Mobile user testing, Draft 8, User 4 BCN (December 2, 2009)


Pre-visit scenario

Task: What do you do to decide whether or not you really want to go?

- She is mainly interested by the exhibitions, and she usually goes to the museum when she sees some interesting advertising in the newspapers.

Task: Suppose now that you've decided to go later today or this week. How would you prepare, if at all, for your visit?

- Looking at the application, she says "If I know the museum, I go directly to Exhibitions, if not I go to Collections...I don't understand this MyCollections option... and if I see something interesting [at Exhibitions or at Collections] I go to Visitor Information". She expects to find there information about how to get to the museum and similar. 

Task: What do you do to learn about the exhibitions that are on right now?

- Goes to Exhibitions. "What I see are the exhibitions that are currently on".

Task: How would you go about learning more about an exhibition you're interested in?

- Clicks on one exhibition.

- Asked if the information she sees at the Exhibition home page is enough, she doubts quite a lot: "Don't know... I'd click on the arrows [for the arrows at the right of each row] to see what do they explain me... I don't care about Events and Catalogue by now, I would go to About..."
- [About... page] She's asked on the exhibition fees. She clicks on the back button (left arrow on the top bar). At the Exhibition home page she says "I'd click here [the Home button at the top bar] to go to the first page and once there I'd click on Visitor Information".
- When asked about remembering some artifacts that are specially interesting for her, she clicks on Catalogue. On its first screen (browsing themes and subthemes) she says "I see the objects but I don't understand why are they classified so... we'll, I havent neither understood what the exhibition is about. I guess that I'd find here all the objects on the exhibition". To remember one object, "I'd take a note on my notebook" [refers to a paper notebook]. When suggested to see one object page, she clicks on the objects, enters to its page and here clicks on Comment: "I'd click on here to write a comment like Remember to visit this object!". Where do you think this comment would be sent? "I don't know, I hope to receive some kind of alert from the mobile when I get to the museum".
- Asked about finding what others though about the exhibition, she quickly clicks on Show Guests' book.
- About events related to the exhibition, she reads the content of the Events panel. Asked about events for the next weekend, she clicks on "Upcoming". 

In-museum scenario

Task: Suppose you want to see whether there are any events happening today. How do you go about reminding yourself about the event's time?

- [Home page] She'd go to Exhibitons > Events. To remember one event, "I don't know clearly how I'd do it, I'd try if happens anything when I click on the icon...".

Task: How would you go about finding the artifacts you bookmarked from your pre-visit?

- "I'd go to Exhibitions, maybe to the Catalogue -I don't really know- and there I'd hope to see highlighted the object I've marked".

Task: (after presenting the picture of an actifact with label) While walking by the museum, you find this object and are specially interested on it. How do you go about learning more about it?

- She reads the label and when sees object code, she says she would click on the Enter Object Code option at the Home screen. She misses the Send button.

- The artifact page is shown. Asked about the more interesting info for her, she says "Maybe the video, the comments... but I don't understand what Tags is... because... any other could read the comments?". Already at the Comments panel, she says "I see the comments others have done and I see that I can also add a comment... What I didn't expect when I sent myself the comment [during the Pre-visit to remember the object] was that other people could read it! Now I see that the comments cannot be private and that my previous comment has no sense because it wasn't collective!!".

- When asked about marking the object to remember it at home,"I'd click on Collect, but it's not clear for me... because I identify Collect with picking up" [seems to have some confusion with the language].
- When asked about seeing other related objects, she clicks on Go to related artifacts. She finds this option quickly. Asked about changing the way in which the objects are ordered, she says "Maybe with one of these buttons [the two buttons at the top right of the page] but I don't know... At a first glance, I don't see it to be possible".
- [back at the object page] Asked about seeing more images of the object, she points to the arrows over the image and says "I see these arrows, but they seem to rotate the image... the top arrows [arrows at the right of the top bar] seem to drive me to other objects and these two [the ones over the image] to rotate this one?".
- Asked about seeing the image in a bigger size, she immediately makes the typical iPhone zoom-in (separating the fingers from one point).
- Asked about sharing the object with a friend, she points on Send "Id click on Send and I'd hope to find the iPhone app to send... something like SMS or email... well much better email, isn't it?"

Post-visit scenario

Task: How would you go about finding the objects you collected?

- She immediately answers she would click on MyCollection button at the home screen.

Exit questionnaire

How was your overall experience using this application?

  • Very pleasant--it's great!

What would *you* use this application for? Choose as many as are appropriate.

  • Planning a trip to a museum
  • Fun
  • Education/learning

What sorts of features or functionality would you have liked to see in a mobile app like this? (e.g., what's missing?)

- 3D Codebar reader, to avoid entering the object code.
- At the artifact's page: audio with info about the artifact (to listen to the information instead of reading it, when in museum)

What would you have changed in this app? (e.g., what can be improved? What would make it more fun or engaging?)

- Collect [refers to the button]

How useful do you think it is to "collect" artifacts, objects, and paintings?

  • Very useful! I'd use it frequently.

How useful do you think it is to see artifacts, objects, and paintings other people "collected"?

  • Useful. I'd use it sometimes.

How useful do you think it is to tag artifacts, objects, and paintings?

  • Not useful at all. I'd probably never use it.

How useful do you think it is to see the tags of artifacts, objects, and paintings?

  • Not very useful. I wouldn't use it very often.

How useful do you think it is to comment on exhibits?

  • Not useful at all. I'd probably never use it.

How useful do you think it is to read comments other visitors left for exhibits?

  • Very useful! I'd use it frequently.

How useful do you think it is to comment on artifacts, objects, and paintings?

  • Not useful at all. I'd probably never use it.

How useful do you think it is to read comments other visitors left for artifacts, objects, and paintings?

  • Not very useful. I wouldn't use it very often.