch.js on them
[16:55:31 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Ah, ok
[16:55:37 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> So it would seem better to take them along even if we don't plan to use them for now
[16:55:44 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> That seems fairly reasonable, yes.
[16:56:07 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> I mean, the plugin is somewhat less redundant than the ancestral one, and also does not have the dangerous cache that the non-jquery version does
[16:56:31 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> Oh wait
[16:56:33 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> I tell a lie (sad)
[16:56:35 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> The cache is there
[16:56:35 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> ack
[16:56:45 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> i'm really glad you're looking at this, Bosmon3
[16:57:20 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> the third incarnation of Bosmon
[16:57:25 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> Although it is only used in one function
[16:57:31 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> "newUUID"
[16:57:43 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> We might survive so long as we universally curse the use of this call
[16:58:18 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> We could replace it with our own
[16:58:24 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> I can trace the chain back through prepareUserDoc -> signup
[16:58:31 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> So all of these should be cursed
[16:58:33 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> I guess we could
[16:59:10 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> And this is actually the same code path that incurs the dependence on sha1.js
[17:02:45 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> So, a good way to warn people about this functionality would be to NOT include sha1.js and oauth.js (tongue)
[17:09:08 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> (smile)
[17:18:21 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Bosmon3: Those calls you mentioned... prepareUserDoc and signup. Where are they? In our code?
[17:38:29 EST(-0500)] * clown (n=clown@ has left #fluid-work
[17:50:56 EST(-0500)] * anastasiac (n=team@ has left #fluid-work
[18:08:17 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> No, those are in jquery.couch.js
[18:08:41 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon3> And are the calls that must not be used on the server-side for risk of causing a concurrency problem
[20:38:49 EST(-0500)] * colinclark (n=colin@bas2-toronto09-1176132510.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #fluid-work
[22:56:09 EST(-0500)] * yura (n=yura@bas3-toronto06-2925097429.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #fluid-work