UX Walkthrough Results
You can find links to the results of all UX Walkthroughs on this page. This includes the Pre-Summit and Post-Summit walkthrough results.
Pre-Summit Walk-Throughs
- uPortal UX Walkthrough - Allison
- uPortal Walkthrough - Ed (Student) Persona (Dogle)
- uPortal Walkthrough - Student Campus Map Scenario
- uPortal Walkthrough - Student Dining Menu Scenario
- uPortal Walkthrough - Student Email Scenario
- uPortal Walkthrough - Student Employment Scenario
- uPortal Walkthrough - Student Find Instructor Contact Scenario
- uPortal Walkthrough - Student Local Events Scenario
- uPortal Walkthroughs - Admin Staff Persona Brad Dieger (Kathy)
- uPortal Walkthroughs - Student Persona Ed (Kathy)
There are two additional walk-throughs available on the above page via attachments.
The Moodle reports can be found as attachments to the Moodle Pre-Summit UX Walkthrough Procedures and Findings page.
Post-Summit Walk-Throughs
Post-summit Moodle UX walkthrough procedures and findings can be found here.