Fluid Project Launch Meeting
Fluid Project Launch Meeting - April 19-20, 2007
April 19-20, 2007 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Usability Lab, Room 307, Bissel Building
Faculty of Information Studies
University of Toronto
140 St. George Street
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
For more information or to confirm your attendance, please contact Unknown user. Please RSVP as soon as possible.
Presentation Slides and Meeting Notes
- Fluid Project Overview slides [PDF] presented at the launch meeting by Colin Clark and Daphne Ogle
- Fluid Project Meeting Notes [PDF] prepared after the launch meeting by Colin Clark
Meeting location
The meetings will be held in the Usability Lab, room 307 of the Faculty of Information Studies building (also known as the Bissel Building). The address is 140 St. George Street. The building is attached to Robarts Library.
Once you've reached the building, walk up the south stairs outside and go through the set of revolving doors to your right into the Bissel Building. Take the elevators up to the third floor, and turn left. The Usability Lab should be the first door on your right. If you get lost, please contact Pat Murray at 416-946-3225.
Here's a Google map showing the Bissel Building.
April 19th
General Meeting
- Introductions
- Roles, Partners, and Participants
- Communication Plan
- Collaboration supports
- Governance
- Risk Management
- Review of Deliverables
- Review of Technical Architecture
- Overview of Proposed Design/Development/Testing Process
- Getting Started Plan
Steering Committee Meeting (all welcome)
- Roles and Governance
- Communication Strategies with Participating Communities
- Coordination with Software Projects: Timelines and Priorities
April 20th
Board Meeting
- Governance
- Staffing
- Budget
- IP Agreement
- Partner agreement
Fluid Working Meeting (in parallel)
- UX Deliverables in Depth: Roles, Techniques, Timelines
- Protocols for User Testing and Heuristic Evaluation
- Identify Potential Components and Design Patterns
Hotel Suggestions
Many of the following hotels offer discounted "university rates" to visiting faculty and students to the University of Toronto. Discounted rates can be obtained with student/faculty identification. In some cases, they may require further proof from the University of Toronto that you are indeed a guest of the University. In such cases, please feel free to email Pat Murray and we will be happy to send a letter to the hotel on behalf of the conference to verify the nature of your visit. Please include a list naming the specific hotel as well as the names of each member of your group. The quoted rates listed below are in Canadian dollars and should be checked individually with the respective hotels.
Holiday Inn
$119.00 and up (Mention U of T)
280 Bloor Street West
- About a 5 minute walk away from Robarts Library, right on campus.
- Parking is extra.
- Accessible rooms available
The Madison Manor Boutique Hotel
20 Madison Avenue
416 922-5579
1-877-561-7048 (Canada / United States)
- Non-smoking, no elevator, not accessible, breakfast included
- 5 min walk
Days Inn
$99.00 (mention ATRC or U of T)
30 Carlton Street
- Up to 4 persons per room
- About a 25 minute walk away from where the meeting will be held. Parking is extra.
- No wheelchair accessible rooms.
Delta Chelsea
$155.00 (University rate, requires letter of proof, can be faxed ahead)
33 Gerrard Street West
- 1 or 2 persons per room
- 20 minute walk from University
- Accessible airport bus drops off here
- Accessible rooms available
Sutton Place
$170.00 (University rate, mention University of Toronto)
955 Bay St.
416 924 9221
800 268 3790
- 20 minute walk away
- Wheelchair accessible rooms at single rate
Howard Johnson
$89 (University rate, must be reserved by U of T)
89 Avenue Road
- 15 min walk away