Fluid 0.3 UX Release Plan


This document is the working Fluid 0.3 release plan for the UX team. It provides a picture of all the primary tasks that need to be completed in order to cut the 0.3 release, along with their relative priorities.

Estimates are expressed in terms of ideal person days. So, if two people are required for a task and it's estimated to take them 3 uninterrupted days of work to complete it, the estimate will be 2 x 3 = 6 days. Ideal days are matched with reality by assessing how many calendar days are available to us, the number of people who can help out, and our velocity.

  • Planned Release date: April 25th, 2008
  • Total calendar days: 28.5
  • Rough team resource calculation: 100.5 person days / 0.44 (velocity) = 44.22 units of work


The Fluid 0.3 release deliverables are defined on the Fluid 0.3 UX Project Plan. This release plan shows the individual tasks for each of these deliverables.

Priority 1 Tasks: 47 days

Component Design & Testing

File Upload Component: 3.25 days



Community design review of Upload component

0.25 days

Design improvements based on community review

0.5 days

Implement working, tastable prototype


Refactor and refine implementation


Create test protocol for prototype Upload component

0.5 days

Book 5 users for testing

0.25 days

Run "hallway-style" user tests, each lasting about 45 minutes

0.5 days

Summarize test results

0.25 days

Implement design tweaks based on user test results

1 day

Layout Customizer



Final design tweaks

? days

UI Design Patterns

Design Patterns for the File Upload & Layout Customizer Component: 2.5 days



Create applicable file upload patterns

2 days

Update current drag and drop pattern based on Layout Customizer

0.5 days

Document process for creating a design pattern

1 day

User Research

Create shared models for understanding users in higher education: 42.25 days

  • Conduct contextual inquiry interviews
  • Create participant summaries
  • Group modeling



Conduct remaining interviews and synthesize notes; 2 in Toronto, 1 in Berkeley

4.75 days

Catch up on notes synthesis

6 days

Create summary for each participant

4.75 days

Find and reuse relevant models from previous Sakai course management work

0.25 days

Schedule and coordinate working meetings for core modeling

0.5 days

Coordinate and create working spaces in Toronto & Berkeley for modeling

2 days

Working meeting with Allison, Daphne, Shaw-Han, Erin, and Judy  (2.5 calendar days)


  • Personas: identify through pattern exercise & create rough drafts

4 day

  • Use Case Matrix: identify use cases based on notes (pain points, time wasters, current activities)

2 days

  • Use Case Matrix: affinity diagramming (identify patterns)

4 day

Working meeting with Allison, Daphne, Erin, and Judy  (4.5 calendar days) 


  • Use Case Matrix: place in priority graph (frequency X importance)

4 day

  • Persona & Use Case mapping (who does it & how often)

2 days

  • Activity Diagrams: Identify complex workflows to have ADs created

2 days

  • Component ID & Prioritization: reassess current components priorities & fill in component gaps for 0.8 and 1.0

2 days

  • Create list of scenarios or use relevant to Components on roadmap (from above)

2 days

  • Mental Models: List of user's current models & expectations based on those models

2 days

U-Camp, JA-SIG Conference in St. Paul's, April 27-30





Priority 2 Tasks: 12.75 days

User Research

Create shared models for understanding users in higher education: 12.75 days

  • Create personas from rough drafts and prioritize
  • Create use case matrix
  • Define Scenarios
  • Identify component requirements





  • Create personas based on rough drafts; assume five @ 1/2 each

3.25 days

  • Identify primary and secondary personas with persona map activity; 1/2 activity

2 days

  • Create use case diagram/matrix

0.5 days

  • Create workflows and activity diagrams for current, complex activities; assume five @ 1/2 each

2.5 days

  •  Pain point affinity diagramming (3 people)

3 days

  • Flesh out scenarios defined in the working meetings; assume five @ 1/2 day each

2.5 days

  • Define high-level requirements for components; map use cases and scenarios to components

2 days

Priority 3 Tasks: 21.75 days

UI Design Patterns

Launch Content Management System for the Open Source Design Patterns Library: 19.75 days



Update Open Source Design Patterns Library working group charter for presentation to group

1 day

Coordinate Open Source Design Patterns Library working group, plan & hold first meeting

1 day

Finalize Screenshot policy for design patterns (or do not use any proprietary screenshot examples)

1 day

Create home page for OSDPL (includes description of purpose)

.5 day

Finalize data elements that compose a pattern

.75 day

Finalize navigation of OSDPL

2 days

Finalize styling of OSDPL

2 days

Finalize pattern entry workflow for OSDP

3 days

Upgrade OSDPL to latest version

.5 days

Move OSDPL to Fluid server

.5 days

Review OSDPL for usability & accessibility

1.5 days

Update OSDPL with usability & accessibility improvements recommended in review

2 days

Review & edit Sakai patterns for generality (by Open Source Design Patterns Library working group)

2 days

Migrate Sakai design patterns to OSDPL

2 days

User Research

Review and synthesize previous user research findings: 2 days



Review CI notes from previous Sakai course management work for information to current relevant contextual inquiries

2 days