OSDPL pattern workflow and community feature implementation notes
This document outlines possible ways to implement the functionality specified in the OSDPL roadmap (Jan. - Mar. '09), planned pattern workflow, and features document.
Workflow (FLUID-2140)
- Stages: Draft, Community Feedback, Review, Published.
- Draft: Editable only by the creator. Visible to Editors.
- Community Feedback: Commentable by registered users, editable by author only.
- Review: Editable and commentable by Editors and Author. Hidden to all other users.
- Published: Drupal default.
Possible Drupal Modules
Invite Users (FLUID-2141)
- Allow author to invite users to check out their pattern during "Request for Comment" and "Publish" stage.
- UI should present them with an option to invite users when they transition their pattern to "Request for Comment" or to "Published".
- There should also be a link on the pattern itself that allows the sharing of a pattern to others in these states.
Possible Drupal Modules
- Invites are sent during the workflow, therefore should integrate into the workflow module we choose.
Notifications (FLUID-2142)
- Send out emails and in-system notifications to relevant and subscribed users.
- Allow users to define how they receive these notifications.
- Notifications sent to registered users when pattern enters "Comments" stage.
- Notifications sent to Editors when pattern created and enters "Request for Edits" stage.
- Notifications sent to registered editors when pattern becomes published.
- Notification displayed in a special block for registered users and editors.
Possible Drupal Modules
- Investigate how notifications can be sent to a OSDPL mailing list.
Sharing Content (FLUID-2143)
- Allow users to share published content on the OSDPL with popular social netowrking sites as well as with contacts.
- this feature should be disabled in all non-published stages of the workflow
- Extended feature: allow Author to use this feature during "Request for Comments" stage.
Possible Drupal Modules:
- Share
- Service Links - seems to be a popular choice.
"Stamping" of content (FLUID-2144)
- Content to be stamped as "Draft", "Work in Progress", "In Review", and "Published" as it passes through the workflow.
Possible Drupal Modules:
- Workflow - has this built in?
- Workflow-ng - has this built in?
Flagging of nodes and comments (FLUID-2145)
- allow users to flag inappropriate comments and nodes.
Possible Drupal Modules: