Fearless JavaScript Workshop
What is Fearless JavaScript?
Fearless JavaScript is an ongoing series of workshops offered by members of the Fluid community. It is designed to provide attendees with a grounding in the essential techniques of modern JavaScript programming. Topics include:
- Why JavaScript?
- Fundamentals of JavaScript
- Using jQuery
- JavaScript in Sakai
- Portal and mash-up friendliness
- Accessibility
Everyone is welcome to attend the Fearless JavaScript workshop. It's assumed that you have some understanding of at least one programming language, and that you'll bring a laptop to follow along with the hands-on exercises.
When is the Next Fearless JavaScript Workshop?
Fearless JavaScript 2.0
Sakai Summer 2008 Conference, Paris, France
Monday, June 30, 2008
13:30 - 16:30
- FearlessJSv2_Post.key.zip [.zip 6.2MB - archive of the Keynote 4 presentation]
- FearlessJSv2_Post.pdf [.pdf 12.6MB - the final presentation with some of the presenters notes]
- Colin Clark, Fluid Project Technical Lead, ATRC, University of Toronto
- Eli Cochran, User Interaction Developer, ETS, UC Berkeley
- Nicolaas Matthjis, Researcher, CARET, University of Cambridge
- Provide developers with a strong foundation in client-side development with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
- Train prospective volunteers and collaborators in quality, accessible JavaScript programming techniques
- Help communities avoid common JavaScript programming pitfalls by offering viable alternatives
- Encourage the early adoption of Fluid products and philosophy
- Web developers of all stripes (experience with at least one programming language, basic understanding of the Web's architecture)
- Working knowledge of portlets and portals
- Basic understanding of HTML and CSS
- Unobtrusiveness
- Separation of code and content
- Graceful degradation
- Using the DOM as a API for components, leveraging jQuery's strengths
- Accessibility
- Multimodal: works with keyboard and mouse
- Configurable: doesn't hardcode expectations about control or bindings
- Flexible: works with a variety of presentations and layouts
- Accessibility doesn't have to be hard
- Portal-friendliness
- Comprehensive namespacing: JavaScript code and markup
- Privacy
- Javascript isn't Java
- It's buggy, but it's powerful
- Prototypal inheritance
- Dynamic language
- Objects as general containers
Workshop Outline
- Introductions
- Getting setup
- Using the example code
- Why Javascript? (Eli)
- Why JavaScript? Why DHTML? Why AJAX? Why bother?
- Why DHTML/client-side at all?
- Why not Flash or Silverlight?
- Modern JavaScript
- Javascript 101 (Colin)
- JavaScript is different
- History
- Part 1: The Basics
- Variables
- Numbers
- Strings
- Objects and Arrays
- Part 2: functions and scope
- Functions are first class
- Ways to call a function
- Determining types
- Prototypal Inheritance
- Understanding
- Scoping rules
- Closures
- Objects as general containers
- Type system: typeof/instanceof; truthy & falsey; coercion
- Functions are first-class objects
- Functions have context: how "this" works in JavaScript
- Inheritance
- Instantiating functions: the "new" keyword
- Prototypes, not classes
- Why extending built-in types sucks
- Closures: encapsulating, hiding, and currying
- Using closures for namespacing and privacy
- Learning jQuery (Eli)
- Why use a JavaScript toolkit?
- Why jQuery?
- Other frameworks (these techniques work everywhere)
- Comparison of Event Binding Without a Toolkit and With jQuery
- Finding stuff in the DOM: querying using selectors
- Binding events
- DOM manipulation
- Why use a JavaScript toolkit?
- MyCamTools: JavaScript in Sakai (Nico)
- Goals
- Backend: sData and EntityBroker
- JSON data feeds
- Front end: Widgets
- How they're structured
- Libraries used
- Examples
- JavaScript for Portals and Mashups (Colin)
- Portals and mash-ups put extra constraints on your JavaScript
- Multiple instances
- Lots of different JavaScript code running
- High chance of collisions
- Can't expect control of the document
- Put code in a unique namespace
- Use closures for privacy
- Be unobtrusive
- Support multiple instances
- Constrain selectors to a specific fragment
- How Fluid components are built
- Unobtrusiveness
- Markup agnosticism
- Highly configurable
- Portals and mash-ups put extra constraints on your JavaScript
- Javascript Accessibility (Colin)
- What is accessibility?
- Fluid's accessibility vision
- Why most DHTML is inaccessible
- Keyboard accessibility
- ARIA and assistive technologies
- jQuery plugins: keyboard-a11y and jARIA
- Putting it all together: building a widget with MyCamTools and Fluid
- Where to Go Next
- Fluid DHTML Developer's Checklist
- Suggested reading
- Fluid community
Previous Editions of Fearless JavaScript
- Fearless JavaScript 1.0: Writing Fearless Javascript for Portlets, Widgets, and Portals
- Presented on Sunday, April 27, 2008 at the JA-SIG Spring 2008 conference in St. Paul, MN.