OCRopus 0.3 Testing
OCRopus 0.3
Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex)
Intel Pentium 3 Mobile, 256MB RAM
Running OCRopus
Run at command line:
ocroscript recognize data/pages/alive_1.png > text.html
This will print an HTML document to stdout
with the text conversion of the image. Pipe to Firefox or redirect output to file and open in browser.
Testing OCRopus with Photographed Text
The following images were taken using a Nikon D200 dSLR with an off-camera flash. The test images are just samples to help understand how OCRopus works, and are probably not an ideal images to be working with in practice.
Test Image 1
empty html file
Test Image 2
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta content="ocr_line ocr_page" name="ocr-capabilities"/><meta content="en" name="ocr-langs"/><meta content="Latn" name="ocr-scripts"/><meta content="" name="ocr-microformats"/><title>OCR Output</title></head> <body><div class="ocr_page" title="bbox 0 0 2449 2398; image /home/leviticus/_JGH0759-2.jpg"><p class="ocr_par"><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 914 654 1156 687">wi md `.—~`~~w¤{ </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 904 713 1127 741">i£»1_.i» Umm M; </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 354 768 1155 810">.\¤ In MM- ~\`hw»»~:\ N1 \|w *·’m;U¤e¤1v!\~V·w!\¤ </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 779 820 1158 852">wm l}w;a>-\\¤¤¥\ ,x.r· 1·~`~1*gxlu{ </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 302 844 555 866">lh `~;¤\} »m~¤.` A </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 316 878 1152 920">\M»m ulnh in Q yx¤m¤¤4 ix .»\ H`u..\1¤:\ \\_ulvJwm»·~—w\u </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1517 3 2209 51">w LP ;;`1J¤ nlm WLM .1:·>n;11uJ dw ught fhxxxk ui </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1511 59 2211 109">mw; l{:1i¤> Maw xwny usduwd Lu .111.1ck thc </span></p><p class="ocr_par"><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1550 114 2212 160">1 tlixcaiswek·»Lll>eLllle>·>Ll1~ble1 and than thc </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1485 169 2212 217">_ l<~~\~»2 \\ wmxpq; l<1Hu> I.1ud¤d to t}w11‘ [ch .1> u </span></p><p class="ocr_par"><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1489 226 2214 273">¤ {R1LL.1}1¤¤w1 the ( .111.u{1.11\ 5u>ll1>h Rvg.;1Ll1Cl1l, \\nS </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1358 277 2213 335">_ , pp A l lie wiz lh1;;.¤d¤ who H1;;}1l\u1d l lglll lr1h111x1’y ui </span></p><p class="ocr_par"><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1364 335 2216 392">nk *a· ~a mmm l>un1d~1> .1mI K .Iu1n;;.u x y l InghL1r1du¤>; and the A </span><h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1246 387 2217 450">4,. ,_\` \ .» . \ ~._a \~m.¤ l|1;l1L11u{¤1>1, lnxkkwd by thu tanks l1llllU </span></h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1246 446 2217 504">» L _ 1;.. mw Iu~1\1¤n> mu me du 1>m1mI ¤c>v1‘x c, xvluu}1 Lmdcd about </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1323 520 1605 556">»ltl.ill.1llblrLl1`>l.llc’l </span></p><p class="ocr_par"><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1341 557 2220 611">um¤ Uum}1 xxJ> not .1> >l11nuvlb .1:- $\\’m>1’Cl, {md [bu pblllllud </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1246 610 2223 671">,L>m¤E\~L¤¤ ni mu *1nb lirngqdu w.1> bold up by L11mtl¤c1’ hugo jam nf </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1247 669 2223 726">\¤lm|¤> Mdw £\1¤mdi.n11 brigndu uxpc1‘ic11cud >uri¤>us delays bcfmws . </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1247 725 2223 780">my- ub.1¤¤·xy www muld bc clcmui by .1 u>1nbim11i<»11 niu1‘til]c1‘v </span><h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1247 780 2224 835">bmub.m{¤m·1z1, bnmlldmvzuns and bony y cxp}¤>>iu11> scr UH by engi</span></h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1248 837 2227 890">nee1‘~. Ibe defenw um not ns st1HA ns nt ()1n.1bn but mucb danmge </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1989 984 2067 1005">UEKYCZ. </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1620 1041 2227 1082">Rolph jackson, Queen`s Own Rifles of Canada </span><h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 811 1268 1273 1321">Saved by Two Inches </span></h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 618 1368 653 1376">U ·v. </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 841 1353 2175 1409">Lance Corporal Rolph jackson (left) of the Queen`s Own Rifles of Canada was wounded in his dash </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 852 1418 1213 1455">up the beach from the LCA: </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 873 1468 2124 1520">"We got fairly close to the beach, the water didn’t even come up to our hips. Slightly on our right was a </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 886 1513 2124 1568">German pillbax. The pillbox was manned. There were about thirty men on our landing craft. l was the ‘ </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 945 1558 2106 1606">eleventh off Eight of those first eleven were killed and two of us were wounded. l was hit in the </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1085 1604 2142 1648">It must have caught me off stride because it knocked me down. The hunt of my pants </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1160 1647 2181 1693">and my battledress blouse were shredded. lf l had been two inches farther ahead.! </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1236 1694 2105 1733">would have been killed. Farther up the beach,l tangled wid! a grenade </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1303 1738 2187 1780">thrower. The potato masher [Gem·ran grenade] landed in front of me. l </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1356 1787 2156 1826">hit the ground and picked up a fragment in my shoulder. l gat to </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1392 1831 2166 1872">my feet, tossed a grenade over the [sea] wall. lt burst befbrt lt </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1415 1878 2141 1916">hit the ground. Fortunately something had already blovm a </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1433 1924 2007 1962">large hole in the wall and we went through lt" </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1455 1991 2160 2030">The shoulder flash (top) and cap badge (bottom) of </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1466 2041 1943 2073">the Queen`s Own Rifles of Canada. </span></p></div></body></html>
Test Image 3
empty html file
Test Image 4
empty html file
Test Image 5
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta content="ocr_line ocr_page" name="ocr-capabilities"/><meta content="en" name="ocr-langs"/><meta content="Latn" name="ocr-scripts"/><meta content="" name="ocr-microformats"/><title>OCR Output</title></head> <body><div class="ocr_page" title="bbox 0 0 2399 2358; image /home/leviticus/_JGH0759-5.jpg"><p class="ocr_par"><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 244 91 1184 126">1l11·(.1:1111.111l10.11l111I.1>1111l1;·1. 111011111gll `.muL1h;1 ]m’u;d Ulu 11.;.) ln} </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 252 136 1182 181">11111;; 111L* 1.111lx 1111u1111;; w1'11}»> ilghl 111) in 1l1L‘Uc.1t11 111;-10.1cl1Jll11L1l1cl1· </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 242 189 1182 232">111;;Il1•.‘ll1lI.111l1;111111111vt11l11l1;1l11110,.10:1j1l10 .1j1lc11111i.11illL111cl0.1l0d </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 240 245 1180 280">111|11¤·1. $11111;* 1.1111<;» 1.11111 111 111u f1\1:·[11111 L1.111.1:> bL11 11111:1 111 [11:111 </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 240 301 1180 342">1111111»11·11 .11111 11j111·.1k1·1111j1 111e 111*111 1111111 ——.11c1§., ¤11111>11111; 111u 11’1111pc1‘> </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 237 357 1157 393">111 1111- |~»1 I 111:1:1.11s .11111 111u |111‘1 1..11*11 lI111’s0111g1t0 c11v01‘111g11r0. </span></p><p class="ocr_par"><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 326 410 1176 448">|111· ·»1·11 11111111111111;» 11u1.1ye11 111e .11111.11 111 111e Q11cu11's L)1111 </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 237 461 1176 502">1{1111·~1 111 ( .111.111.1 1.1 l11111111111'0g11110111111111u *1111 1$1‘1;;1111c1 by 11c111‘1y </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 234 516 1175 556">11.111. .111 1111111 .11l1·1‘ .1 111L1_1;11 p.1>»>.1;.gu 11`11111 >cv1;11 11111c> 11L11. 71.11csG </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 233 571 1174 602">111:-1 1 .111.1111.111 ~11111111·1’> :111111111 1111 1111·11‘ >e11>1e1<11c>;» .11111 v11’.111cd 1111111 </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 230 624 1172 664">.111 1·v1·11 1111111· 1111·11.111111.; 1u1‘1‘.1 111*111.1 .11 11812 — 1.1c111g .1 Z11()—y111‘d </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 228 678 1172 717">11.1>11 .111'11>:1 1111* 11111111 .11111 1111* 11`11111 .111 L11111.1111.1gcL1 .11111 L111$pU1[0L1 </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 229 733 1171 772">"11·»1:11.11111* 111*e11" 111111p11·11* w1111 85-111111 .11111t11111< gun. 1111:11 11151 </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 226 788 1169 825">1111|1·111v1* 111.1:1 1111* 1·*111.1g1· 111 1$c1‘111c1‘1*s—>L11>N1c11 Un 111011 1011 (111 1110 </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 224 842 1167 879">1·.1¤1) 1111· .\1111‘111 %11111‘1· 1{1·g11111·111 11*11111 New 1$1*1111sw11‘11 was .1:ss1g111:11 </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 224 898 1166 934">%.11111r.\1111111, w11111· 1111· K01;11110111 110 111 ('111111111010 111.111011 111 1‘0s01‘vc. </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1276 60 2247 109">111 1110 nghr 111 1111: Sth Brigade, thc 7th assigned the right Hank of </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1271 115 2244 158">1110 ass.11111 111 the Rcgina Rifics, who were ordered t0 attack the </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1270 171 2243 215">1111s0.1t110d st1*1111gp11i11t coveriiig (jo11rse1111es-sur-Mer and then the </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1269 226 2242 274">1111.150 itself. The Ruy.11 \/\’innip0g Rifles landed to their left as a </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1266 282 2242 329">01>1npa11y ofthe lst Battaliuii, the Caiiadian Scottish Regiment, was </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1266 337 2243 379">held in reserve. The 9th Brigade (the Highland Light Infantry of </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1265 393 2241 432">C11na1la; the Storniont, Dundas and (jlengarry Highlanders; and the </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1264 448 2240 487">N111·th Nova Scotia Highlanders), backed by the tanks 01 the </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1263 503 2240 540">Sl1erb1·1>oke Fusiliers, was the divisional reserve, which landed about </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1262 562 1633 595">two and a half hours later. </span></p><p class="ocr_par"><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1342 614 2238 655">juno Beach was not as smooth as Sword, and the planned </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1260 670 2240 711">breakout of the 9th Brigade was held up by another huge jam of </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1258 726 2237 766">vehicles. Each Canadian brigade experienced serious delays before </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1258 781 2216 818">the narrow exits could be cleared by a combination of artiller </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1256 837 2235 881">bombardment, bulldozers and heavy explosions set off by engi</span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1255 893 2236 938">neers. The defense was not as stiff as at Omaha but much damage </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 208 1034 557 1060">I I T9&‘lt‘ NW1 " 1£11<e<i </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 875 1031 2095 1072">111* 1.1:1-[11115 trait. Eight. . .were killed; two of us were wounded." </span><h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1621 1098 2230 1129">Rolph jackson, Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada </span></h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 611 1294 1268 1349">H" Saved by Two Inches I </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 493 1344 595 1377">sts; —</span><h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 833 1389 2166 1439">Lance Corporal Rolph jackson (left) of the Queen`s Own Rifles of Canada was wounded in his dash </span></h3><h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 359 1415 538 1448">.. c `` ' </span></h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 842 1447 1203 1476">up the beach from the LCA: </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 551 1474 554 1476">g </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 587 1501 744 1525">is I Ii </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 862 1513 2112 1558">"We got fairly close to the beach, the water didn't even come up to our hips. Slightly on our right was a </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 873 1557 2109 1601">German pillbox. The pillbox wos monned. There were about thirty men on our landing cmft. I was the </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 930 1603 2167 1644">eleventh off Eight of those first eleven were killed ond two of us were wounded. I was hit in the hand </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 705 1624 775 1654">J_ ‘ '* 1 </span><h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1069 1649 2125 1694">It must have caught me off stride because it knocked me down. The front of my pants </span></h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1143 1695 2163 1739">and my bottledress blouse were shredded. lf I had been two inches farther ahead,l </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 291 1739 379 1766">_. 2 </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1217 1741 2086 1785">would have been killed. Farther up the beach, I tangled with ci grenade </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1284 1786 2166 1831">thrower. The potato masher [German grenade] landed in front of me. I </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1334 1832 2134 1878">hit the ground and picked up Cl fragment in my shoulder. I got to </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1368 1879 2141 1922">my feet, tossed o grenade over the [seo] wall. lt burst before it </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1390 1924 2116 1969">hit the ground. Fortunately something had already blown 0 </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 865 1938 1022 1986">W i _ I ‘\_ ,_,; </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 808 1965 957 2006">§ § I `” </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1407 1970 1981 2013">large hole in the wall and we went through it" </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 959 1996 990 2017">~x </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1427 2037 2130 2085">The shoulder flash (top) and cap badge (bottom) of </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 834 2094 843 2097"></span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1436 2084 1913 2120">the Queen`s Own Rifles of Canada. </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 793 2164 1086 2211">j*T ' if </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 769 2186 914 2211">a. ·~— </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 829 2224 1034 2238">•1 •h€¢—. L </span></p></div></body></html>
Testing OCRopus with Scanned Text
The following tests were done using images scanned from paper originals. In all cases the original pages were output from a computer and digitized back into the computer. Digitized pages were scanned in black & white for maximum contrast between text and background.
Scanned Text 1
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta content="ocr_line ocr_page" name="ocr-capabilities"/><meta content="en" name="ocr-langs"/><meta content="Latn" name="ocr-scripts"/><meta content="" name="ocr-microformats"/><title>OCR Output</title></head> <body><div class="ocr_page" title="bbox 0 0 1698 2200; image /home/leviticus/Scan0001.jpg"><h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 683 177 1017 207">Fair Trade Chocolate </span></h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 255 258 1447 295">Our chocolate bars are made in Switzerland and in Belgium from Fair Trade certified cocoa </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 256 294 1448 338">coming from cooperatives of small-scale producers in Bolivia (El Ceibo), Dominican Republic </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 257 334 1446 376">(Conacado), Ghana (Kuapa Kokoo), Cameroun (Macefcoop) and Fair Trade sugar from </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 258 379 920 414">Paraguay (Manduvira) and Costa Rica (CoopeAgri). </span><h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 257 444 1032 479">Qrqanic and Fair Trade Chocolate bars, 100g (case of 12 </span></h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 344 574 447 595">U h </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 712 504 1515 536">Made in Switzerland, our 100g chocolate bars are also </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 711 542 1515 577">certified organic. A delicious blend of cocoa from Latin </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 291 583 824 629">VMilt ‘:Y,WU America. </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 308 699 455 744">tg K j </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 714 664 960 687">•:• Milk Chocolate </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 714 701 1034 725">·:· 10% Dark cnocoiate </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 715 737 1268 767">~:• Candied Orange Peel Dark Chocolate </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 547 778 1035 803">2 ·:• 85% Dark Chocolate </span><h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 262 903 773 933">Fair Trade Chccqlate, 45g (case of 72 </span></h3><h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 447 1020 551 1053">qq] _ ""#w </span></h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 716 956 1540 990">Our 45g chocolate bars are made with fine Belgian chocolate, </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 716 998 1131 1028">moulded and packed in Canada. </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 411 1075 963 1111">Ugahl .2 p ·:~ Milk Chocolate </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 365 1145 469 1169">’_ ' dau-! </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 604 1108 1377 1139">K ·:• Dark Chocolate with Coffee Nibs (51% cocoa) </span><h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 575 1129 1474 1178">i •2• Dark Chocolate with Earl Grey Tea Nibs (51% cocoa) </span></h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 266 1320 1027 1352">Dark Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans 100g (case of 12 </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 318 1409 1389 1450">rayon; The ideal gift! Dark roast coffee beans coated with extraordinary </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 349 1453 761 1478">s a dark chocolate. </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 567 1523 1445 1557">The packaging has been designed with the environment in mind: </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 568 1562 1446 1595">kralt paper, vegetable based ink and compostable plastic bag made </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 567 1600 1446 1632">from corn. This product has also a great social value as it has been </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 302 1635 1366 1668">k ~ » ~— ·l assembled in a sheltered work center for handicapped people. </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 268 1791 1158 1821">Seasonal moulded chocolates: Christmas; St. Valentines; Easter </span></div></body></html>
Scanned Text 2
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta content="ocr_line ocr_page" name="ocr-capabilities"/><meta content="en" name="ocr-langs"/><meta content="Latn" name="ocr-scripts"/><meta content="" name="ocr-microformats"/><title>OCR Output</title></head> <body><div class="ocr_page" title="bbox 0 0 1699 2081; image /home/leviticus/Scan0002.jpg"><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 65 31 1660 72">Uploader User Testing - Round 3 Protocol — Fl uid Project Wiki http://wiki.lluidprojcci.o1·g/display/Huid/Uploudc1·+Uscr+'lestin., </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 49 2027 108 2046">lof4 </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 180 150 1468 184">Dashboard > Fluid > > Uploader User Testing — Round 3 > Uploader User Testing — Round 3 Protocol </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 325 256 554 326">xg me </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 166 404 1311 432">Fmid Components Added by Eri,n,)(u, last edited by Daphngggggleon Nov 13, 2008 (yiew,ch_a,noe) </span><h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 167 504 943 540">€°ml?°”€'?F? . c t Task 1: Fill-in-the—buttons </span></h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 167 583 610 623">Daily buildsrl P"€|f’H"°¥ </span><h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 917 626 1184 648">,, post-it notes, a pen </span></h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1457 212 1532 229">Search </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1317 261 1489 282">eee in I Sim we </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 339 325 1394 387">l lllt Uploader User Testing - Round 3 Protocol </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 168 460 451 480">Downloads and Demos </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 167 547 317 566">User Manual </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 163 636 286 657">Community </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 497 438 648 458">Labels: (None) </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 494 621 659 643">a print—out of </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 165 685 537 704">Get Involved D0: </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 165 729 273 752">Méétmgs </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 494 715 1488 747">g Place a printed copy of the first page of are ,j,g,;,,,g,;,.`* in front of the user </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 163 773 549 806">Qeioatéerete oooc lo,co,oo . say: </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 164 816 1521 848">User Experience You would like to upload the next 4 Assignments for your Course (in this example, '’''ii li l i''’ </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 493 849 1527 887">Spanish 101). These are word documents on your computen You have logged onto </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 492 882 1443 909">Sakai, clicked on the course site tab, and opened the Resources tool. You‘ve </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 163 906 1465 944">_ _ l°l’0J€€li COOVd'“al¥'OVl already created a folder called Assignments and uploaded Assignment 1 to 10 </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 160 948 1090 975">omg; Fluid projects already last week. So this is the screen you see. </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 162 999 285 1018">UX T°°lk‘* </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 489 1014 1466 1043">To upload the new set of assignments, you have clicked on Add, then Upload </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 162 1044 1521 1076">Design Patterns V_V_Vr_ _ Files on this screen. Once you click on Upload Files you will see this upload files </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 161 1084 576 1109">openvutap Wee"</span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 158 1131 533 1162">Nlore information D0: </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 160 1176 1522 1205">what 55 fluid? Fold the remainder of the word doc pages in half and place on top of the first page </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 160 1207 1463 1242">" '""'''” ”''’ ' ' (screenshot of the Resources tool) one at a time. Provide small blank post—its. Showcase of Recent </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 159 1256 220 1274">Work </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 158 1358 215 1376">V lew </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 488 1276 1494 1304">As you put each screen in front of them, have them walk you through what they </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 488 1308 1469 1334">would do. As they get to the 3rd screen, you'll want to ask them what actions </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 487 1340 1492 1370">they would like to see and ask them to create buttons that they would expect to </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 488 1373 692 1397">see on the page. </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 158 1402 544 1432">Meetzmsantaititclizizt, S¤v= </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 159 1446 205 1464">Info </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 158 1548 227 1571">Pages </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 158 1590 234 1609">D I La E S </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 488 1439 1049 1464">Screen 1. What would you do on this screen? </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 488 1472 1055 1497">Screen 2. And next, what would you do here? </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 487 1504 1510 1533">Screen 3. You have started to upload the files, and realize you grabbed the wrong </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 487 1536 1475 1565">set of files. These are not the ones you want to upload. What would you want </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 487 1569 1518 1596">do? You can add actions to the page. Just add these post-its as buttons and label </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 486 1601 797 1626">them however you'd like. </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 157 1634 1500 1666">Attachments Screen 4. And now assume you have uploaded the correct files. What would you `iii`` </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 157 1663 206 1697">Mai, </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 157 1723 220 1741">News </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 155 1767 245 1790">Activity </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 155 1809 272 1828">Advanced </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 486 1668 1454 1695">expect to be able to do? Can you add buttons for what you'd like to do next? </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 486 1701 1492 1730">Screen 5. Now assume in the previous upload, 2 files errored and did not upload </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 486 1733 1449 1762">correctly. Again, can you create buttons to allow you to take the appropriate </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 485 1766 607 1790">action(s)? </span><h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 484 1854 1366 1893">Task 2: Evaluate the design and tell us about your </span></h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 485 1900 709 1932">expectations </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1434 2036 1647 2055">ll/17/08 l0;29AlVl </span></div></body></html>
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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta content="ocr_line ocr_page" name="ocr-capabilities"/><meta content="en" name="ocr-langs"/><meta content="Latn" name="ocr-scripts"/><meta content="" name="ocr-microformats"/><title>OCR Output</title></head> <body><div class="ocr_page" title="bbox 0 0 1700 2200; image /home/leviticus/Scan0003.jpg"><p class="ocr_par"><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 555 293 607 314">my </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 259 683 604 713">The Equita difference </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1097 221 1230 253">E`“·" </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1062 372 1125 398">1* Za </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 261 738 1155 769">• Fair: All our products are Fair Trade cenliied by Transtair Canada. </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 260 795 1435 826">· Green: ln addition to the products being cultivated using environmentally sustainable </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 305 838 1061 865">methods, we strive to do likewise in our business practices. </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 262 895 1207 926">· Social: We choose to partner with local social economy organizations. </span><h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 261 1006 473 1037">Qur Formula! </span></h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 262 1063 654 1091">• Profit margins of up to 50% </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 262 1114 763 1143">· Delivery within 3 to 5 business days </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 262 1167 784 1195">· Educational workshops on Fair Trade </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 262 1217 1194 1248">· Support and expertise inthe management ot your fundraising project. </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 928 1440 965 1483">T, { </span></p></div></body></html>
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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta content="ocr_line ocr_page" name="ocr-capabilities"/><meta content="en" name="ocr-langs"/><meta content="Latn" name="ocr-scripts"/><meta content="" name="ocr-microformats"/><title>OCR Output</title></head> <body><div class="ocr_page" title="bbox 0 0 1527 1720; image /home/leviticus/Scan0004.jpg"><h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 295 82 601 116">Gmphlciilly Spcakmg </span></h3><h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 883 91 1364 121">Traditional Quality Trade—off page 111 </span></h3><h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 227 132 1348 184">$425 Cost vs, Batch Size gs; 70 I- Acceptable Quality I I _ I I opamam eaters stze revel is a samtat t\ ~.:.r· Qj§;I"“bl° Q"”'“’ </span></h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 440 169 444 178">{ </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 190 175 683 235">‘ 5 ” " ‘‘“‘ ‘ ’¢ use ’*‘‘‘"* ~ Iculwtion to me , re r»~, VaV~VVV..e- I °“ L I I ; .T7. ;*’ W. Economic Lot Size </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 206 211 508 267">E3Ww{g I </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 208 257 504 280">gE `i’*§<jjjvr:7?“t ‘ H °’ </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 206 274 442 304">I E ,g ___W__; </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 206 304 442 318">U I V /./ .. 2...., </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 220 319 442 343">I DQ r7" s /’‘‘ """i </span><h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 317 388 366 397">esteem. </span></h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 902 155 1365 213">I /1 Tm / r\ I · This rs misleachng, rr </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 901 205 963 251">\ ` \ 1 </span><h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1198 214 1348 232">not eutnght nrongl </span></h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 968 239 1333 259">/ · lfonly because it </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 898 311 1141 379">I , , V/ \__r C N </span><h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 904 378 1030 382">` " </span></h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 896 378 1147 395">~·$~ " in </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 203 436 1356 456">w inet taolvllta V xernaau timtemtt V wt eo ctqmmttt in :t uw I I nt met ttntrtit. V xernmte twttmrs V ttl no tmptnoltttit zi zo </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 227 659 662 685">What do we use this data for? </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 187 707 511 725">· · Lgisincss </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 187 731 631 751">· Tlievw/¤d¤¤ al>¤¤¤ S<>¤¤= - tween/ttrea about some </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 208 751 585 775">matusat Systems ttbusigess Svswms, </span><h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 186 776 629 806">. E\p€,;m€m _ FHOMCSI/[r;__0uL/budgcl ` </span></h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 186 810 507 829">. Congm, (dm) _ (hmmm </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 186 838 659 858">. Ream `h€0,V} _ (HANG [lm ,m1>R(),_,[. </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1198 261 1358 279">assumes the exrsting </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1198 282 1352 299">processes cannot be </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1198 302 1262 320">changed </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 1031 679 1212 710">TQM 2000 </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 877 750 1296 771">. . · After discussing thc limitations ofthe AOL </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 899 778 1316 799">concept, the authors report that some "quality </span><h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 899 805 1346 826">expetts" maintain that the optimal cost of quality </span></h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 899 832 1226 849">level should be about 2.5% ofsales. </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 199 1015 1363 1033">w tttet »< mma V amenity t rlnemn V tit ou ctrpmtnr in 11 ws I I an inet »<n»nit» V mwnttgt mwtsltr V tn on uawtrnr nt zi nuns </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 350 1255 531 1286">TQM _ 2000 </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 174 1306 489 1324">· ln 1994 the cost ofpoor quality in the </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 195 1329 492 1343">USA was still estimated at 2030% of </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 195 1353 281 1370">gross sttlesl </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 173 1380 476 1396">· With a $4 tullion economve from an </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 195 1403 473 1421">aCCOlIl'tta\`l\lS point of Vlt:\v, that IS B </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 195 1428 274 1444">Slaelgmng </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 174 1472 487 1494">· 7 ’ 2 ’ ' </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 173 1506 507 1520">· that can be saved or redirected for bcttct </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 897 1249 1339 1275">Computer programming productivity: </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 970 1279 1267 1294">Most ofyou are really in service departments </span><h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 874 1307 1141 1325">· Typical US programmer writes </span></h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 896 1330 1157 1348">200 lines of code a month (varies </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 896 1353 1029 1371">tront Z0 to 2000) </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 874 1381 1121 1395">· 200 lines of code is about 10 </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 896 1406 1000 1422">wrmélt p2\g€5 </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 874 1432 1145 1446">· Note that is a 100 fold variation </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 874 1460 1139 1478">· Aller all her own checking and </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 895 1483 1147 1501">testing, there are still typically S </span><h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 896 1507 1159 1521">mistakes somewhere in those 200 </span></h3><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 896 1530 931 1544">lines </span><span class="ocr_line" title="bbox 302 1593 1361 1610">islet t<nttt·ia V xsinntly 1 t».u,»tt~ V xttuo tnnwigm vi 1i zuus I I <1 mtr ttnttttlt V xsnenng t memo V ttruu ct·pn-mtr in u new </span></div></body></html>