fluid-work IRC Logs-2009-10-21

[01:51:54 EDT(-0400)] * Bosmon2 (n=amb26fre@78-105-207-102.zone3.bethere.co.uk) has joined #fluid-work
[01:59:47 EDT(-0400)] * Bosmon3 (n=amb26fre@78-105-207-102.zone3.bethere.co.uk) has joined #fluid-work
[02:54:34 EDT(-0400)] * Bosmon2 (n=amb26fre@78-105-207-102.zone3.bethere.co.uk) has joined #fluid-work
[02:58:10 EDT(-0400)] * Bosmon2 (n=amb26fre@78-105-207-102.zone3.bethere.co.uk) has joined #fluid-work
[07:12:47 EDT(-0400)] * boyan (n=astea@ has joined #fluid-work
[08:23:16 EDT(-0400)] * sveto (n=quassel@ has joined #fluid-work
[08:24:53 EDT(-0400)] * Justin_o (n=Justin@ has joined #fluid-work
[08:27:53 EDT(-0400)] * laurel (n=Laurel@ has joined #fluid-work
[09:04:44 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist (n=dalquist@bohemia.doit.wisc.edu) has joined #fluid-work
[09:33:39 EDT(-0400)] * michelled (n=michelle@ has joined #fluid-work
[09:34:42 EDT(-0400)] * anastasiac (n=team@ has joined #fluid-work
[09:35:14 EDT(-0400)] * athena (n=athena@adsl-75-58-127-15.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net) has joined #fluid-work
[09:35:58 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> Hi sveto - welcome to the channel
[09:43:25 EDT(-0400)] * yura1 (n=yura@ has joined #fluid-work
[09:47:08 EDT(-0400)] * clown (n=clown@ has joined #fluid-work
[09:48:26 EDT(-0400)] * jessm (n=Jess@c-71-232-1-65.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #fluid-work
[09:52:50 EDT(-0400)] * michelled (n=team@ has joined #fluid-work
[09:54:32 EDT(-0400)] * joan (n=joan@ has joined #fluid-work
[10:10:36 EDT(-0400)] * colinclark (n=colin@ has joined #fluid-work
[10:33:43 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> boyan: sveto: WELCOME!
[10:35:13 EDT(-0400)] <boyan> hi all (smile)
[10:36:32 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> boyan: sveto: just so you know, this channel is logged and automagically posted to the wiki: see http://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/IRC+Channel for details
[10:40:54 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> colinclark: Justin_o: are we into testing?
[10:41:36 EDT(-0400)] <boyan> jessm: already noticed that, even looked through some of the recent logs
[10:41:42 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> jessm: We're nearly there. I sent an email to the list telling everyone that we're frozen now, and that testing will begin shortly.
[10:41:42 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> boyan: great
[10:41:56 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> michelled is just in the process of tagging the testing build and getting it all set up for us.
[10:42:01 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> colinclark: i'm seeing the email; i'm volunteering up my iPhone for some testing (smile)
[10:42:06 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> I don't think it will take too long, and then we'll be testing away.
[10:42:12 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> roger that
[10:42:12 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> jessm: Ok, you're on my list.
[10:42:21 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> I'll ping you when we're ready for you.
[10:55:00 EDT(-0400)] * Justin_o (n=Justin@ has joined #fluid-work
[10:58:30 EDT(-0400)] <sveto> hello to all
[10:59:46 EDT(-0400)] <laurel> hi back sveto
[11:03:22 EDT(-0400)] * fj4000 (n=Jacob@ has joined #fluid-work
[11:04:01 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> sveto: Hello!
[11:06:06 EDT(-0400)] * mackrauss (n=Armin@user144-167.wireless.utoronto.ca) has joined #fluid-work
[11:21:10 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> jessm: Hola
[11:21:19 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> We're all ready to rock for testing.
[11:21:20 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> colinclark: buenas
[11:21:26 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> i see that
[11:21:29 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> (smile)
[11:21:37 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> Let me know if I can help you get started.
[11:23:42 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> colinclark: i'll dive in momentarily
[11:23:49 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> Thanks!
[11:27:41 EDT(-0400)] * sveto (n=quassel@ has joined #fluid-work
[11:32:14 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> i'm getting a funky svn error when trying to register Versions: svn: Unable to open an ra_local session to URL
[11:32:25 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> is this something simple like adding something to my hosts file?
[11:37:06 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> jessm: I'm happy to help with this after standup
[11:37:17 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> colinclark: schwoo – thanks!
[11:42:06 EDT(-0400)] * elicochran (n=elicochr@dhcp-169-229-212-41.LIPS.Berkeley.EDU) has joined #fluid-work
[11:47:52 EDT(-0400)] * Lee_Bee (n=UXExpert@d142-058-198-208.surrey.sfu.ca) has joined #fluid-work
[11:48:17 EDT(-0400)] <joan> colin: hi, i'll try to improve the component as you suggest. But render tree for a 2 <p> and 2 <div> simple template ? makes sense?.
[11:48:33 EDT(-0400)] <Lee_Bee> colinclark: hey, is it possible to test the engage build in iphoney if we don't have an iphone.
[11:49:51 EDT(-0400)] <joan> colin: i've seen that there are important changes in svn (the component works with f_1_1). I'll fix that too.
[11:51:07 EDT(-0400)] * sveto (n=quassel@ has joined #fluid-work
[11:51:35 EDT(-0400)] <Lee_Bee> colinclark: I think I answered my own question... no touch feature on iphoney...
[11:53:24 EDT(-0400)] <joan> colin: today i have to quit early in 10 minutes. Hope tomorrow I can post the fixes. (smile)
[11:56:36 EDT(-0400)] <laurel> hello colinclark: I found a bug
[11:56:39 EDT(-0400)] * elicochran (n=elicochr@dhcp-169-229-212-41.LIPS.Berkeley.EDU) has joined #fluid-work
[11:56:41 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> laurel: Ok
[11:56:47 EDT(-0400)] <laurel> shall I file it first or describe it
[11:57:26 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> laurel: It's up to you
[11:57:48 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> Lee_Bee: iPhoney seems like it would probably be fine for testing Engage to me.
[11:58:02 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> I'll have to take a closer look at the test plan to see if there's anything missing
[11:58:05 EDT(-0400)] <laurel> filing
[11:58:13 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> But at the moment, there's not a lot of pinching or zooming required in Engage.
[11:59:16 EDT(-0400)] * boyan (n=astea@ has left #fluid-work
[12:00:05 EDT(-0400)] <laurel> colinclark (and anyone testing the view part of engage): http://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/ENGAGE-142
[12:00:16 EDT(-0400)] <Lee_Bee> There's some swiping in test 3 but I think everything else is testable
[12:01:09 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> Lee_Bee: The swiping is just scrolling, so it's just fine.
[12:02:11 EDT(-0400)] <Lee_Bee> 10-4. I understood this to be more 'touch' swiping than scrolling...
[12:02:29 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> colinclark: activation successful
[12:02:36 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> jessm: sweet
[12:02:42 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> colinclark: i don't think it liked me double clicking the file from mail.app
[12:02:48 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> weird
[12:03:22 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> laurel: Can you provide the link to a specific artifact that shows this bug in your JIRA description?
[12:11:02 EDT(-0400)] * fj4000 (n=Jacob@ has joined #fluid-work
[12:11:39 EDT(-0400)] <laurel> colinclark: done - and filed another one http://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/ENGAGE-143
[12:14:38 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> laurel: Thanks so much
[12:18:32 EDT(-0400)] <laurel> colinclark: more http://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/ENGAGE-144
[12:22:11 EDT(-0400)] * jameswy (n=jameswy@ has joined #fluid-work
[12:22:29 EDT(-0400)] <sveto> i'd like to ask - is there a jira ticket for our introduction tasks, or there won't be any?
[12:22:47 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> sveto: which tasks in particular?
[12:23:04 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> colinclark: are we all doing the same tests? the two listed under high priority?
[12:23:23 EDT(-0400)] <sveto> jessm: the grid for fluid engage and the thumbnail view for decapode
[12:24:22 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> jessm: There are really only two tests, so we're all doing them fully. If you'd prefer to only pick one, go ahead.
[12:24:41 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> sveto: i'm just looking through JIRA – did you check http://issues.fluidproject.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&amp;pid=10020&amp;status=1
[12:24:48 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> sveto: we do need JIRA issues for those tasks but it's possible that they aren't created yet
[12:24:49 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> colinclark: k
[12:25:08 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> sveto: that will also give you a sense of what others are doing
[12:25:53 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> michelled: Decapod isn't listed in JIRA – not sure if we need to kick that up soon to get tasks in there for boyan and sveto
[12:26:55 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> jessm: Decapod was created as a 'component' in the Infusion area of JIRA
[12:26:56 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> http://issues.fluidproject.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&amp;mode=hide&amp;pid=10001&amp;sorter/order=DESC&amp;sorter/field=priority&amp;resolution=-1&amp;component=10087
[12:27:08 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> it was never moved out when the new engage space was created
[12:27:09 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> michelled: ahhh
[12:27:28 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> sveto: ^ that link from michelled for Decapod tasks
[12:27:51 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> At the moment, there's an "umbrella" issue for creating the Capture UI for Decapod, but it's not terribly descriptive.
[12:27:52 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> http://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/FLUID-3079
[12:28:09 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> We should probably just close it and file some more granular and descriptive issues. (wink)
[12:28:21 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> sveto: to answer the original question, JIRAs probably need to be created for the tasks
[12:29:26 EDT(-0400)] <sveto> jessm: i'm trying to look at some ideas about what has to be done to get us started.
[12:29:50 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> I'm starting to file a few of the necessary JIRA issues now.
[12:30:01 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> michelled is creating a new component in Engage for My Collection.
[12:30:09 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> sveto: it's probably a combination of doing research in the wiki and the links we gave you yesterday and having chats with Justin_O and michelled
[12:30:25 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> and what he said (smile)
[12:30:30 EDT(-0400)] * Lee_Bee (n=UXExpert@d142-058-198-208.surrey.sfu.ca) has joined #fluid-work
[12:30:46 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> Lee_Bee: are you all setup with SVN?
[12:30:51 EDT(-0400)] <Lee_Bee> Yes I am
[12:30:56 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> Lee_Bee: great
[12:30:58 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> yes I know how terrible 3079 is - it's been flashing red on my to do list to improve it
[12:31:09 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> michelled: You can improve it by closing it (tongue)
[12:31:14 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> yes
[12:31:15 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> (smile)
[12:31:32 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> I'm filing an umbrella issue for Capture, including links to the wireframes and some fairly granular subtasks
[12:35:44 EDT(-0400)] <sveto> jessm: so I'll talk to Justin when he shows up as michelle is in vacation if i understood correctly, but i guess this will be tomorrow, until then we'll get through the documentation
[12:36:55 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> sveto: That sounds like a good idea. In the meantime, michelled and I have started to file some clear JIRAs for the tasks related to both your and boyan's work.
[12:37:47 EDT(-0400)] <sveto> colinclark: thank you, that will get us to speed
[12:37:51 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> Great
[12:46:36 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> jessm: When you're meeting with Thomas about Decapod this week, can you ask him about the status of the server code?
[12:46:50 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> colinclark: status as in?
[12:47:01 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> Specifically, I'm interested in knowing if the code that we're seeing in the Google Code repository is the latest and greatest.
[12:47:11 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> And if there is any ongoing work planned for it.
[12:47:14 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> k
[12:47:28 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> crap, i just realized both you and michelled will miss tomorrow's mtg.
[12:47:36 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> We need to know if what we've got now is all we can expect from the Kaiserslauten team, or if they're planning more functionality.
[12:47:56 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> This will be a key driver in deciding if we will continue to use Python and CherryPy or if we'll switch to Kettle.
[12:48:14 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> sveto: Just out of curiosity, are you a fairly skilled Java programmer?
[12:49:09 EDT(-0400)] <sveto> colinclark: i've been working primarily with java if this answers your question
[12:49:18 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> sveto: It certainly does, yes. Thanks.
[12:50:03 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> sveto: Right now, we have a fairly rudimentary server for Decapod written by the Kaiserlauten team in Python. We have a fast-growing server-side JavaScript environment called Kettle, which we may decided to use for the project.
[12:50:46 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> Kettle is implemented on tom of the JVM and servlet API. One of the things we may need help with-though it's not on the roadmap yet-is implementing a File and I/O API in JavaScript for Kettle. This will inevitably involve a fair bit of Java coding, so it might be a good fit for.
[12:50:49 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> for you
[12:53:06 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> jessm: Another topic for the Decapod meeting is test data.
[12:53:26 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> We'll need to assemble five or ten test files, including:
[12:53:30 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> 1. Warped images
[12:53:33 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> 2. Dewarped images
[12:53:36 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> 3. An assembled PDF
[12:55:13 EDT(-0400)] <sveto> colinclark: i'll have a look at kettle, is it in the repository?
[12:55:28 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> sveto: Yes, for sure. I'll get you a link.
[12:56:30 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> https://source.fluidproject.org/svn/fluid/fluid-engage-kettle/trunk/
[12:56:55 EDT(-0400)] <sveto> thank you
[12:57:10 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> I've created a few JIRA issues for the my collection work. I'm not sure if I've broken it up well or if I've put enough information in them
[12:57:16 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> http://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/ENGAGE/component/10142
[12:57:19 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> colinclark: i'm on it!
[12:57:31 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> sveto: There's a group working on drafting specifications for server-side JavaScript APIs for things like Binary, File, etc.
[12:57:43 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> Unfortunately, the specs are still really evolving--there are usually several competing proposals.
[12:58:12 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> And often they're not really well thought out. Many of the people working on this are coming from other languages and aren't building APIs that are idiomatic for JavaScript.
[12:58:15 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> Here's a link to that: http://wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/CommonJS
[12:58:31 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> Again, we're still not certain we're going to do this, so treat this as background reading for now.
[12:59:42 EDT(-0400)] <sveto> ok, i'll show this to boyan too
[13:00:00 EDT(-0400)] <sveto> so we decide who will take on decapod
[13:00:03 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> great
[13:00:53 EDT(-0400)] <sveto> thank you all for making us feel welcome, i must be leaving now, till tomorrow
[13:05:54 EDT(-0400)] * elicochran (n=elicochr@dhcp-169-229-212-41.LIPS.Berkeley.EDU) has joined #fluid-work
[13:16:02 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> jessm, michelled: Here's an umbrella issue I created for the first story of the Decapod 0.5y deliverable.
[13:16:03 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> http://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/FLUID-3312
[13:21:29 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> looks good colinclark
[13:24:15 EDT(-0400)] * jimeng (n=jimeng@141-211-4-083.vpn.umnet.umich.edu) has joined #fluid-work
[13:42:36 EDT(-0400)] <yura1> hey guys, i filed a number of bugs for engage core components: ENGAGE-145, ENGAGE-147, ENGAGE-148, ENGAGE-149, ENGAGE-153, ENGAGE-155, ENGAGE-156, ENGAGE-158.
[13:43:12 EDT(-0400)] <yura1> hey laurel, this is my list ^
[13:43:49 EDT(-0400)] <laurel> woah...that was a big list
[13:44:38 EDT(-0400)] <laurel> yura1: colin asked me to put links to the artifact views within the bugs...you might want to do the same thing.
[13:44:57 EDT(-0400)] <yura1> laurel: thanks, will do
[13:46:10 EDT(-0400)] <laurel> yura1 - also I filed the bugs under the specific "view" component, but not sure if that was correct...do you know?
[13:46:51 EDT(-0400)] <yura1> yep, those are related to view
[13:58:31 EDT(-0400)] <laurel> yura1: did you do all your testing on IPhone?
[13:58:58 EDT(-0400)] <laurel> I'm wondering if you did android environment too.
[14:00:10 EDT(-0400)] <yura1> no just ipod touch
[14:00:38 EDT(-0400)] <laurel> should we be putting environment on the issues reported then?
[14:00:52 EDT(-0400)] <yura1> it's not ready for the android yet, since it doesn't render images on the demo pages.
[14:01:18 EDT(-0400)] <laurel> or is IPhone aprox = IPod Touch
[14:01:59 EDT(-0400)] <yura1> yep, as long as it has OS 3.0+
[14:03:41 EDT(-0400)] <laurel> ok...we should probably still report platform in jiras
[14:14:56 EDT(-0400)] * Lee_Bee (n=UXExpert@d142-058-198-208.surrey.sfu.ca) has joined #fluid-work
[14:14:59 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> laurel: from the perspective of ipod or iphone it should be the same platform – it it is updated
[14:34:09 EDT(-0400)] * colinclark (n=colin@ has joined #fluid-work
[14:50:58 EDT(-0400)] <yura1> hey colinclark, so is there anything else besides the stuff on engage components QA test plans that I could help with?
[15:06:43 EDT(-0400)] * athena (n=athena@adsl-75-58-127-15.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net) has joined #fluid-work
[15:29:53 EDT(-0400)] * Lee_Bee (n=UXExpert@d142-058-198-208.surrey.sfu.ca) has joined #fluid-work
[15:45:13 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> so in a fluid component that.locate('selectorName', [parent]); is used to find nodes in the DOM
[15:45:24 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> is there a 'fluid' way of lookup up the tree instead of down?
[15:45:57 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> for example I have a click handler on a link and the handler function has a reference to the link that was clicked
[15:46:15 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> I then need to lookup the parent TR of the link and then for a specific INPUT within that TR
[15:46:35 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> it is easy enough to do with jQuery but then I'm hardcoding selectors
[15:47:11 EDT(-0400)] * michelled (n=michelle@ has joined #fluid-work
[15:50:02 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> just curious if there is a fluidy way to do that up then down DOM traversal
[15:50:42 EDT(-0400)] * Lee_Bee (n=UXExpert@d142-058-198-208.surrey.sfu.ca) has joined #fluid-work
[16:12:01 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> EricDalquist: Sorry, super distracted. But I will respond shortly
[16:12:30 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> no problem
[16:32:35 EDT(-0400)] * laurel (n=Laurel@ has left #fluid-work
[16:44:47 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> EricDalquist: Sorry for the delay. For cases like this, I tend to use the DOM Binder, and define a particular selector for the element.
[16:45:13 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> do you have an example you can point me to?
[16:45:28 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> Good question. Let me think
[16:46:34 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> Hmm
[16:46:43 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> None come to mind immediately
[16:47:21 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> I'm trying to think if I could cook up some kind of an example for you
[16:47:32 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> What does your markup look like?
[16:47:39 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> (smile) well I have to run in just a few minutes ... let me see if I can grab it for you
[16:47:56 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> Sure
[16:49:06 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> ok ... so one example is the delete link. Line 148 has the link and line 139 has the input I need to get the data from:
[16:49:06 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> http://developer.jasig.org/source/browse/jasigsvn/sandbox/WeatherPortlet/trunk/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jsp/edit.jsp?r=46960
[16:49:24 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> My current approach is at line 177 of http://developer.jasig.org/source/browse/jasigsvn/sandbox/WeatherPortlet/trunk/src/main/webapp/js/weather.js?r=46963
[16:51:01 EDT(-0400)] <athena> i think i've tended to just abuse parent()
[16:51:23 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> well I have to catch the bus
[16:51:28 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> I'll look in the logs later (smile)
[17:15:32 EDT(-0400)] * Lee_Bee (n=UXExpert@d142-058-198-208.surrey.sfu.ca) has joined #fluid-work
[17:18:31 EDT(-0400)] * anastasiac (n=team@ has left #fluid-work
[17:20:34 EDT(-0400)] * clown (n=clown@ has left #fluid-work
[18:35:40 EDT(-0400)] * Bosmon2 (n=amb26fre@78-105-207-102.zone3.bethere.co.uk) has joined #fluid-work
[18:39:13 EDT(-0400)] * Bosmon3 (n=amb26fre@78-105-207-102.zone3.bethere.co.uk) has joined #fluid-work
[19:33:29 EDT(-0400)] * Lee_Bee (n=UXExpert@ has joined #fluid-work
[20:56:53 EDT(-0400)] <Lee_Bee> jameswy: great sketch work on the wireframes! I think there's definitely some elements we can riff on. (smile)
[20:57:19 EDT(-0400)] <Lee_Bee> I plan on drawing out some sketches and posting them to the wiki/svn tomorrow
[20:57:39 EDT(-0400)] <Lee_Bee> perhaps we can collaborate sometime this week?
[21:12:56 EDT(-0400)] * Lee_Bee (n=UXExpert@ has left #fluid-work