Markup-Driven Components

Markup-Driven Components

Markup-driven components are reusable Fluid components that manipulate and work with markup generated on the server-side. Markup-driven components are able to handle arbitrary streams of markup, with a basic expectation that the server will generate meaningful IDs, CSS classes, or ARIA metadata that define the elements of interest to the component.

The first markup-driven component is the Reorderer, which provides developers with a convenient means for implementing rich, accessible user interfaces for reordering and directly manipulating content using drag and drop or the keyboard. The Reorderer can accept any sort of markup in which the re-orderable elements have been identified using a reorderable CSS class or ARIA role.

This is in contrast to "data-driven components," whose primary means for communication with the server is accomplished by sending data back and forth in JSON or XML format via Ajax.