Mobile storycards, my collection, draft 9


- See My Collection wireframes

Storycard 1: Display collection in grid view (default)

- Show the first 20 artifacts in the user's collection, represented by thumbnails without text

Storycard 2: Link items to artifact view

- Each one of the thumbnails is tappable, and links to its respective artifact view

Storycard 3: Allow "show more" artifacts

- If there are more than 20 artifacts in the user's collection, an option to load 20 more artifacts will appear at the bottom of the screen
- Once tapped, it will extend the existing screen with the next 20 artifacts, gliding the focus of the screen to the first of the new items
- If there are more artifacts, the option to load more will persist; if not, it will disappear

Storycard 4: Allow switching between list and grid view

- The same artifacts should display in both list and grid view, in the same order
- For instance, if 100 artifacts are in the current view (by virtue of the user tapping "show more" a few times), then switching to another view should also display the same 100

Storycard 4A: Display artifacts in list view

- In list view, each artifact is represented by its thumbnail, name and time period
- The whole row is tappable, and links to the artifact's view

Storycard 5: Display an instructional message if the collection is empty

- If there are no objects on the collection, the artifact area should read: "Your collection is empty. Start adding artifacts to your collection by using the "Collect" button you find on artifact screens."

Storycard 6: Allow sending the collection to an email address (FOR 0.3 ONLY)

- If there are objects in the collection, a "Send" option should appear in the action bar below the navigation bar
- Upon tapping "Send", an email form dialogue should drop down with focus automatically set to the text field
- An email should be send to the respective address containing all the objects from the user's current "My Collection"
- The email is not stored, the collection does not persist beyond the device's session (which is until the cache and cookies are cleared, presumably?), and changes to the collection (additions/removals) have no significance beyond the device's session (e.g., emails to notify the user of additions or removals are not given, especially since the email is not stored)

Storycard 7: Alert the user if they aren't logged in the collection

- A persistent alert shows if the user isn't logged in, warning the user that their collection will not persist unless they sign in
- This alert is tappable. When user taps on it, they're brought to the sign in page
- (in a future release, there should be an intermediate modal popup with options to Login or Sign Up)

Storycard 8: Synchronize with "My McCord" (i.e., desktop equivalent) (FOR BEYOND 0.3)

How it should work:
  - User adds artifacts to his or her "My Collection"
   - If the user isn't logged in, "My Collection" exists only on that mobile device
   - Once the user logs in (which requires only an email address and no password), "My McCord" updates with that user's "My Collection" (and continues to synchronize with it)
   - On a first ever login (i.e., registration), system should email the user a link to his or her simultaneously created "My McCord" account with a default/random password to complete the password-less registration we had on the mobile device