Berkeley Meeting (Harriet & Daphne) Oct 2007
My files, my space -
- Smart tags/folders/playlist are auto-created
- Sites
- Recent
- Shared
- Dates
- Smart tags could be be related to the file type
- Can create your own tags/folders/playlist
- Files cam live in multiple tags/folders/playlist
- Can access from anywhere
- Files owned by me and shared with me
- Can remove or put in trash
- Reorder is used to move / or copy files around
To Do:
-Â Look at smart playlist for itunes
- Capture screen shots of interesting competitive analysisÂ
Need a tag cloud someplace? Easier to recognize while browsing than recall to search. We want both though.
Class outline / syllabus tool
- View of files that are course content organized in a specific way
- Work with files happens in context
- Can upload the files in the context of the work (Image Gallery for instance) and it gets added to my files automatically
- What else are files in resources used for?
- Student view & TA view -- or is the TA View outside a site?
- Could have "Shared with TA's" then each TA's name within for files only shared with them. What about files shared with 2 or 5 TAs'? "Also shared with"
- Would be great to drag drop
- Need to upload multiple files at once - desktop uploader tool? webdav? adding tags?
Use again Finder
Need a way to look at detailed information about files
- See Koral file sharing - screen shots on flickr
- Clicking on the link shows the information, user must click "download to download"
- What about I have a syllabus that is a PDF and just want it to display in-line?
- Upload a file, then change it on your hard drive, can we check and ask them if they want to upload the newest version?
- Koral "watches" for changes of files you uploaded and asks
- Also looks for changes to the files on the web and asks if you want to update them on your harddrive
- So the system helps you keep your hard drive and application files synched
- Tools handle any changes to the file. Should think about needs for changing files in each tool.
- Is my workspace a special case? Perhaps we come back to it? We can't remember what our concern is right now - perhaps too many files to handle in one place.
Other functionality asked for:
- Versioning
- Security - file live in My Workspace and then used in sites
- Do users want a file to be viewed in many places as the same file or do they want copies available in many different contexts
- Should users be able to use the resources as a presentation of the files or can something like the resources viewer replace that piece of functionality
- Resources viewer
- Can add multiple instances of resources viewer to the tool menu
- Blackboard users depend on being able to hang things off the menus -- add content at the top level navigation
Next Steps:
- Hattie & I will work on rough drafts of what this looks like
- Test against scenarios
- Flesh our user cases in resources to make sure we are covering everything
- Think through questions above
- Think through information you can add to a file now (conditional release, timed release)
- Â