Mobile user testing, Draft 8, User 3 BCN (December 2, 2009)


Pre-visit scenario

Task: What do you do to decide whether or not you really want to go?

- He says to be interested by the museum thematic, feeds, opening hours, exhibitions and collection.

Task: Suppose now that you've decided to go later today or this week. How would you prepare, if at all, for your visit?

- Looking at the application, he says he would click on Exhibitions and Visitor Information. He doubts about which option would click first but anyway, he'd click on both.
- Asked about what information he expects to find on Visitor Information, he says "Opening hours, fees, if they open in holidays...". He doesn't seem to doubt about this section's contents.

Task: What do you do to learn about the exhibitions that are on right now?

- He clicks on Exhibitions. Sees that there are currently 4 exhibitions.

Task: How would you go about learning more about an exhibition you're interested in?

- Cliks on one exhibition (Simply Montreal).
- [At the exhibition home page] He would drag the arrow at the right of the page to open one section. "Drags" the arrow to open About...- Reads all the page and says he'd click on the panel See exhibition fees. Looks very interested. Points that he'd like to find there also the exhibition timetable: "Of course, I expect to find here ALL about the exhibition".
- [At About... page] Asked how to find more about the objects on the exhibition, "I'd click on the image, to see more images of the objects".
- Asked to return the previous page, "I would drag the page to the right".
- [Back to the Exhibition home page] We ask him "Could you access to the Exhibition objects from this screen?". He answers: "Yes, going to the About...".
- We point him the Catalogue option. Then he clicks on it. At the first page of the catalogue (when themes and subthemes are displayed), he says to see the list of the objects with a small introduction. He doesn't recognize the rows as subthemes, but as objects. Doesn't notice the themes' headers.
- Asked how to remember an object when in the museum, he doubts: "I don't know, I guess that if I click on an object, I'll enter on it". Asked if maybe at the object's page he could find the way to remember it, he states "No". He finally decides: "I would double-click here [on the object's row] to mark it". He expects to be able to mark the object quickly and directly from the objects list -- similar to Twiterrific, for instance.
- [At the object page] He's asked again if he see something to help him remember the object: "I guess that if I click on Collect I'll collect it, but I don't like this, I'd like to do it directly from the objects list".
- To return from the object page to the home, he would click on the back button on the page top bar (he doesn't notice the Home button).
- [At the exhibition home page] Asked about other visitors' opinion on the exhibition, he directly clicks on "See Guests' book".
- Asked if there are events on the exhibition, he looks at the Events section: "I would read it here and would click on it if I'd interested. But the information I have here is enough for me". We ask him "And what if you are going next Saturday and want to know this day's events?". Then directly clicks on Events. On the Events page, he says he doesn't like the list of events "I'd like to see a calendar with the days with events marked, so I could click on the day I want".


In-museum scenario

Task: Suppose you want to see whether there are any events happening today. How do you go about reminding yourself about the event's time?

- [From the home page] He goes directly to the Exhibition > Events page.
- To remember an event's time, he doubts: "Maybe I'd click on the icon [refering to the button at the right of the row], but it doesn't seem to serve for it, it resembles more a PDF. I'd use the Google Calendar icon with an arrow to indicate that you are sending the date there".

Task: How would you go about finding the artifacts you bookmarked from your pre-visit?

- Back to home, he clicks on MyCollection. No doubts.

Task: (after presenting the picture of an actifact with label) While walking by the museum, you find this object and are specially interested on it. How do you go about learning more about it?

- He quickly responses "I'd click on Enter object code". Enters the code. Doesn't miss any sending button "When I type the last digit, I don't want to do anything more: just send me to the object page!".
- [At the object page] The first he does is "to click on the right arrow [refers to one of the two arrows over the image] to play some audio about the object". But afther thinking a while, he says "but now I realize that this arrow serves to see another object's image, or to go to another object".
- Asked about how to remember this object when back at home, he says "I'd send it to my Facebook".
- About commenting the object, he clicks directly on "Comment" (at the top bar).
- About seeing related objects, he clicks directly on "Related artifacts". At this page, he's asked about how are these related objects ordered: "Chronologically, I guess". Could you reorder it following another criterion? "I'd drag the bars [refers to the category bars], but if I must choose another criterion... [after looking carefully at the page] I don't know how to do it".
- About seeing or listening about the object, he clicks directly on "See Audio and Video" but points "but I don't like, I'd prefer an icon instead of so may text. Has to be more agile and fast!".
- About if there's some other image of the object, he points to the two arrows over the image: "but I doubt if I'd change to another object, or I'd see more images of this one".
- About zooming in the image, he moves two fingers over the image to reproduce the typical gesture of zooming-in in iPhone (separates them from one point).
- About sharing the object with a friend, he says "I'd post it on my Facebook". If the friend wouldn't be a Facebook user, "I'd click on Send".

Post-visit scenario

Task: How would you go about finding the objects you collected?

- He immediately clicks on MyCollection.

Exit questionnaire

How was your overall experience using this application?

  • Very pleasant--it's great!

What would *you* use this application for? Choose as many as are appropriate.

  • Planning a trip to a museum
  • Fun
  • Social
  • Education/learning

What sorts of features or functionality would you have liked to see in a mobile app like this? (e.g., what's missing?)

- 3D codebar reader, to avoid entering the object code.

What would you have changed in this app? (e.g., what can be improved? What would make it more fun or engaging?)

- Anything

How useful do you think it is to "collect" artifacts, objects, and paintings?

  • Not very useful. I wouldn't use it very often.

How useful do you think it is to see artifacts, objects, and paintings other people "collected"?

  • Not useful at all. I'd probably never use it.

How useful do you think it is to tag artifacts, objects, and paintings?

  • Not very useful. I wouldn't use it very often.

How useful do you think it is to see the tags of artifacts, objects, and paintings?

  • Useful. I'd use it sometimes.

How useful do you think it is to comment on exhibits?

  • Very useful! I'd use it frequently.

How useful do you think it is to read comments other visitors left for exhibits?

  • Very useful! I'd use it frequently.

How useful do you think it is to comment on artifacts, objects, and paintings?

  • Useful. I'd use it sometimes.

How useful do you think it is to read comments other visitors left for artifacts, objects, and paintings?

  • Useful. I'd use it sometimes.