Mobile user testing, Draft 8, User 1 BCN (November 25, 2009)


Pre-visit scenario

Task: What do you do to decide whether or not you really want to go?

- He says to be usually interested mainly by the museum's collection, and then by the opening hours, admission fees, and exhibitions.
- Looking at the application, he takes a look at the news, and then he orderly reads all the options at the home. He says "At News, I will be able to find current activities".
- Deduces easily the meaning of Collection, Exhibition and Visitor Information. For this last option, he waits to find there information about museum's location, feeds and opening hours.
- Confused by the options My Collection (although he deduces its actual function after thinking a few seconds on it), and Enter Object Code. He says "I don't see the difference between Collections and MyCollections".
- On Settings he asks, "Oh, may I configure my own options?", in the sense to personalize the application. Positive feedback.

Task: Suppose now that you've decided to go later today or this week. How would you prepare, if at all, for your visit?

- Takes a look at the News.
- Would click on Collections.
- Would click on Visitor Information.
- Acts quickly. Doesn't seem to doubt about the options he would click on.

Task: What do you do to learn about the exhibitions that are on right now?

- Goes directly to Exhibitions.
- Clicks on one exhibition (Simply Montreal, in this case). Doesn't seem to notice the "Event today" icon.
- Seems to understand the meaning of each section of the exhibition home page, while describing it. His attention focuses mainly on About...- The other sections seem to have a secondary importance. Among them, he pays special attention to Events.

Task: How would you go about learning more about an exhibition you're interested in?

- Would go to About...
- On About... page, he expected to see more images of the Exhibit objects, "Maybe 3 or 4 objects, the most outstanding, to see more about the exhibition". Seems frustated for having only one image.
- He reads the header and then starts reading the text.
- Doesn't seem to notice the warning panel that informs on special feeds for this exhibition. When asked about exhibition feeds, he goes back (using the top arrow -he never uses the Home button) until he reaches the home. Once there, he clicks on Visitor Information.
- To see the exhibition artifacts, he insists on having some images on the About... section. When asked to see more artifacts, he looks carefully at all the section on the Exhibition home page, and then clicks on Catalogue.
- Once in the Catalogue, he understands quickly and clearly the structure of themes and subthemes. He continues browsing the exhibition until he reaches a subtheme page. Then he clicks on an artifact. He seems to perceive the difference between themes and subthemes, and artifact icons.
- When reaches the artifact page, he seems to be interested by the information he sees, focusing mainly on the image.
- When asked about how to remember this object when in the museum, he takes some seconds to look the page and think on it, focusing mainly on the top of the page. When he discovers "Collect" option he immediately says "Well, I would click on Collect and then... oh, then this object would be visible from that MyCollection option that I saw on the first screen, isn't it?".
- When asked about finding out what others thought about the exhibition, he quickly clicks on Show Guests' book.
- When asked about events related to the exhibition, he points to the Events section. He seems to be content with the information he sees on the exhibition home page, but he recognizes that he could see more events clicking on it.

In-museum scenario

Task: Suppose you want to see whether there are any events happening today. How do you go about reminding yourself about the event's time?

- On the Home page, he looks at the News panel. He says he would click on one event to see more information.
- When asked about seeing events related to one exhibition, he enters on an exhibition page, and clicks on the Events section. Then he doubts. Doesn't seem to have a clear idea of how to remember the time of the event. After thinking some seconds (5 more or less), he says "Well, I suppose that I would click here (pointing to the icon)". Comments that he doesn't know what would happen after clicking on it, he supposes that he will be noticed in some way when the time arrives, but doesn't know how.

Task: How would you go about finding the artifacts you bookmarked from your pre-visit?

- Back to the Home page (header's arrow button), clicks directly on MyCollection option. After seeing the button "Collect" at the artifact page, he seems to understand clearly the meaning of this option. 

Task: (after presenting the picture of an actifact with label) While walking by the museum, you find this object and are specially interested on it. How do you go about learning more about it?

- He takes a look at the label and as soon as he sees the object code, he says he would click on the Enter Object Code option at the Home screen.
- The artifact page is shown. When asked about marking the object to remember it at home, he quickly clicks on "Collect". He seems to be satisfied with this option: "It's very interesting!". He doesn't look for any other possibility.
- When asked about sharing a note about this artifact, he looks at the options at the top of the page, and he clicks on _"Comment". Then we ask them about reading other visitors' comments, and he looks at the page and says "I would click on _Show Comments". It's interesting to note that he would use the top button to send his comment: he hasn't looked for it inside the Comments panel.
- When asked about seeing other related objects, he quickly clicks on "Go to related artifacts". He remembers the content of the page, so he hasn't to search the options. He recognizes how to change the order of the elements.
- When asked about listening or seeing something about this artifact, he clicks on "Show Audio and Video" panel. He explains that there are 3 contents, and he would click on the image of the video to see it. He's sure about the ability of seeing the video directly on the mobile (he doesn't expect this to be a mere information).
- When asked about seeing the image in a bigger size, he would click on it.
- Asked about the arrows on the image, he says "Well, if I click on this (for the right) I would see the next object, and on this (for the left) the previous one, isn't it? Or would they zoom-in and zoom-out?". He doubts on the function of these arrows.
- Asked about sharing the object with a friend, he quickly clicks on "Send".

During the In-museum scenario, the user seems to be satisfied. He moves quickly by the options of the page, and recognizes where to find the options.

Post-visit scenario

Task: How would you go about finding the objects you collected?

- He quickly answers: "I would go to the first page and click on MyCollection".

Exit questionnaire

How was your overall experience using this application?

  • Very pleasant--it's great!

What would *you* use this application for? Choose as many as are appropriate.

  • Planning a trip to a museum
  • Other: as an alternative to the real visit.

What sorts of features or functionality would you have liked to see in a mobile app like this? (e.g., what's missing?)

- More news
- To have links to other museum's contents [to have something like a intermuseum tour]
- Shedule [something similar to an aggenda with all the events]
- Location of the artifact on a map, to see where the artifact is when visiting the museum.

What would you have changed in this app? (e.g., what can be improved? What would make it more fun or engaging?)

- Anything

How useful do you think it is to "collect" artifacts, objects, and paintings?

  • Very useful! I'd use it frequently.

How useful do you think it is to see artifacts, objects, and paintings other people "collected"?

  • Not very useful. I wouldn't use it very often.

How useful do you think it is to tag artifacts, objects, and paintings?

  • Not very useful. I wouldn't use it very often.

How useful do you think it is to see the tags of artifacts, objects, and paintings?

  • Not very useful. I wouldn't use it very often.

How useful do you think it is to comment on exhibits?

  • Useful. I'd use it sometimes.

How useful do you think it is to read comments other visitors left for exhibits?

  • Useful. I'd use it sometimes.

How useful do you think it is to comment on artifacts, objects, and paintings?

  • Not very useful. I wouldn't use it very often.

How useful do you think it is to read comments other visitors left for artifacts, objects, and paintings?

  • Useful. I'd use it sometimes.