Meeting with Cataki August 8, 2019

    • Following up from last time - last time we said we’d do some co-design sessions, we sent you some material - thoughts?
    • Henrique - time is sensitive, we really need to do it now
      • We’re working on the next version
      • Some new features - possibility of payment for waste collectors through digital banking 
      • Main issue - we need to talk to the waste collectors, they’re so used to getting money in their hands
      • Co-design group regarding the waste collectors, its mandatory to make it happen as soon as possible - crucial part of the app, we’re already designing and working on
      • We have a completely new version of the app to talk to the users to make sure they have a better user experience
      • We are ready to make it happen
    • Henrique’s update
      • Making a lot of partnerships with Coca Cola, Nestea
      • We have also been focusing on the big generators - condo, bars and restaurants, and other major companies that are not our usual user - but can represent a good source of material, new way of generating revenue
      • We’ve won the Shiva’s grant - great income for us, use that to get a new version of the app - better UX, including digital payment (ASAP!), and restorability of the material (?)  - need data of the material 
      • New version is hoping on these 2 things - making sure we can allow payment, restorability of the material
      • We also need to make sure the waste collectors are very well trained in order to start collecting on companies, bars, restaurants - we need to make sure we find ways of training them and making them able to work with companies, in places that are different than sao paolo - we need to find ways of long distance training, through videos, things like that
      • Have catadores work on a more professional basis to get into bigger projects and make more money
      • That’s why the co-design process is so important - talking to the catadores, and the users
        • Technical support of getting this long distance training going
        • Getting support on the best way of method of digital payment - so many options for digital payment - we are lost in so many options
        • I hear in SA, apps allow payments without banks - we’re trying to do research into these
    • Dana - you know the catadores, what co-design looks like. What we need to understand is… you have the app, you are in the process of updating the app?
      • Yes, a big update - we’re going to introduce very heavy stuff and very new features - ex. We need to know the weight of the material is being dealt or sold thru the app - info the industry needs about the app - dont have it today, must have in the next version
      • In Brazil, if you don’t give some kind of incentive in their homes - they don’t do the separation of the material - they’re lazy, we don’t have enough laws to make them do it, we don’t have the culture of separating material
      • Maybe discount or stars to those who separate materials
    • Dana - the co-design we would do would fit into the new design, the update? Yes
      • Digital payment
        • Need to figure out partner, there’s so many options
        • More open ended, exploring what features and functionalities catadores will want in the system
      • Data gathering / materials tracking
        • Helps establish Cataki in the market, this is what the partners need
        • Who will be using this most? Who are the users?
          • We need this information, basically
          • We’ve been discussing with companies, they need to understand the answers to the material waste they haven’t been able to get back - reverse logistics
          • They need to get back as much as they can of the material they put on the market
          • Talking to the waste collectors in Brazil, an important route to get this back
          • If they’re going to invest in us, they need to get back material
          • Right now catadores take everything to the junkyard

  • How much tonnes of materials they got back - especially plastic bottles - bottles also need to go back to be recycled

          • Waste collector gets paid based on what he brings back
          • IF we make them sort the material, it might slow them down - where it might make sense is when they sell the material in the junkyards
          • Collection centre already does separation of material 
          • But that information is lost
          • Collection centre - we have close connections with them
          • We tried to get cooperativas to be a part of autonomous collectors
            • Group association of cataki
            • We try to get them to receive material from the autonomous collectors
            • They function as a buyer of the material as well
            • They are the other source where the catadores to sell the material
      • Might need 2 different sessions for these 2 different pieces
        • Catadores and what they want
        • Or together?
        • Henrique discuss this with Luis and Mundano
        • But we think - we need to have a group of waste collectors, able to have them feel free to discuss issues with buyers
        • But at another point, we need to get them together
        • We need some time alone with the collectors
      • Training
      • How much of this is already designed? Who’s designing and developing it?
        • Not designed yet
    • There’s a few ways we can do it - sessions in different locations, etc. Do you think its possible to do it in a few different locations?
      • Yes, exactly, I discussed that a lot with Mundano and Luis
      • Renato - focus on technology and making sure the app runs ok
      • It’s best for us to have the collectors here in our office, but also have an open platform for catadores all over brazil to join it - the right amount of people in the session, working on the co-design process
      • We found someone who does the co-design process and is used to doing it - partner of ours
        • Might be from google?
      • We’ve been working on the process, now we’re ready to set a date and do it
      • Old and new users who can make a good panel
      • Input from co-design will help Renato make decisions and build tech
      • We need to get Cataki to the place where we can deliver on data and expectations
        • Need to assure our place in the market
    • Timing
      • What’s the timing for updating the app?
      • We want to update it in different stages
      • We want to have the first part of the new version in 30-40 days
      • Then another 30 days, we’ll have the 2nd part
      • We’ll have it completely done in a 3-month period
      • But the first good change, the first real change, we pretend to have in 30-40 days
      • Which should include… new designs
      • They have in house designers and developers
      • Might also deal with outside resources for technology
      • But the vision is - sooner or later, we’ll have to have in house developers and designers
    • Prioritization - what do you want to do first?
      • To see our app more holistically, I can send you a doc of what functionalities we want to have in a few months
      • We did prioritize - first version, etc
      • Henrique can share that with us

  • Henrique can do this today

    • Dana - when you do have someone identified who is identified to facilitate, connect us


  • Henrique to send prioritization sheet
  • Henrique to connect us with facilitator
  • Henrique to look over the co-design activities, give us feedback on what works or doesn’t specifically to your context
  • Timing - week after next (week of the 19th) - it would be great to have it in August