Knowledge Platform Design Brief


The design brief document intends to specify the scope and requirements for two different models of the Knowledge Platform: one that can be developed within the constraints of the current BIT project's time and budget, and a second, more ambitious platform for which may require sourcing out further resources.

This document will include an overview of the activities and results that has happened throughout a collaborative process between the BIT community and the IDRC. It will also include a set of site maps, wireframes, and user experience considerations to assist prospective designers and developers working on this website to be able to take this document and turn it into the Knowledge Platform


  • The content for this document is built based on the contributions from the Bodies in Translation community who participated in the 4 co-design sessions hosted by IDRC.
  • The summary and synthesis of the results from each session has been done by IDRC.
  • The site map, wireframes and any other artifacts used during the co-design process are created by IDRC based on the co-design sessions' results.
  • The synthesized results, site maps, and wireframes are reviewed by the BIT community during and after the co-design sessions to ensure they are aligned with the project's goals and the vision of the community for the Knowledge Platform.


  • Overview of all 4 co-design sessions
  • Synthesized results from all 4 co-design sessions
  • User stories for the platform
  • Site map
  • Wireframes
  • Practical tips for future design and development
  • Feature prioritization for each model of the knowledge platform
  • Additional artifacts and resources