Environmental scan
Inclusive Learning resources and relevant papers
Inclusive Teaching and Learning, Washington University
The Teaching Center
Topics covered include:
- Include Diverse Content, Materials, and Ideas
- Create an Inclusive Environment
- Encourage a Growth Mindset
- Strive for Equality of Access to Instruction and Assistance
- Gather and Use Feedback to Refine and Improve your Strategies
University of Toronto Inclusive Teaching resources
Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation
Files under Teaching Strategies
- Strategies to help educators make their courses and classrooms inclusive to as many students as possible.
- Defining inclusive teaching as: aiming to eliminate common barriers to student success and to provide all students with the opportunity to demonstrate their facility with the course material.
- Draws a distinction between inclusive teaching and accommodations.
- Accommodations are necessary responses to particular student needs.
- If students have an accommodation request, they may work with educator or through a campus accessibility office to arrange an appropriate accommodation.
- While accommodations respond to particular student needs, inclusive teaching anticipates common barriers to student learning and incorporates additional flexibility and approaches from which all students, including students with disabilities, those with significant home or professional responsibilities, English language learners, and first-generation university students, can benefit.
Inclusive Education Canada
a national non-governmental organization (NGO) committed to quality education for all students in inclusive schools and classrooms in Canadian schools.
advocate for effective policy provision and investment in supports for teachers and students, as well as building capacity in schools and classrooms to make inclusion both a successful and practical reality.
Case for Inclusive Education—TDSB paper
- JK-12 public education
- Builds case for IE using research references, case studies and suggested system implementation
- Presents debate between Spec Ed and Inclusive Ed
- Identifies areas where more research is needed in order to better support and accommodate these specific differences in an inclusive environment (eg. behavioural disorders)
- Standpoint: “In almost every country, inclusive education has emerged as one of the most dominant issues in the education of SWSEN [Students with Special Education Needs]. In the past 40 years the field of special needs education has moved from a segregation paradigm through integration to a point where inclusion is central to contemporary discourse” (Mitchell, 2010, p. 121)
Authoring environments
Open text resources and OER practice hubs