Infusion 0.8 Roadmap
This release will be 0.8 and will come out end of February 2009. This is our wishlist and roadmap for the release:
- Wind down Date Picker design
- Pager development
- continue with use case of 3akai
- continue tie-in with renderer
- design check-in on 0.7 release pager
- Drop down Inline Edit configurations
- review space btw. wireframes and implementations
- Rich text inline-edit
- Designers and Developers burn next path
- move designs forward
- pursue connection with 3akai (tinyMCE)
- Uploader 2
- Browser compatibility
- Gears support
- UI Options:
- Design refinement
- Table of Contents
- Renderer and Framework
- API refinement
- Docs, docs, docs
- Testing support
- Stability tweaks and bug fixes
- Refined and reworked Design Handbook
- reorganize the handbook
- user testing protocols making more useful to broader community as general tools
- identify preview components on the wiki (and eventually website) so it's clear they are in the works and in the releases
- Continued design and development of community features in OSDPL
- website – get early design and early CSS prototype build using FSS