Fluid Project Wiki
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What is the Fluid Project?
Canadian Museum of Human Rights (CMHR) Kiosks
Docs Sprint Planning
Fluid Community Studios
Fluid Engage
Adding yourself to the list
Data Import
Engage Architecture
Engage In-Museum Services
Engage Mobile App Development
Engage Resources
Engage Services
Fluid Engage Design
FE - Contextual research
FE - General information
FE - Kiosk
FE - Mobile
Mobile scenarios
Twitters from MoMA's "What features would you like in an museum iPhone app?"
Mobile design iterations
Mobile design, draft 6
Mobile design, draft 7
Mobile design, draft 8
Mobile user testing protocol (Draft 8)
Mobile user testing results (Draft 8)
Mobile user testing, Draft 8, User 1 (November 20, 2009)
Mobile user testing, Draft 8, User 1 BCN (November 25, 2009)
Mobile user testing, Draft 8, User 1 McCord (November 30, 2009)
Mobile user testing, Draft 8, User 2 (November 20, 2009)
Mobile user testing, Draft 8, User 2 BCN (November 25, 2009)
Mobile user testing, Draft 8, User 2 McCord (November 30, 2009)
Mobile user testing, Draft 8, User 3 (November 23, 2009)
Mobile user testing, Draft 8, User 3 BCN (December 2, 2009)
Mobile user testing, Draft 8, User 3 McCord (December 3, 2009)
Mobile user testing, Draft 8, User 4 (November 24, 2009)
Mobile user testing, Draft 8, User 4 BCN (December 2, 2009)
Mobile user testing, Draft 8, User 4 McCord (December 3, 2009)
Mobile user testing, Draft 8, User 5 BCN (December 2, 2009)
Mobile user testing, Draft 8, User 5 McCord (December 4, 2009)
Mobile user testing, User 1 (September 15, 2009)
Summary of mobile user testing (Draft 8)
User 2
Mobile wireframes (Draft 8)
Mobile design, draft 9
Mobile design, early draft
Review of mobile platform UIs
Using iPhone VoiceOver
Developer notes for iPhone a11y
Mobile features and functionality list
Benchmark of iPhone and mobile in museums
Mobile design overview
Fluid Engage Documentation
Fluid Engage Team
Installing and Configuring Fluid Engage
Mobile Demo
Questions and Discussion Points for the June All Hands in Toronto
Reflections on Native-Like vs. Webbish Mobile Experiences
Year 2 Fluid Engage
Fluid Infusion
GPII Architecture
Inclusive Design Institute
Infrastructure Planning
Preference Editing Tools Design
Project Coordination
User Experience
Platform for Economic Inclusion
Testing Tasks
Some thoughts on an inclusive design process
Designing interfaces to meet the needs of users with cognitive disabilities
A Good Function
Preferences for Global Access
Inclusive Design Toolkit
Accessible Prototyping
Platform Cooperative Development Kit
Accessible ICT Procurement Policy
Bodies in Translation
Event Inclusion
Inclusive Design Resources
Coding to Learn and Create: Short Summary
GSOC 2018 - Inclusively Design & Build a Game for Kids
GSoC 2018: Inclusively Design & Build a Game for Kids
Center for Inclusive Software for Learning