Meeting with CoRise August 15, 2019

  • Timing
    • Union bargaining with admin means a conflict for Sept 7
    • Sept 21st for both sessions?
  • Meet with facilitators soonish to give time for any prep
  • Recruiting
    • Looking to Pam and Jamilla to pull people in, but since they have networks, its not a worry
    • Do you have people RSVP? Yes, we confirm everyone’s coming so we know the numbers
  • Compensation
    • We’ll check with our finance person
    • Give participants VISA gift cards or cash?
  • Have someone from IDRC on-site?
    • Can make it happen
    • Concurrent sessions now, so we’d need 2 people
    • Pro is that we hear the output first-hand 
    • Con is that it might change the dynamic, but we can probably manage this
    • Have Anne in one location as note-taker, and one of us in other?
    • It’s hard to facilitate and also take notes at the same time!
  • 2 conference rooms - have them both on screen?
    • Have them share outcomes as they go? Or two separate tools?
    • This would be a great convo with Jamilla and Pam
  • ICA working in partnership with international SIEU and local
    • None of us are tech people!
    • Want to be cognizant as we move forward about what it looks like to be using it , who owns the data, who is hosting it, providers own and access the data
    • Concerns around data security - expense tracking e.g. 
    • Explore privacy settings during co-design?
      • Is this data that you’d want private? aggregated ? anonymity
    • Knowing the questions is important - don’t need to solve it all in one day
    • From tech perspective we are keeping this a priority
    • Cheryl - a grid activity re: who can see the data etc
    • Providers do see value in aggregated data - politically - what the expenses are in running childcare vs what the state is paying


  • IDRC to check in with Iris on compensation and how to get it to CoRise (form sent by email Aug 20)
  • Anne will email to set up a meeting with Pam and Jamila, and will send the co-design activity doc to them
  • IDRC to look into potentially having someone down there? (Cheryl can attend)