fluid-work IRC Logs-2010-02-22

[17:57:30 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> I think I need some Kingly restraint
[17:57:31 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> colinclark: i guess it depends on how frozen we are
[17:57:35 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> It's a one line fix, and it is correct
[17:58:03 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> colinclark: if we are going to be making changes that are going to force retesting anyways... and the change is simple enough then it is worth it
[17:58:33 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> It's a change in MyCollectionView.js
[17:59:28 EST(-0500)] <jessm> we aren't that frozen
[17:59:32 EST(-0500)] <jessm> freezing on monday
[17:59:33 EST(-0500)] <jessm> eh?
[17:59:52 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> jessm, colinclark: okay.. and I have to change MyCollectionView.js anyways.. so we may as well get it in
[18:00:03 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> change it for 408
[18:00:06 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> that is
[18:00:06 EST(-0500)] <jessm> get er done
[18:00:18 EST(-0500)] <jessm> ok, but guys – it's 6 and you need to go home
[18:00:22 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> (smile)
[18:00:24 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> we're gonna go
[18:00:31 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> the only one of us who refused to leave shortly is anastasiac
[18:00:31 EST(-0500)] <jessm> yura1: colinclark: justin_o:^^^ go go go
[18:00:40 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> I threatened to tattle on her to JT, but even that didn't work
[18:00:42 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> (tongue)
[18:00:46 EST(-0500)] <jessm> (smile)
[18:01:25 EST(-0500)] <jessm> i'm going now – on a dog walk – then i'll be fixing lil' bugs this weekend, but i don't recommend that for anyone else! play basketball, take artsy pictures, see a movie – eat SOMETHING
[18:01:30 EST(-0500)] <jessm> have fun y'all
[18:01:33 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> jessm: see you
[18:01:34 EST(-0500)] <jessm> see you Monday
[18:01:36 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> say hi to piglet
[18:02:08 EST(-0500)] * christianv (~anonymous@cpc1-cmbg7-0-0-cust61.cmbg.cable.ntl.com) has joined #fluid-work
[18:15:17 EST(-0500)] * yura1 (~yura@ has joined #fluid-work
[18:51:47 EST(-0500)] <Bosmo1> justin_o: colinclark and I are just post-morteming your figures
[18:52:03 EST(-0500)] * anastasiac (~team@ has left #fluid-work
[18:52:10 EST(-0500)] <Bosmo1> I argue that the 1.3 seconds figure for Jquery is the cost of parsing and building the syntax tree for the code
[18:52:27 EST(-0500)] <Bosmo1> And I would expect this figure to increase roughly in proportion to the minified size of the codebase, whatever it is
[18:52:46 EST(-0500)] <Bosmo1> The 0.7 seconds, which is inflated for JQuery, is the cost of actually evaluating the file, which contains quite a lot of fairly dense self-expanding code
[18:53:18 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> interesting
[18:53:56 EST(-0500)] <Bosmo1> In any case, all of these figures show that it is essentially impossible to expect any significant amount of Javascript to execute in a page load cycle on an iPhone
[18:54:01 EST(-0500)] <Bosmo1> Or similar mobile device (tongue)
[18:54:43 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> yes
[19:55:58 EST(-0500)] <jamon> shame the sdk doesn't run in a non-apple vm or we could benchmark jquery on iphone with 16 cpus (smile)
[21:51:15 EST(-0500)] * yura1 (~yura@206-248-159-46.dsl.teksavvy.com) has joined #fluid-work
[22:18:06 EST(-0500)] * denbuzze (~anonymous@cpc1-cmbg7-0-0-cust61.cmbg.cable.ntl.com) has joined #fluid-work
[23:19:25 EST(-0500)] * yura1 (~yura@206-248-159-46.dsl.teksavvy.com) has joined #fluid-work
[13:23:16 EST(-0500)] * yura1 (~yura@user149-69.wireless.utoronto.ca) has joined #fluid-work
[19:55:08 EST(-0500)] * yura1 (~yura@206-248-159-46.dsl.teksavvy.com) has joined #fluid-work
[20:51:25 EST(-0500)] * yura1 (~yura@206-248-159-46.dsl.teksavvy.com) has joined #fluid-work
[21:23:05 EST(-0500)] * yura1 (~yura@206-248-159-46.dsl.teksavvy.com) has joined #fluid-work
[06:16:59 EST(-0500)] * sveto (~sveto@ has joined #fluid-work
[12:22:04 EST(-0500)] * sveto (~sveto@ has left #fluid-work
[12:41:18 EST(-0500)] * yura1 (~yura@206-248-159-46.dsl.teksavvy.com) has joined #fluid-work
[13:13:55 EST(-0500)] * yura1 (~yura@206-248-159-46.dsl.teksavvy.com) has joined #fluid-work
[04:09:51 EST(-0500)] * denbuzze (~anonymous@ginger.caret.cam.ac.uk) has joined #fluid-work
[06:34:44 EST(-0500)] * boyan (~boyan@ has joined #fluid-work
[08:24:13 EST(-0500)] * justin_o (~jmo@ has joined #fluid-work
[08:27:38 EST(-0500)] * jessm (~Jess@c-71-232-3-151.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #fluid-work
[08:39:34 EST(-0500)] * jameswy (~jameswy@ has joined #fluid-work
[09:03:40 EST(-0500)] * EricDalquist (~dalquist@2607:f388:e:0:221:9bff:fe37:e768) has joined #fluid-work
[09:12:41 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> jessm: good morning... just wanted to double check which issues we are allowed to work on today
[09:13:20 EST(-0500)] <jessm> justin_o: i think we left off on Friday with the criticals and the blockers as fair game – i'm just catching up now and will send out another email, but the last email from Friday should still be current
[09:13:37 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> jessm: thanks
[09:14:07 EST(-0500)] <jessm> justin_o: let me know what you're working on or if you need something else
[09:21:18 EST(-0500)] * athena (~athena@adsl-99-90-243-15.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net) has joined #fluid-work
[09:25:36 EST(-0500)] <jessm> justin_o: i think you're on tap for 408 and 380
[09:25:52 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> jessm: thanks... i think there were a few new jiras filed about localization (e.g. ENGAGE-417 and others) that we should probably add
[09:26:10 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> jessm: sorry had meant to send the above message a while ago, but forgot to hit enter (sad)
[09:26:29 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> jessm: i'll take a look at 408 and 380 today
[09:26:32 EST(-0500)] <jessm> justin_o: yeah, i'll look through those with james
[09:26:35 EST(-0500)] <jameswy> jessm: Do you want to sync up on the issues I filed late Friday?
[09:26:37 EST(-0500)] <jessm> i think you closed off 408
[09:26:42 EST(-0500)] <jessm> jameswy: yes, let's do that now
[09:26:47 EST(-0500)] <jameswy> jessm: okidoki.
[09:26:53 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> jessm: oh yes... we finished that one up friday night
[09:27:10 EST(-0500)] <jessm> justin_o: cool, so perhaps 380 will be enough to keep you busy while jameswy and i sync up
[09:27:58 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> jessm: i think so.. especially since i'm slightly puzzled as to why it's still not working... but i think i have a lead or two to follow
[09:42:57 EST(-0500)] * clown (~clown@ has joined #fluid-work
[09:56:17 EST(-0500)] * anastasiac (~team@ has joined #fluid-work
[09:56:48 EST(-0500)] <jessm> justin_o: i'm thinking freeze will come this afternoon so we can get a package to hugues
[09:57:57 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> jessm: okay... i'll work quickly... is hugues starting the pilot on wednesday?
[09:58:17 EST(-0500)] <jessm> wednesday we get a new data feed, thursday he starts testing with staff at McCord
[09:58:26 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> jessm: okay.. thanks
[10:09:48 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> jessm: just going to committ that fix to 417
[10:09:56 EST(-0500)] <jessm> justin_o: great
[10:14:18 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> jessm: it's in and the jira is marked as resolved... just needs to be reviewed and closed now
[10:14:36 EST(-0500)] <jessm> justin_o: thanks
[11:21:22 EST(-0500)] * EverettZ (~chatzilla@bas4-toronto06-1242458424.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #fluid-work
[11:22:07 EST(-0500)] <EverettZ> jessm:Morning, do you have a couple of minutes for a quick pm?
[11:22:26 EST(-0500)] <jessm> EverettZ: morning, yes
[11:26:02 EST(-0500)] * colinclark (~colin@ has joined #fluid-work
[11:27:26 EST(-0500)] <jessm> where can i find .flc-exhibition-displaydate?
[11:30:00 EST(-0500)] * elicochran (~elicochra@dhcp-169-229-212-2.LIPS.Berkeley.EDU) has joined #fluid-work
[11:34:16 EST(-0500)] * Bosmon2 (~amb26free@174-29-110-66.hlrn.qwest.net) has joined #fluid-work
[11:41:10 EST(-0500)] * boyan (~boyan@ has left #fluid-work
[11:51:53 EST(-0500)] <jessm> ok, i found it in dateUtils.js
[11:51:55 EST(-0500)] <jessm> i think
[11:54:37 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> What on earth?
[12:40:57 EST(-0500)] <athena> you guys have any plans to update to jquery 1.4 / jquery ui 1.8?
[13:08:04 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> athena- plenty of plans (tongue)
[13:08:10 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> Although this would need to wait for a new Infusion release
[13:08:14 EST(-0500)] <athena> right
[13:08:24 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> I am sure we would update when 1.2 was released, but we have a bit of a backlog at the moment...
[13:08:38 EST(-0500)] <athena> we discovered that we're going to have to backport a patch for the datepicker widget
[13:08:41 EST(-0500)] <athena> which will be annoying
[13:09:01 EST(-0500)] <athena> are you guys planning a new infusion release anytime soon?
[13:09:14 EST(-0500)] <athena> i think we're particularly interested in some of the new mobile theme work
[13:10:37 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> I can't really say - you would need to talk to Colin for specific timing info
[13:10:51 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> I'm sure we'll be back at the Infusion coalface just as soon as this pilot goes live (tongue)
[13:30:51 EST(-0500)] <yura> jessm: i m here (smile)
[13:31:25 EST(-0500)] <jessm> yura: sneaky!
[13:31:57 EST(-0500)] <jessm> Bosmon: what's the scoop on 403, a blocker?
[13:37:01 EST(-0500)] <jessm> Bosmo1: ^
[13:37:13 EST(-0500)] <jessm> Bosmon2: ^
[13:38:53 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> Yes, I'll take that now...
[13:38:57 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> Just tinkering with some other stuff
[13:39:18 EST(-0500)] <jessm> whitespaces begone!
[13:47:08 EST(-0500)] <jamon> jessm: s/ //g (tongue)
[13:57:34 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> (smile)
[13:57:50 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> jessm: O CATT... is that title the last for 403?
[13:57:53 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> I have committed it now
[13:58:10 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> Given the way most of the team work, I think we would need something more like s/\s//g (tongue)
[14:01:18 EST(-0500)] <jamon> whitespaces, hmm, true. ambiguous (smile)
[14:03:57 EST(-0500)] <jessm> Bosmon: what's this about title? you ready for another bug?
[14:05:00 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> Not really
[14:05:05 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> I am "branching for ENGAGE-434" now
[14:05:19 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> As in the ancient IBM idiom "BRANCH TO FISHKILL"!!
[14:05:50 EST(-0500)] <jessm> Bosmon: and what's up with 403?
[14:06:19 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> jessm - i committed it
[14:06:22 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> The fix to the title
[14:06:49 EST(-0500)] <jessm> Bosmon: does that mean i can resolve it?
[14:06:56 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> I'm not entirely sure
[14:07:08 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> Yura's comment is not unambiguous (tongue)
[14:07:13 EST(-0500)] <jessm> yura: can you shed light on 403? ^
[14:07:34 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> "majority except for these two things" !== "all except these two things" (tongue)
[14:08:16 EST(-0500)] <jessm> yura: disambiguate when you get a moment ^^
[14:17:35 EST(-0500)] <jameswy> jessm: Not sure if you saw the new JIRAs come in, but 428 through 432 are new accessibility issues.
[14:21:45 EST(-0500)] <yura> Bosmon , jessm all not majority , i couldn't find any other untranslated strings
[14:22:17 EST(-0500)] <jessm> yura: so we're good to resolve?
[14:22:28 EST(-0500)] <yura> i think so
[14:22:35 EST(-0500)] <yura> jessm: ^
[14:31:48 EST(-0500)] <jessm> Bosmon: any chance you'd work with me as a 1 - 2 punch on styling and some data rendering stuff?
[14:34:18 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> jessm - to be sure
[14:34:25 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> Just as long as you don't expect me to write any CSS (tongue)
[14:35:02 EST(-0500)] <jessm> Bosmon: let's give it a whirl
[14:35:10 EST(-0500)] <jessm> we can start small
[14:35:13 EST(-0500)] <jessm> 423
[14:35:26 EST(-0500)] <jessm> i'm guessing this is a selector that needs to be added to Catalogue.js
[14:35:36 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> ok.... let me look
[14:35:46 EST(-0500)] <jessm> something like defaultToGrid
[14:36:01 EST(-0500)] <jessm> rather defaultToGrid: true
[14:36:59 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> hum
[14:38:05 EST(-0500)] <jessm> Bosmon: like this? http://pastie.org/837366
[14:39:55 EST(-0500)] * justin_o (~jmo@ has joined #fluid-work
[14:40:00 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> jessm: could you please add http://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/ENGAGE-435 to bug parade... it is a generic jira for filing unit test related changes against
[14:40:10 EST(-0500)] <jessm> justin_o: yep
[14:40:43 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> jessm: thanks
[14:41:22 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> jessm: That looks like the correct fix
[14:41:43 EST(-0500)] <jessm> Bosmon: you wanna commit or should i patch and then we can move onto the next issue?
[14:42:05 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> I'll commit that.... does it work?
[14:43:01 EST(-0500)] <jessm> Bosmon: i can't test it on my end
[14:43:20 EST(-0500)] <jessm> yura: 424 – can we just parse it so the image name is the alt text?
[14:43:29 EST(-0500)] <jessm> seems like a quick fix
[14:44:29 EST(-0500)] <yura> hmm they usually make no sense
[14:44:34 EST(-0500)] <yura> like a number or a code
[14:45:05 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> yura: do they have short descriptions that could be used at all
[14:45:06 EST(-0500)] <jessm> yura: artifact name is in the data feed, no?
[14:46:01 EST(-0500)] <yura> images itsekf not really, but we can use the names of the objects indeed (artifact, exhibition etc)
[14:46:03 EST(-0500)] <yura> jessm: i was wondering about the loading screen that I started working on last friday, is that put away at the moment?
[14:46:24 EST(-0500)] <jessm> yura: eek, didn't realize that was still outstanding
[14:46:42 EST(-0500)] <jessm> well, assuming Colin gets the performance fixed up
[14:46:57 EST(-0500)] <jessm> hang on a second
[14:47:46 EST(-0500)] <jessm> yura: loading screen it is – what is the jira # on that? do you know?
[14:47:52 EST(-0500)] <jessm> yura: let's get that one done today
[14:48:12 EST(-0500)] <yura> 351
[14:49:23 EST(-0500)] <jessm> yura: 351 is your #1 priority
[14:49:43 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> jessm: Actually it required slightly more than that
[14:49:45 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> I'll commit now
[14:49:51 EST(-0500)] <jessm> k
[14:50:19 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> JT JS COMMJTTED!!
[14:50:26 EST(-0500)] <jessm> jameswy: heads up
[14:50:41 EST(-0500)] * jameswy 's head is up.
[14:51:01 EST(-0500)] <yura> jessm: roger that
[14:52:03 EST(-0500)] <jessm> Bosmon: yay! let's do another – i have it 1/2 done
[14:52:52 EST(-0500)] <jessm> Bosmon: 328 – i thinks it's a tweak to the dateUtils.js file
[14:56:07 EST(-0500)] <jessm> Bosmon: then you have to review my patch (tongue)
[14:59:50 EST(-0500)] <jessm> justin_o: can you quickly review and commit 329 if it works? i made a mistake... (sad)
[15:00:02 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> jessm: okay
[15:00:05 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> i'll take a look
[15:00:22 EST(-0500)] <jessm> Bosmon: justin_o: yura: I think we should freeze at 4p – that's one hour
[15:00:39 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> jessm: okay
[15:00:56 EST(-0500)] <jessm> jamon: ^^ freeze at 4p – that work for you?
[15:01:09 EST(-0500)] <jessm> jameswy: ^^^
[15:06:03 EST(-0500)] <jessm> jamon: ping
[15:07:48 EST(-0500)] <jameswy> jessm: Yep, works for me.
[15:12:56 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> jessm: 329 reviewed, committed, and closed
[15:13:09 EST(-0500)] <jessm> justin_o: thanks much – sorry for the mistake!
[15:14:02 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> jessm: no problem
[15:14:04 EST(-0500)] <jamon> .
[15:14:43 EST(-0500)] <jessm> jamon: we're fixing to do a release thing here
[15:14:55 EST(-0500)] <jessm> jamon: can you help with the deployment?
[15:15:15 EST(-0500)] <jamon> should just be a tomcat restart
[15:15:34 EST(-0500)] <jessm> jamon: i'm guessing we'll be ready at 5 or 5:30 – that ok?
[15:16:05 EST(-0500)] <jamon> i was planning on working on my thesis but i can be online
[15:16:16 EST(-0500)] <jessm> jamon: much appreciated
[15:16:24 EST(-0500)] <jamon> is end of the day for a release necessary? (i mean for the future)
[15:17:11 EST(-0500)] <jessm> jamon: it's not
[15:17:25 EST(-0500)] <jessm> jamon: we're working under some wonky times this week
[15:17:53 EST(-0500)] <jamon> cool, just that end of the day tends to be stressful when stuff doesn't roll out properly, but i understand
[15:18:05 EST(-0500)] <jessm> jamon: much thanks
[15:43:09 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> jessm: Sorry - was having a CATT SNUUZ
[15:43:15 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> Let me look at 328
[15:43:47 EST(-0500)] <jameswy> sysadmins like jamon are made of awesome: http://www.xkcd.com/705/
[15:43:57 EST(-0500)] * athena (~athena@adsl-99-90-243-15.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net) has joined #fluid-work
[15:45:32 EST(-0500)] <jamon> .. broken glass, i think that's asking a bit much (tongue)
[15:46:56 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> I like this one a lot better (smile)
[15:46:58 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> http://www.xkcd.com/703/
[15:47:24 EST(-0500)] <jessm> Bosmon: cat snuz – 328! i gotta rebuild and then start the release stuff
[15:48:04 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> jessm: Nothing we can do in code about the date issue
[15:48:11 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> Those strings come straight from Uuuug
[15:48:21 EST(-0500)] <jessm> ahhh
[15:48:22 EST(-0500)] <jessm> ok
[15:48:30 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> I'll commit your styling fix though if you want
[15:48:33 EST(-0500)] <jessm> can you review my patch and put that in or is that illegal?
[15:48:39 EST(-0500)] <jessm> ah, yes, pulease
[15:49:23 EST(-0500)] * colinclark (~colin@ has joined #fluid-work
[15:49:38 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> The noise of smashing BONNES is always so reassuring...
[15:50:18 EST(-0500)] * athena <3s xkcd
[15:50:51 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> so, what's the skinny?
[15:51:53 EST(-0500)] <jessm> colinclark: missing members, no freeze yet
[15:52:03 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> missing members?
[15:52:21 EST(-0500)] <jessm> justin_o and yura are procuring passes for the rocket
[15:52:30 EST(-0500)] <jessm> no one is cutting release
[15:52:39 EST(-0500)] <jessm> jamon is trying to work on thesis
[15:52:48 EST(-0500)] <jessm> and is walking on broken glass
[15:56:48 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> broken glass?
[15:56:54 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> jessm: I can actually cut the release
[15:56:59 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> I just need to know what the status is
[15:57:07 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Which goes back to your missing members point
[15:57:16 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> There's a wicked snowstorm out, too. Hopefully they didn't get lost
[15:57:53 EST(-0500)] <jessm> colinclark: yura was working on 351 but i don't think he's done
[15:57:57 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> rocket?
[15:58:07 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Bosmon: You know, like Atlantis
[15:58:15 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> I've reviewed and commited 328
[15:58:21 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> Yeah, I was just wondering where they were going (tongue)
[15:58:21 EST(-0500)] <jessm> colinclark: justin was working on 380 again
[15:58:29 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> They are getting the slightly more modern form of the Atlantean Token
[15:59:01 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> !!!
[15:59:04 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Where did ENGAGE-403 get to?
[15:59:29 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> We declared 403 concluded
[15:59:30 EST(-0500)] <jessm> no one feels comfortable closing it
[15:59:35 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> Really?
[15:59:37 EST(-0500)] <jessm> that too
[15:59:43 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> I thought yura asserted there were no further strings (tongue)
[15:59:53 EST(-0500)] <jessm> Bosmon: he thought there weren't
[15:59:56 EST(-0500)] <jessm> but he didn't close it
[16:00:09 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> yack
[16:00:10 EST(-0500)] <jessm> colinclark: i think it's fine to resolve, but i'm not sure
[16:00:26 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> I'll ask THE YURA some questions when he gets back
[16:00:33 EST(-0500)] <jessm> i'll resolve 403
[16:00:35 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> ISLE OF YURA
[16:00:44 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> HARK THE STROKE OF 4 IS STRIKING!
[16:00:55 EST(-0500)] <jamon> here he comes
[16:02:20 EST(-0500)] <yura> jessm: Bosmon : http://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/ENGAGE-403 is resolved
[16:02:42 EST(-0500)] * justin_o (~jmo@ has joined #fluid-work
[16:02:45 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> yura: Has 403 been reviewed by anyone with commit access?
[16:03:17 EST(-0500)] <jessm> so, i need to rebuild so james can test today and we need to freeze
[16:03:17 EST(-0500)] <yura> well it was Bosmon who commited the last bit
[16:03:30 EST(-0500)] <Bosmon> It was me who comited the last bit (tongue)
[16:03:37 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> yura: Did anyone else commit any other bits?
[16:03:41 EST(-0500)] <jessm> no matter – it's cloed
[16:03:51 EST(-0500)] <jessm> ah, review...
[16:04:12 EST(-0500)] <yura> no, last 2 things were part of the guest book so Antranig took care of it
[16:04:42 EST(-0500)] <jessm> yura: where does 351 stand?
[16:04:43 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> jessm, Bosmon: I'm closing it, but I just wanted to confirm with you...
[16:04:56 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Are we satisfied that 403 is now fixed?
[16:05:05 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Or should I fire up the app and so some testing?
[16:05:29 EST(-0500)] <jessm> colinclark: jameswy can test
[16:05:43 EST(-0500)] <jessm> we need to rebuild and freeze so we can get this to jamon by 5 or 5:30
[16:05:50 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> jameswy: Can you take a pass through the app and just confirm that ENGAGE-403 is fixed?
[16:06:02 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Then go ahead and close the issue? http://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/ENGAGE-403
[16:06:26 EST(-0500)] <jameswy> colinclark: will do.
[16:06:40 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Are there any other issues I should take a look at? Review, etc?
[16:06:46 EST(-0500)] <yura> jessm: that one has some complications
[16:07:09 EST(-0500)] <jessm> colinclark: we have a long list of "to-be-reviewed"
[16:07:28 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> jessm: I'm particularly interested in reviewing post-freeze fixes
[16:07:34 EST(-0500)] <jameswy> jessm, colinclark: is the current build good for 403 testing?
[16:07:53 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> jameswy: I'd rebuild, just in case
[16:07:55 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Go for it
[16:10:34 EST(-0500)] <jessm> colinclark: 417 can use a review
[16:10:37 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> ok
[16:14:43 EST(-0500)] <jessm> jameswy: you've begun testing the resolved and closed since friday, right?
[16:15:12 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Ok folks, let's have a chat in about 5 minutes where we talk about what's been done, and what's left
[16:15:21 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> and then talk about what areas of the application will need to be re-tested
[16:15:31 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> yura, justin_o, jessm, Bosmon, jameswy: cool?
[16:15:47 EST(-0500)] <jameswy> jessm: Just started now. I was caught with testing protocol things I needed to finish before Hugues takes over later this pm
[16:16:02 EST(-0500)] <jameswy> colinclark: cool.
[16:16:14 EST(-0500)] <jessm> colinclark: cool
[16:25:32 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> jessm: ENGAGE-417 gonzo
[16:26:46 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Ok, let's chat for a bit, justin_o, jessm, jameswy, yura, Bosmon
[16:26:59 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> colinclark: okay
[16:27:09 EST(-0500)] <jameswy> colinclark: Here or voice?
[16:27:12 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> here
[16:27:33 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> So jessm, a question for you first...
[16:27:38 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> It may involve you asking other questions
[16:27:45 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> We've clearly squashed a bunch of bugs
[16:28:06 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Are there other QA-derived issues that need to get fixed before delivering a release to Hugues, jessm ?
[16:28:40 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> And one for you, yura
[16:28:49 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> I gather you've been working on ENGAGE-351?
[16:28:55 EST(-0500)] <yura> colinclark: yes
[16:28:58 EST(-0500)] <jessm> colinclark: it depends is my best answer – i am not practiced in the letting go of a release before big stuff has been closed, but yes, we can deliver now and it will work – there are a number of outstanding a11y issues, the loading page isn't done, etc.
[16:29:25 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Two questions: 1. How come it isn't on the bug parade, yura? 2. Can you describe where you're at-with some technical detail-and what needs to be done
[16:29:39 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> jessm: Ok, talk us through the "big stuff," particularly the a11y issues
[16:30:18 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Unless anyone disagrees, I think that the loading screen should be a blocker for delivering our "slow version" of Engage 0.3b, which in my mind I've been calling 0.3a
[16:30:33 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> It will buy Bosmon and I enough time to make the thing fast
[16:30:51 EST(-0500)] <jessm> colinclark: 380 remains open – the button VoiceOver issue
[16:31:03 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> ok
[16:31:04 EST(-0500)] <jessm> not sure how significatn 406 is
[16:31:08 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> justin_o: Tell me about ENGAGE-380
[16:31:15 EST(-0500)] <jessm> put versus get in 406
[16:31:23 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> colinclark: i think i may have just fixed it
[16:31:23 EST(-0500)] <yura> colinclark: I m not sure why it isn't , we've talked about it last friday, just seemed to slip somehow. In regards to where I stand: I moved the spinner to be non browse specific into shared engage css + iphonecromless , however there's a style issue that I an stuck with before applying it to other components
[16:31:23 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> 406 is a minor issue
[16:31:34 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> justin_o: ok
[16:31:34 EST(-0500)] <jessm> colinclark: 424 is big – no alt text for images and thumbnails
[16:31:54 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> colinclark: I think it may just been caused by some css styling actually... but i just have to do 1 or two more tests
[16:32:04 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> justin_o, yura: Can you give me a sense of the amount of work that would be required for ENGAGE-424?
[16:32:15 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> justin_o: excellent, yet weird (tongue)
[16:32:24 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> So what I'm hearing:
[16:32:28 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> hmm... we would have to change all of the components to render the alt text
[16:32:33 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> 1. yura needs help on the loading screen
[16:32:40 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> 2. We have some a11y bugs we need to decide on
[16:32:49 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> so i think it would just be a change to our renderering function
[16:34:07 EST(-0500)] <yura> yes, i m assuming whever we have images rendered , their alt text shall be included in the tree as well
[16:35:23 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> justin_o: Just to get a sense of timing...
[16:35:30 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Could you do it by noon tomorrow?
[16:35:34 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> yura: ^
[16:35:42 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> assuming all the other issues were fixed?
[16:35:49 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> I think so...
[16:35:53 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> colinclark: ^
[16:36:06 EST(-0500)] <yura> that's doable, I m only concerned with the loading styling that I am stuck with
[16:36:36 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> yura: yep
[16:36:41 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Ok, so
[16:36:53 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> justin_o: you're close to a fix on the object code entry buttons?
[16:37:03 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> yura: you're stuck at the moment on the loading screen?
[16:37:13 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> colinclark: yes...
[16:37:22 EST(-0500)] <yura> yes, i m trying to find any workarounds
[16:37:27 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> and then we need to consider whether or not to address ENGAGE-424
[16:37:32 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> missing alt text seems awfully lame
[16:37:33 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> (wink)
[16:37:51 EST(-0500)] <jessm> yura: what's the styling issue with the load screen?
[16:37:59 EST(-0500)] <jessm> can you describe it?
[16:38:43 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> colinclark: 380 seems to be fixed
[16:38:53 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> justin_o: (smile)
[16:38:57 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> colinclark: did you want to review a commit for me
[16:39:03 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> justin_o: yes
[16:39:31 EST(-0500)] <yura> well the image that represents the spinner is transparent and is overlayed with the background, the background is supposed to be black for the spinner to show up but on the phone it looks like a black square, in safari it's a spinner with black edges,
[16:39:34 EST(-0500)] <yura> very weird
[16:40:03 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> So, next thing I'd like to talk about: what consequences will these changes have on re-testing the application? justin_o and jameswy, I'm particularly interested in hearing from you.
[16:41:17 EST(-0500)] <jameswy> colinclark: I don't foresee much extra effort in re-testing what's been fixed.
[16:41:35 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> colinclark: fixing 424 and 351 will probably touch every page
[16:42:01 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> justin_o, jameswy: here's the big question
[16:42:11 EST(-0500)] <jameswy> justin_o: I was thinking that too, but for 424, we only really need to test four or five different pages: one each of artifact view, artifact list, etc.
[16:42:11 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> 424 and 351 touch every page
[16:42:21 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> but do they require a complete re-test, or some kind of targeted test?
[16:42:27 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> jameswy: (smile)
[16:43:14 EST(-0500)] <jameswy> colinclark, justin_o: I think it's the same as when we test for anything else-we don't test every single artifact for description, media, etc.-I'm thinking a few general cases would suffice.
[16:43:26 EST(-0500)] <jameswy> But I defer to the king's judgment on this one.
[16:43:30 EST(-0500)] <jameswy> (smile)
[16:43:59 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> jameswy: i think the issue is more along the lines of running through the entire suite of test plans or just a couple of the test cases
[16:44:45 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> for 424 if the change is only to the renderer function for each component then some targetted testing would probably be okay
[16:44:49 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> not sure about 351 though
[16:44:57 EST(-0500)] <jameswy> justin_o: Will the patches for 424 and 351 affect infrastructure + a lot of components?
[16:45:17 EST(-0500)] <jameswy> (i.e., how likely is breakage to previously passing tests?)
[16:46:30 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> for 424 one benefit is that almost all of the museum's images are in the nav list (there are couple outside here and there) but we could for the most part say that if the navList is working.. .then it should still be working on all the pages
[16:47:29 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> So we need to figure out what good enough is here, testing-wise
[16:47:39 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> We've done a QA cycle, found some bugs, and now we've fixed them
[16:47:46 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> to what extent do we need another full day of testing?
[16:47:54 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> colinclark: for 351 we could probably just walkthrough the tests for the navigation
[16:48:07 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> jameswy: how long did that test plan take?
[16:48:19 EST(-0500)] <jameswy> justin_o: full day, across multiple timezones.
[16:48:33 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> ^ That's for the whole QA cycle
[16:48:37 EST(-0500)] <jameswy> justin_o: oh, just for that one test!
[16:48:54 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> jameswy: yes
[16:49:53 EST(-0500)] <jameswy> We didn't have one test plan for navigation--it was split across all the test plans.
[16:49:59 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> jameswy: okay...
[16:50:01 EST(-0500)] <jameswy> (sorry, not all--many)
[16:50:35 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Is it conceivable, justin_o, that we could create simpler plans that target these specific issues?
[16:50:37 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> jameswy, colinclark: well simply doing a quick walkthrough the navigation links should be enough
[16:50:55 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> ok, so would 4 hours cut it?
[16:50:58 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> a half day
[16:51:07 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> basically it would be like going through the flow diagram that is the wireframes page
[16:51:15 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> colinclark: i think so
[16:51:28 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> so here's what we
[16:51:34 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> should try:
[16:51:51 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> 1. Review justin_o's fix for ENGAGE-380
[16:52:01 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> 2. Help yura with ENGAGE-351
[16:52:12 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> 3. If we have time left over, fix ENGAGE-424
[16:52:16 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> We freeze by noon tomorrow
[16:52:17 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> EST
[16:52:20 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> QA until 4 pm EST
[16:52:31 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Cut a release shortly thereafter
[16:52:42 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Putting us about a day behind schedule
[16:52:44 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> sane?
[16:53:30 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> jessm, justin_o, jameswy, yura?
[16:53:37 EST(-0500)] <jessm> i think it's sane
[16:53:45 EST(-0500)] <jameswy> colinclark: Makes sense to me.
[16:54:02 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> jameswy: Gonna need you to take the lead on testing again, if that's okay
[16:54:19 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> colinclark: i think it should work
[16:54:47 EST(-0500)] <yura> colinclark: sounds good
[16:54:50 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> it's gonna impact our delivery date for the performance optimizations
[16:54:56 EST(-0500)] <jameswy> colinclark: Can do
[16:55:03 EST(-0500)] <yura> + that styling issue seems to be resolved now (smile)
[16:55:04 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> but we have hopefully created enough space for that by adding the loading screen, etc.
[16:55:06 EST(-0500)] <jessm> colinclark: i'm concerned about that
[16:55:12 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> yura: excellent
[16:55:17 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> so that list now looks like:
[16:55:31 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> 1. Review justin_o's ENGAGE-380 and yura's 351
[16:55:34 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> 2. Fix 424
[16:55:42 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> 3. Freeze and test
[16:55:43 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> 4. Ship
[16:55:48 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> jessm: me too
[16:55:59 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> thoughts on alternatives, or how we can address the bottleneck?
[16:56:12 EST(-0500)] <jessm> colinclark: no, i think this is the best we can do now
[16:56:17 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> If yura and justin_o can squash 424, Bosmon and I can continue our performance optimizations in earnest
[16:56:33 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> jameswy: is just showing justin_o some bug he foud
[16:56:35 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> found
[16:56:48 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> jessm: ok, so +1 for our four-step program?
[16:56:56 EST(-0500)] <jessm> yes
[16:57:02 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> ok, let's do it
[16:57:13 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> justin_o and yura: get me some patches (smile)
[17:06:38 EST(-0500)] <justin_o> colinclark: I committed and assigned 380 to you for review
[17:07:15 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> justin_o: thx
[17:07:52 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> so jessm
[17:08:00 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> I just had a quick chat with jameswy
[17:08:05 EST(-0500)] <jessm> k
[17:08:38 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> there was a bug mentioned...
[17:08:41 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> i don't have the jira handy
[17:08:47 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> but it had to do with switching between french and english
[17:08:53 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> collecting artifacts in both languages
[17:09:11 EST(-0500)] <jessm> ah, the mid-session language switch?
[17:09:16 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> and how, if you collect an English artifact, it looks like its French counterpart wasn't collected
[17:09:16 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> yep
[17:09:26 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> and how some artifacts show up in the other language, etc.
[17:09:30 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Sveto had a patch for that
[17:09:40 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> jameswy and I both think it's probably not a primary use case
[17:09:48 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> users who toggle back and forth between languages mid-session
[17:09:51 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> so not a show stopper
[17:09:57 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> +/-1?
[17:10:15 EST(-0500)] <jessm> +1 – james and i talked about that being a low-probability use case
[17:10:22 EST(-0500)] <jessm> and so didn't put it on parade, iirc
[17:10:31 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> great
[17:10:35 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> I'll respond to Sveto's email
[17:15:15 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> jessm: There's another issue I have come across I'd like to talk to you about