Fluid logo (old)
- Seamus Byrne
- Former user (Deleted)
- James Yoon
You may download several versions of any graphic below. The graphics are organized into two categories:
The vector version of Fluid and Decapod logos can be found in this Illustrator file: Logos.ai
The graphic in his section are organized into three categories:
- A. Downloadable Transparent Logos in PNG format
- B. Downloadable Office Document Files in TIF format
- C. Downloadable Professional Print Files in Photoshop EPS format
Downloadable Transparent Logos in PNG format
Fluid Logo transparent Large* |
Name: transLogolg.png |
Fluid Logo transparent Small* |
Name: transLogosm.png |
Downloadable Office Document Files (TIF) 300dpi
These images are for high quality printing from your personal/office desktop printer. Office publication software includes but is not limited to: Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Publisher.
They can be proportionately scaled down in the previous listed applications by clicking and dragging the corners of the bounding box. Increasing the size will result in a loss of quality.
*To save TIF files, right-click on the link to the version of your choice and select "Save Target As..." or "Save Link As..." to save to your computer. Right-clicking on an image and saving will result in saving the low-resolution web version.
Color with Tagline
Fluid Logo with Tagline ~ TIF* |
Name: fluidLogo300CmykWthTagline.tif |
Color No Tagline
Fluid Logo No Tagline ~ TIF* |
Name: fluidLogo300CmykNoTag.tif |
Grayscale with Tagline
Fluid Logo with Tagline ~ TIF* |
Name: fluidLogo300CmykWthTaglineBaW.tif |
Downloadable Professional Print Files (CMYK) 300dpi
These images are designed for professional printing projects. They are in Photoshop EPS (Encapsulated Post Script) format saved down to Adobe Photoshop version CS2 for MAC and should only be handled by graphic designers, vendors, and people familiar with EPS files. The images can be viewed using advanced graphics software such as: PageMaker, In-Design, Quark, and Photoshop.
Fluid Logo (Big) ~ Photoshop EPS | Fluid Logo (Small) ~ Photoshop EPS |
Name: fluidLogo300CmykTagline.eps | Name: fluidLogo300CmykTaglineSmall.eps |
Color No Tagline
Fluid Logo No Tagline (Big) ~ Photoshop EPS | Fluid Logo No Tagline (Small) ~ Photoshop EPS |
Name: fluidLogo300CmykNoTag.eps | Name: fluidLogo300CmykNoTaglineSmall.eps |
Grayscale with Tagline
Fluid Logo with Tagline (Big) ~ Photoshop EPS | Fluid Logo with Tagline (Small) ~ Photoshop EPS |
Name: fluidLogo300CmykWthTaglineBaW.eps | Name: fluidLogo300CmykTagSmallBaW.eps |
The graphic in his section are organized into two categories:
- A. Downloadable Web Graphics PNG and GIF (72 ppi)
- B. Downloadable Sundry variants of logo for web (72 ppi)
Downloadable Web Graphics GIF & PNG (72 pixels/inch)
These images should be used for the Web only. Using these files for printed material will result in poor quality, low resolution reproductions of the logo.
Fluid Logo ~ GIF | Fluid Logo ~ PNG |
Name: fluidLogo72CmykTagSmall.gif | Name: fluidLogo72CmykTagSmall.png |
Color No Tagline
Fluid Logo No Tagline ~ GIF | Fluid Logo No Tagline ~ PNG |
Name: fluidLogo72NoTaglineSmall.gif | Name: fluidLogo72NoTag.png |
*Right-click on the link to the version of your choice and select "Save Target As..." or "Save Link As..." to save to your computer. Right-clicking on an image and saving will result in saving the low-resolution web version.
Grayscale with Tagline
Fluid Logo with Tagline ~ GIF | Fluid Logo with Tagline ~ PNG |
Name: fluidLogo300CmykTagSmlBaW.gif | Name: fluidLogo72TagSmlBaW.png |
Sundry variants of Logo for Web (72ppi)
These images should be used for the Web only. Using these files for printed material will result in poor quality, low resolution reproductions of the logo.
Big size Logo for Web with Tagline ~ 72
Name: fluidLogoNoDropShad.gif
Kind: GIF
Dimensions: 4 KB
File Size: 120 x 80
Fluid Logo ~ no drop shadow on white background
Name: fluidLogoNoDropShad.gif
Kind: GIF
Dimensions: 4 KB
File Size: 120 x 80
Fluid Logo ~ no drop shadow on transparent background
Name: fluidLogoTrnsBkgdNoDrpShd.png
Kind: PNG
Dimensions: 8 KB
File Size: 120 x 80
Fluid Logo ~ with drop shadow on white background
fluidLogoWthDropShad.gifClick here to download
Name: fluidLogoWthDropShad.gif
Kind: GIF
Dimensions: 4 KB
File Size: 120 x 80
Fluid Logo ~ with drop shadow on transparent background
Name: fluidLogoTrnsBkgdWthDrpShd.png
Kind: PNG
Dimensions: 8 KB
File Size: 120 x 80
Fluid Logo ~ black and white
Name: fluidLogoBlkAndWht.gif
Kind: GIF
Dimensions: 4 KB
File Size: 120 x 80
Fluid Logo ~ reversed black and white
Name: fluidLogoBlkAndWhtReverse.gif
Kind: GIF
Dimensions: 4 KB
File Size: 120 x 80
Fluid Masthead
Retrieved from the www.fluidproject.org website.
Name: FluidMasthead.jpg
Kind: JPG
Dimensions: 28 KB
File Size: 1206 × 160
Fluid Masthead 2
Retrieved from the www.fluidproject.org website.
Name: FluidMasthead2.jpg
Kind: JPG
Dimensions: 27 KB
File Size: 1206 × 160
Fluid Gear: shop for Fluid-branded shirts, mugs, etc.
Does your application use Fluid code?
Consider putting the Fluid badge on your website to let everyone know you're Fluid Infused.