All About Me Bag

This exercise is intended to help participants self-reflect on their life experiences and find items that they would like to share a story about. Participants should be provided with the bags at least 1-2 days prior to a collaborative activity/event/workshop in order to have enough time to complete this activity. During the workshop, participants will be sharing their items with the other participants and share personal stories and experiences.


  1. Put three things in the bag that tells a story about your self.
  2. If an item doesn't fit in the bag take a photo or a video of it, place a reminder note in the bag and bring the device with the photo or video to the workshop.
  3. Bring your bag to the workshop!

Tip: Modeling a sample bag can help participants better understand the required task and complete the activity.

Label template: MeBAG labels_Avery48464Labels.docx

Paper bag with All About Me Bag 3-step instructions label stuck on the front