Learning Commons Resources License Selection Research
Some questions to answer:
- What licenses should be available?
- How does someone choose the right one? Do we create a resource explaining this? License selection can have some consequences (i.e. can not revoke a CC license once given)?
- What licenses are coops already using?
- If they haven't considered a license, what features are important to them? What are their concerns?
Some possible licenses to consider:
- CC and derivatives
- Public Domain
- Copyright
License chooser exemplars:
- Choose an open source license (for code) - https://choosealicense.com/
- Creative Commons license chooser (for content) - https://creativecommons.org/choose/
- Freedom Defined list of licenses (incl. table) -https://freedomdefined.org/Licenses
- Civic Commons - http://wiki.civiccommons.org/Choosing_a_License/