Terminology Problem Space

This is a draft in progress.

Discussion about terminology and what components might emerge.

Terminology Definition



Problem description.


Sarah Windsor - Primary Persona
Scenarios to come.

Ed McClellan, Undergraduate
Scenarios to come.

Blue Sky Vision

Terminology Component Ideas

Glossary / Tooltips

  • Consistent control to see definitions of unfamiliar terms and "system jargon"
  • Show definitions as tooltips?
  • Contextual Glossary Tool (related to contextual help?)

Use of Icons

  • Icons should be used consistently
  • For example, in newsreader some icons are clickable and some are not

Example Confusing Terms use in Specific Applications


  • "Full Name" = Name of Course, "Short Name" = Name of Instructor
  • "Time Limit" box does not specify format (minutes, hours)
  • "Course Themes" not explained or defined
  • "Edit" and "Update" used interchangeably


  • Resources: what does "Access" column mean?
  • Resources->Edit Details: "Change file type"
  • "Upload/Download multiple Resources" links to a help page


  • In maximized view "Return to Portal" is confusing, as you may not know what the "portal" is.
  • "Channel" is not defined

Summit Post-it Page

At the Fluid Summit, pain points represented on post-it notes were grouped into problem spaces (such as Feedback), then into (usually very high level) potential components such as the ones below. Each problem area was then rated as to whether it affected 1, 2, or 3/All of the Fluid applications (Sakai, uPortal, Moodle). Each potential component was then rated on the following matrix, which indicated how severe the pain point it helped solve was for users, as well as how frequently the pain point was encountered. It helped us determine how high a priority it was, with 1 being the highest priority and 3 being the lowest.

high severity



low severity




high frequency

low frequency